장음표시 사용
master' a it ere, aliis agendo ecause suci is the instincti Nature, that he in amanne hates Necessit and severe Commands. Man other Rules there a re hichisa prosi
Books and tu dies, and of thei Poine and
Experience in Anyto spea Truth, is no this the Reason, that thos mos excellent Books and Discourses of Antient riters inherebyMen re naost powerfuit invite to Virtue as et by representingier August Majestyto the Eyes fili as by exposin to Scurn, popular opinions attir' acit ruere, to the Di grace of Viriue, in themabit os Paralites a re of socii ille Effect toruard Honest of Lise, and the Reformation os corrupi Manners ;hecause the use noto be rea and revolv'db Men mature in Iears and Iudgment, utare testini to Boys and Beginner. Is notthis also true, that oungmen re much lessiit Auditor os Policy than Morality, ill theyare throughly se sond with Religion, and the Doctrine of Manners and Duties; est haplytheir Iudgmen iste in deprav'd and corrupted, the mouid come to thin k, that there remo Nora Diti rences true and solid of hings hut that ali is to e mea fur 'd by Utilit orSuccesso A the Poet says: Pro pertim felix scelus Virtus vocatur. AND again Ille ciuicem preti sceleris tulit, hic diadema.
of Lust and Blood, and an exalted Spirit, and of ali mortal Imbition inpari mos to eadmired. . Me se by this very Thing also, horum ecessar it is sor Men to drin deepisPious and Mor i Doctrines, e fore the iaste of Politich so that the who are red pin the Couris o Princes, an in Asfairs of State, frona thei tender ears, hard ly verattain a sincere an in Ward Probit o Man-ners 'ON much les is therei added thereto the Discipline of Corruptioohs also Again, even in Mora Instructions thenaseives, o atteast ome of them, is no Caution likerui se tobe sed test en ecome hereby tiis, Arrogant, an Insociabie, accordin to that fCicero, ouchin M. Cato Haec bona, qua Uidemus divinio egregia, i ius scitote esse pro
pria quae nonnunqIsam requirimus ea fr/nt
Studies do infuse an instili into Manners. For that is a true Saying, Abeunt Studia in Mores Which may equali be assirm V of thos otherioints of Co any Fames, a Gand the est, hicli e recite in the Be- ginning of the Doctrinem Morali . BUT there is a Culture of the Mind that
see methoe more accurate and elaborate hanthe est, an is uili pon this mund , That the Mind of alimen armat some Timeain a State more perfect aniatisther lines in a State more depraυed. The Purpos the
Thingsae supposed That a Man et inores
him hones and good Entra, and again that hctbe Resolute, Consant, an True Gaio them,
iba that the mouid continue to es a Good an Propitiores Lord to them, as Trajan ad besen f ascis hei ad not been only an Imitationos Divine Nature, ut a Patier os t. . ut
humanam etiam, Thaliove teaches a Manao
carr himself helter, than the Sophisti Praeceptor, homine calis Lot-hande 'ecausemith ali his Rules and recept he cannot formis an si dextrous, .nor illi that Facilit to value himself, and govern himself, si Love cantam So certaint i a Man's indbe trul in flamed illi Charit', it doth workhim uddent into greater Persection, than allthe Doctrine of Moralit can do, hic is buti Sophis in Comparison of themther. Nay, farther, a Zenophon observ' truly that allother Assections though the rais e the Mind, 3 et the do ita Distorting, and Uncomelines of Extasies o Excesses , ut oni Love exalis the Mind, and nevertheles a the fame Instant setiles an composes it SorallitherHuman Excellencies, hicli, admire, thesthe adVance Nature, et the are subject to Excessci, ni Charit admits no Excess. For
thus iis Merciis bove alliis morks. AND thus e conclude his Par of Moral Knowle e concerning the Culture and Regiment of theminae herein is a Man, considering the Paris thereos, hich vetouched pon, do jud ge, that I have alien Painsint to conect into an Arpor Science, that whichiath been pretermitted by ollae Uri
terS, a common an obvious, an plain and
Sunt gemina omni portae setfartim altera sertur Cornea, qua veras facilis datur exitu imbris Altera, candenti perfecta nitens elephanto,
Sed falsa ad C lum mittim insomnia ma-
Knowledge, that the more leas an Liquor of in is the more vaporous , and thessatelier a te of Aor sendeth forti the falset DreamS, AND thus Ne ave concluded that gernera Par of Human Philosophy, hich con- teniplateth Man, as e confisis of Bod an Dirit. t way of Supplement that Ob- servation