장음표시 사용
ma tali an Eltimate rom ence, that Menare more caresul ha they ut into a neNVesset, than into a Vesse se son 'd, and aremore curious Chat ould the lay a ut a 3 oun Plant, than abo ut a Plant corroborate orona hencerit is evident, that the
is more clea by Visions than by Dreanas. And thicis et inorth the noting that ho eve Pedagogues have run the Derision of Theatres, a the pes of Tyranny, and that the modern Times have been negligenr, an las it inere a see pras to the Choice of School- Masters, and Tutor et it ath been anantient Complaint, deliverla down even Domthe est an mi est Ages, that States areto bus as to thei Larus, and too negligent in potnt of Education. Whichiost no- te Par o antient Discipline, has in omesor been rought ac again, by Way of
ing, as in the Formationis Manners ; Thato Agestius touchin Pharnabazus, come in-t m mind, Talis cum sis, utinam noster esses Since thou ar so excellent, I illi tho wert one o us ' An thus muchfor the Discredit draon rom the Fortunes, and Condition o Learne Men. S to the Manners of Learne Men, that is a Thinguather Personat, than helong- indito Studies and Learning Andiso doubtthere are Dund amongst them, as in ali r-ders and Profession o Lise, ad as et asgood 'ut et it is neve thecies true, Whatis afferted Abire sudia in Mores, That Stu-
dies have an influence pon the Manners, and that Letters unles the meet illi ve
NeI, Cicero, Cato the econd Seneca, and many Ore re accuse of that hecause the Times, the read os, are commoni bel-
ter tha thos the live in and the uties taught, belle than the uties practis ed the conten beyond what is conVenient,t reduce the Corruptionis Manners to the
Persuasion, o Violence , ' umbi entresaζ-ing, no contesting. An Caesar' Counsellorpuis in the fame Caveat, saying, Non ad vetera institrita revocans, quae jam pridem cor-rt ptis Moribus ludibrio sunt Not redu- cing Things to the antient Custonas, hich have been long since laugiit at iapo the De- generac of ur Manners. ' Cicero alta notes his Error in Cato theraecond writin to his Friend Atticus o Cato Lyche
has most excellent botions, ut e semetimes huris the Stateri or hespea s as in the Common- meait os Plato, and not as in the Dregaqt Romulus Thessanae Cicero, by a sostrinterpretation, Xcuses the rigid Sayings, and
mia by no means persuade themselveS, ibat. an Ad vancement of their Nn Fortune 'can esset down as a true and worth End
in the Doctrinis uti es, and the Contem - .plation o universa Good, refer at thingsto them set Ves carrying thenaseives as f theywere the Center of the orid, and that the Concurrence of alliines ought toriouch in them, and thei Fortune , CVer troa
the contrary, Menalia seel theseight of uty, and understand the Limits of Selia Love, ahe good thei Places and Stations, tho' ith Perii. Anil f the chance tostand in editions and Alterations of Go- vertament, it is to erat tribute no to any Aris, o Versati temporigin Disposition in them, ut to that Revereiace, hicli Probi- ty
constanc o Falth, and tender Sense and religious Observation o Duty, hicli Eruditio doth certaint plant in the Mindso Men, hoWeve Fortune a semetimes tax and amerce them, o Politicians, frona un-sound corrupi Principies may condemn them,
for a Lover, o for amise an Satis magnum alter alteri Theatrum sumus, are a Theatre falealare ans Enteria in ment, large nough, the ne to the other. ' Ne-vertheles I mali te id that he that cannot contractati Sight of the Mind like that of the ye, as et a dilate it, is destituteos a notable Facuit for the managemento Businesse. ut the econ Caus is the
whicli argue Choice and Judgment, o D Pand Inabilit in them. For the trire and Just mund of observance toward an Person exten no further, than se to sinde nan his Temper, as to emble to conversumith him ithout offence, an to assisti im. af occasio be, illi Gunkl, an in thenaean time o ahe care os curselves in ali Man' Affections to the ensio ork him, Win him, an turn him bout a Pleasureas no the par of an ingenuous Nature, ut os a crasty and cloven-hearted an hichas in Friendiu ip it is antis Integri ty, sotoinatas Princes o Superiors, is an os Duty. For the Custom of the Levant, inhere
'the ora good For it 5ecomes no Sub lects by curious Observation to terce and penetrate an to the Hearis of in et Odesithe Scripture declares to es orliab
patroni Ze certain a est an basi Practices of Prosessor o Learning, hereis theyhave discredite both themselves an Letters ; such as ruere, in the alter Age of the Roman State, certain Trencher-Philosophers, in the Families of ealth Person S, Whoni o ma nut improperi callsolemn Parasites e ne of hichaindauctaamahes a merr Descriptionis, hom a no-ble Matron ould need have carr her
much rejudic' the Dignit of Letters asthe rosis an scandalous Flattery, here unisto any and thos no Unlearnedo aveabased their iis an Pens, transforming Hecuba into Helena, and Faustina into Lucretia i ab Du-Bartas Dys.
o Great Persons, 'tinas then oni done,
an star That it Nas, b cause Philosophers
inconsiderable altero nil at a Tyrant'sFeet to hom e reply'd That it a nothi Paula, but Dionysius's, that ad his ars in bis Foet . Nei the was it accounted Weakness, ut miscretion in him, that suffer'd