장음표시 사용
Pali age, the et ter o describe the Mediocrities of Virtu es that can satisf this Intention For is it deserve to e considered, bat heres Zrre in s hic are proportione to great Matters and other; osmal hicli Aristotis hand leth, o ought to have aiadled by the Nam o Magnatim idoth it no deserve aqwel to e considered, That there are in proportioned to intendmani Mattei I, and otbersi eno id o that seme an divide thenaseives,other Can perchance do exacti well, ut it naus belut in se Things at iace An sothere cometh tot a Nari omnes of Min , agwel as a Pusillanimit'. And again, That fomes Min s are proportione to that hic ni dispatobed Gonoe, or,ithin a bor Retur of Ameis Othors to ibat hic begiris asar os, and is to e Gon it,length flairsuit. Hoc regnum ea gentibus esse Sistia fata sinant, jam tum tendit'; OUetq;
Dryden. SO that there Dy be fit ly sit. to e Longanimi *hicli is commoni also ascribe lio God as a Magnanimit . o fur ther deservexit to e considered by Aristotis Thatthere is a Desposition in Conversation sun sng
cern a Mans se xto Sootis an Pleas , auda Disposition conpra , to Contraditandiro lis. An deserveth it no much et ter tot considered, bat there is a Disposition no in Co)ioersation or Talsi, ut in alter of more
serioris Nature Canistinos et i sit in Things
meret indifferentὰ to tale Pleasure in the goodo tanother , and a Disposition contrarimi e tota es Dylas at the good of another j hicli is that Property, hicli, cal Good Nature, orii Naturo, Benignit irinalgnit . And there- for I cannot ussicienti marvet, that this Partos Knowledge tota ching the severat Charactersos Natures and Dispositions sirouidie omitte dboth in Moralit an Poli cy, considering twould ast suci resplendent Beatus of Lightupon both hos Sciences. Man hal sin in the Traditions os Astrolog sonae preti and p Divisiton of
Heroical, Satyricat, Tragical Comicat, a Maia strat sinu very here the mage of Viis, though common ly illi Excesse, and beyon ille Proportion o Truth. ut thebei Provision, and obtest alter of such a Treatis may be setch fro in the wiser sortis Historians,
Historians, ut et o frona the Elogies n-ly, inhicli the are Non to subjoin ponmention in the Deathis an illustrious Person , ut much more rom the entire Body of the History, as osten a suci a Person entersu pon the Stage a it ere. For his inter-woven Image seems tot a bet ter Description, than an Judgmen passV pon a m in an Elog : As that in T. Liviris, o Gr7 an VS, and of Cato the Elder , In Tacitus, o Tiberius, claudius, and Aero In Herodiau, of Septivatus eoerus , In Phil: de Commines, of Lemis the Eleventi, o France , In raucis Guicciardine, o Perdinandi Spetin, Maximilia the Emperor, and of Leo, an Clement, Bishops of Roine. For these riters having the Image of thos Persons, homo he madechoice of to decipiter, constanti ascit e re in thei Eye, hard ly ver ah mentis of their Acts an Alchi evenients, without inter sper-
sin a the sanae Time omething rouching thei Natures. O likerui se a Maia hal findi the wis est sori filiose Relations, hicli the
Italians mali to uchin Conclaves, the NatureSof the severa Cardinals liandi mi and livel patia ted forti, A the Letters of Embis sa- dors et sortii iii Natures and Manners of Couia sellor to Princes A an mali meet
with in very Day' Conserenc the De nomination os sensitive, dry formal, resal, hum9uruus, certain momo di prima impressione Huo
where thes Observation 8 gro , hereos vena alie a se Postes to hold in ur Hand g, butno Mani ringetli them to the Confectionary, that Reccipis may be ad of them for the se of Life here fore et there e madeo ut of this alter whicli certa in ly is ruit fu and copiolas a diligent and ut Treatisse. ut m Mean in is not, that these Characters fias ut in Ethiosis a in Histori es, and
Poems, and in common conversation aedra wn a perfect entire Civit Images , ut ra-ther g the Lines, and rude Strohes of the
and subordinate ne to the ther , to the endthere may be made a init os artificia and accurate Disiectionis Temper an Natures , and that a Discovery ma be ad of the Secret os Dis possitions in particula Persons, an froni the nowledge thereos, recepisand Rules more trul dra n so the Cures of
sitions impressed by Nature, ought to e ta-ken into his reati se but thole also, hi ch
Uohintates, ut ehementes sunt, sc mobiles, saepeq; ipse sibi adversae. Tacitus observeth hoinrarely Iaising of the Fortune mendeth the Disposition, Solus Vespasiantes mutati s in vict- litus Pindar malles an Observatio that greata nil ladde Fortune Ioosens and dissine rus Men' Minds, There are sonte that are tot ableto diges rea Felici the Psata heruet hit is more eas to keep a Mealare in the en-joyin os Fortune, than in the Increasse of Fortune . IT Riche incresse, set no Iour Heari soli them These observations and the lihe, I den not, ut are touched a litile by risolle, as in Passage, in his Rhetoriclis, an areiandied in fonte cattere Discourses, but the were neve incorporate into MoralPhilosophy, to hicli the do flentiali be- long as the nowledge of the Diversit ofGround doth to Agriculture, and the Knox-Jedge of the Diversit of Complexions and Const tutions oth to the Physiician except e mean o follo the Indiscretion o Empiriclis, ho administer the fame Medicines toal Patients of inhat Constitution Oever.
AN OTHER Article of this norule 'geis the Inquiry touching the Affections : Foras in Medicining of the Body the irst Thingin Orderiis, o lino the divers Complexions and Constitutions decondiy the Diseases anillast l) the Cures So in Medicining of the Mina, iter uoiuledge of the divers Characters
raeter of Men' Natures, it folio rueth in Or- de to kno the Dis eases and Infirmities of the Mind whicli are o the than the Perturbations and Distem per of the Affections Foras the Antient Politique in Popular States mere on to Compare the Peoplea theraea, and the orator to the in dy because a the
Sea ould of it self be catin and quiet, is the Wind di no move and tro ubi erit; so the People ould beseaceable and tractable is theseditious Orator di not et them in orking an Agitation S it a b fili faid that he in os an in themature thereos Wouldi temperate and layed is the Affecti ons, a Winds, id not ut it into Tumultandier turbation An here again I in it
strange a be fore, that Aristoties mould have writte divers Volumes of Et hi ques, an neve handled the Affections, hicli is the principat Subject thereos, and et in his Rheto
mel for the Quantity ut here their ruei lac is, e pretermitteth them For it is nothis Disputations abo ut Pleas ire anilia in thalca satisf this Inquiry no more than hetliat movi generali han ille the Nature of Light, an e sal to an die the Nature os Colours: For Pleas ure and a in re to tueparticula Affections a Light is to particular
ther. and ither the likes Particularities: Amongst the whicli, his last is os special se in ora and Civit atters ho I say to et Affection agunstrassection, anxio master ne
nsement, hereb Civi States consist ina-ploying the predo minant Assections o Raμandiope, for the suppressin grandaridi ing therest. For a in the GoVern menti States, itis necessar to ridie ne actiora illi anuther, si it is in the Goveriament Within. NO come e to thos e Potnis hici aremith in ur Wn Command an have Force an operation pon the in to affect the ili an Appetite, an to alter Mannerge Wherein the Philosophers ought o have made diligent and ainful Inquir concerning the Force and Energ of Cristom, Exercise Habit,
Prien i g, rase, Reproin, Exhortation, Fame, LaπS, Boo s Studies, and the like Fortheseare the Potnis hichiave Dominion in Moralit Fro in these Agent the Mindiu fereth, andi turn' about O these, as Ingredients Receipis are compounded, hicli conduce to the Preservatio an Recover of the Health and Good Estate of the inii, a far a perta in et lito Human Medicine. Os whicli umber,ewili selectis me one o tW to insisti ponis an Ex ample of the rest, ecauserit Nere to long
to savour much of Neglige iace, and a narro πContemplation, here e asseris, That ver
thos Actions hic li are natural Cusom athnolowers using o Example ollat i a Stone be thrown te thous an Times up it viillio Iearn to ascend of it self And that by osten Seein Dor Hearing, e do ut earn to See ormea the eiter. For though this Principiet true in Things here in Natureis Peremptor the Reason hereos, cannot no stando discuss) et it is otherruis in Things, herein Nature, according to a Latitude, admitteth os Intention an Remi gmn. Forte might se that a streight love illCome more asily on illi se, and that a