Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


O be Discredits of Learning.

se ed an infuse in the Humours of thes

the Creatures, illi regard to the Creat UreS


BUT further, it is an assure Truth. and warrante by Experience, that a sinati, o superficia Tast os Philosophy, a perchanc incline a Man to theis m, ut thata deeper Draught bring him bach again to

Religion. For, in the erat rance to Philosophy, hen the Secondi auses, hicli are, sit ere, eares to the Sonses, offer them

selves to the in o Man, and the indit eis leaves uni them, and welis p- O them, an Oblivio of the Firs Causema postibi cree in ut is a Man pro-

and Consederac , Causses, and the


Objections os Potiticians, c.


Quarter abo ut Carneades the Philosopher, who was come Embasi idor romin ome, ta-


like ruis that Anytas, the Accuser of Socrates, laid it as an Article of Charge and Accusation against hi in Thathe id by the Power an Variet of his Discourses and Disputations embas in the Mind of ouragmen the Authori tyrandReverence of the Larus an Custonas of thei Country , and that he id pro- sese a dangerous an pernicious Art, illi Whicli, hoeve was furnissi'd, might ahethe wors Caus the eiter, an suppressTruth it et by the Train and Braveryo Eloquence, BUT these, and the ih Imputations. Carr rather a personate Gravity than any Sincerit o Truth. For Experience Wit Deiles, a the seli-sam Persons, o the et D sam Times have fidurissi' in the Glor of Arms and ood Letters at once. A for Men, e ma instanc in that oble Patro Emperors, Alexander the rear, and D-lius C sa the Dictator , he ne Arasotis's Schola in Philosophy, the ther, vero's Rival in Eloquetice. O i an Mamiliouldrather cali fur Learnes en that have pro-ved great Generais, than Generat that ineragreat Scholars there is ready fori in Epa minonidas the Theban or Zenophon the Athenian the forme of hicli a the irstiliat paved the Way to the overthro osthe


the Persia Monarchy Andri his Marriage, agit ere, of Aim an Letters is et more

visibi in Times, than in Persens, by hoo much an Age is a greater O e than a

Man. For the ver sam Times it the gyptians, s Uyrianis, Persans, Greciaris, and Romanό that a re mos renown' for militar Vertue ruere lihewis mos admired forLearning oo , so that the gravest Authorsan Philosophers, and the mos celebrated Captain and overno urs have lived in thes a me Age Nor in deed an it therinis he,

sor as in an the Vigor of Bod an Mindgro i maturit almost together sive that the forme is a litile more early thanthe ther so in States, the Glor of Armsandiearia in Othe ne hereo correspondsto the Body the the to the oulo reeither Coevat, o follo one nother eryciose. NON O matter of Polic and Govern ment, that Learn in mould rather e an Impediment, than a et to it, is a Thingvery improbabie. e ali confess it an un- ad vise Res , to commit a natura Body, and the Cure of ealth, o Empyrichthysiactans, Who a re ruont to mali hoast os a se Reeeipis, Whicli stem to them universa Reme- dies in confiden ce of hicli the venturet attem p any thing, hen et the ne it herkno the ause of Distases, nor the Constitutions


rien cla Iriar and we hali sind that the Acts of fuch iopes a re usuali more memorabie, than of those ho have laende to the Papac frona an Education ans Breed in in Assairs of State, an in the Couris of Princes or altho Men that have penimost of thei Lis in Letters are est quichan nimbie in apprehendin Occasions, and in Potnts of Convenience,' and accommodatini Things for the present, ,hicli the Italians calluetioni di fato, the verymamzwhereos Pius Ouintus could o bear, eingia sed to say, That the were the mere Devices of iched en , herewith to oppresse Religion and the mora Viriueso et in his there is in ad ample Recompence, that theyare perfeci an ready in therias and plain Way of Religion Iustice monesty, and themora Nirti es which Way the that Onstanti aeep, ill o more nee thos other Remedies, than ut d Body oes Physiich. MoreOver, the pace fine an 's is cannot furia illi relidunt enough to direct the


Event of ut ne an ' Lise For a itso metimes appens that the Grand son, orgreat Graiadson, resembles the Grand-Father, orareat Grand-Father more than the Father, se an times it comes to passe, that theoccurrences of present Times ori ettermitti antient Examples, than illi thos eos later Times Lastly The Witis one Manyield a much to the Extent an Latitudeo Learn in g, a the In come of a private Manto public Treas ury. AND tho' 'taeere granted that tho se Depravations Indispositions and Impedimenis, whicli are impute to Learn in by Politiclis, were o any orce an Validi ty, and ad an Truth in them, et it must e remem bred ithat, ilia Learn in in ach of theseis more medicina than it is urtiui Forallow, that earn in by a secret Influencerender the in irresolute an perplexi yet certaini it laini teachesio to un-win the Thoughis, o faro deliberate, and when at asto resolveri nay, it he wsho Things in the mean time a be protracted an suspended without Prejudice. KE it lihewis granted That earn ingmahes Men' Mind to possitive an stist ,3 et witha i teaches, what Things a re in thei nature Demonstrative, and what Con