장음표시 사용
MBER II. 23. 105 noctu quasi diem essiceret. Adhibetur autem ad
partus, quod ii maturescunt aut septem nonnumquam, aut, ut plerumque novem lunae cursibus, qui, quia mensa spatia conficiunt, menses nominam
tur. Concinneque, ut multa, imaeus qui cum 5 in historia dixisset, qua nocte natus Alexander esset, eadem Dianae phesiae templum deflagravisse, adjunxit, minime id esse mirandum, quod Diana, cum in partu Olympiadis adesse voluisset, abfhisset domo. Quae autem dea ad res omnes 10
veniret, Venerem nostri nominaverunt, atque X ea potius Venustas, quam Venus ex venustate.
THE singula activit os taceres inis mas a nopino more apparent than during tho last ea es hisisse. e uten ound time o mis, in the ita otine consutio an anxieties consequent o Caesar's Math, in De Natura Deorum, De Divinatione, De Fato De Senectute, De Amicitia, De Ossitas, and Paradoxa. O these, the fidit three ere intendedas a sui expositio of the opposite opinion emeditesne o thei respectivo subjecta The De Fato, Wever, a no finiine accordis in his plan. His reatis Dematura Deorum, in three books maybe rechone the mos magnitam es an his orlis, and hoWs that neister age nor dia miniment hindone injur in the ritanos and vigor of his mind. In the rat book, Velleius in Epicurean, etssori in physica tenet o his mei and is ana ered by Cotta, hocis of the Academi sta L In thesmond Balbus, the disciple of the orta, oves an accountis his οὐ system, an is, in tum refuted by Cotta in tho inita. The eloquent extravagane os o Epicurem, the solemn enthusiasm of the Stola
108 NOTES. and the rilliant rasiler of in Academio, are comtrastin vii great vivacit and humor. Pagea Line 4. Ad agnitionem animia A manyphilosophers have thought the in t be divine, o
minor say the discussion of this subject in Fful, ecause, by investigating the natur os the goda, the philosoph of the human Mnd vili, at the fame time, be made clear See Tusc. Quaest. I. 26, 27. 7. 10. Inaesentiam. any good editions have moraliam Cicero' meminii this place is homine dissemions of the leaminis a subjeo istis meat importance, to illustrate a fundamenta maximo his seci, that the natura obscurit of things, an man a conscio nem os his ignorance, a therarat cause orinestemen to the stud of philosophy.' Plato ad expresse the fame sentiment More him hen hasaid in hae p. 156 ed. Sere. that et monder atin s a the common affectionis a philosopher, and What alone gave rise, oris Ninnire, to philos phy iraeit; ' Menoe Goem dram this inserance, hie he s equently inculcates in ther paris of his Works that in Academy, heresse, acte prudently in istholdiniit as3ent, an maintaimn stat here
a no such thingos science, or absolute certainty, wisti in mach of man. I stis, then, e the sense of the passage, ascit appearcto be, it necessarii r quires inscientiam to mine it consistent. 7. 10. Academisos a nam commoni used to
NOT . Ioshom in circumstance o his avis siosen a sint of his public instructio a celebrate gymnasium, o place of exercise in the vicinit of Athens, calledine AcademΥ. 8 4. Nudis erae .... pulavem L It is λ, te, then, stat Valerius Maximus a muta n.hen o sat stat Diagoras vas antine hom,hens sor saylache id not no vhether here me any gods, and that, is there uere, he knownothingis stela nature Pectapa he meant Protag
8. 12. Mul agant a the Epicureans inch. The subject is fuit treate in the tales Moh. 8. 20. Sunt enim philosopia particulari tho cureans. Servius ad Meid. V. 37s sus, . M ciere libris de Deorum narum, triplicem de Diis dicit esse opinionem. Deos non Gae; Qua rei auctor apud Athenas aeuatus ea Esse es nihil eurare ut Epicurei. Esse et curare ut Stoici.' 8. 23. Quo μεια ' Our author in Part. 22 distinguishes it om religion: A Juauia eryci Deos religio eri erga parentes pieta nominaruri Quo sanctitas ' is definitionis it in the 41st se tis of this book is scientia eolendorum Deorum.' s. 11. Fides i. e. the confide eis trusi Michone man places in anotheris. 13. Sunt autem Hii in Stoica, Masaeotuas Bunde by Zeno, bout 300 years B. C., and Murishod in great reputation illi the declamioni the
Ρlato, ho-ver, a much more moderate than stat olsome of his successore in the academio Sala. 11. 1. Modorus, Poridonius, MO . ei A .noraret in .ers Stolos, inmothera Academica Ant, oin ver inclined ultimates to tho Stolos. Our
author in his Brutus M , spe chiradit Diodotus.
11. 10. mitia. Iulius Caesar, hos usurpatio aster in desint of Pompey, Mema neve is have been absint stom Cicero' mmd.
11. 22. Quo in genere . . . . vinceremur. Our
author avs thiarather Mastino stan tres' eveari in the fame manner po in sine subject in mino. Quaesti L 3 and iv. 16 and in ther passages.
11. 26. Animi egritudo alludis probabi tota deat of his dinoter Tullia. 13. I. Propemodum. mong the reas theΑeadem Mellae unde Clitomachus, at vhio time it ma a Muris among the Romans, is ita id es
taeem Lucullus Varro, e. Mere auditor os Philo.
13. 13. Alio loe dilio lina The Quaesti Mad. havs macte us in an imperseo state; ut in those iis have se odiis ravam es time ho treata thiam eo mos latificis. 31 seqq. also Ossio EI. 14. 1. Sed jam . . . . referamina min. During ero a sta in in munt , Α. U. 7os, in the adit abdo mola age, ,hereae had a perpetuat resortes his Mend is his, and vhoe in thoughta Meminis e alvus emplaye omine republio, hedound te, auro si rite averat philosophieat neces, an amongothors the sollavinxtreatis omino natur of the gods,oontaining the optaona es ali in philosophera hohave ritis ominat argumenti ris minora petas in attentis of his eadem is this subjeci, Minois in Iast importanee, hic vovi insom them Matthe ouis in hiis ot religio siet' sanctit' er montes, fiath, atha, temples, M., sinoe at thea vere inelladod in stat stam questis of the goia. 14. 4. - ἄπι i. e. qui judicare velinc via a.
14. s. Pro Deram . . . . Idem a quotation hom inlius Statius a Latin eois post the oontemporaryan eompanionit Enni . e vas a nativo o Insmbria Gaul, or, as omo innis Milan, and livo at me in a servile conditionis ut 177 B. α14. 17. Quia a nos praesumtia tacem ma one ofine College of Augura.
L. Oetarius 76 B. . e nis a man es meat aeut nem. Bemg an Academio, he triecto entanos othera in the argument, thout expressinthia oo opinion.
16. 1. Feriis Latinis celebrate in the ast auaris, o in Albin hin, hero in Latina offerensacrifices to Iupiter o Latium, hono the veredassed Feriae LMinoe See Episti ad Murum, D. I. 3.16. . . Velleis tribune of the eopis, A. U. 663. cicero maris his appea a Tais disputant, and an immoderate admirer of laurus.16. . . L. Binma; disoipis of Panaetius, an apo reses advocate of the Stoicia philosophy. 15. 13. Tres enim erit- ademio, toto, and Epicurem Cotta es therarat, Bassiua of the eoo , and Velleius es in thiae.16. 14. M. Piso; of the Sisio eo See De in tore, i. 22.16. 16. NMlius pinosophiae L e. o no me olphilosophera lar here vere lauris Athens, in Umtonio inllod ais, ademio, in Aristotelian, Stola, and 16 17. Antiocti matri es Ascalon ine summa es Philo in the Academ' See ieero a Brutus, rix. 16. inluena suppi ing-.16. 13. Nasi seire diditariis i. o. o havo b eome Academica, is the maintaine that here is no
melum ruinarum V16 26. De T in μα- Plato, in his inustus, inlis God in parenti inorumverae, and in his Sophiat eas of him Ermin animato an inarum tot ings, Whio didio exist besore.'16 27. Mundum ipsum, animo ει Eniam με dirum M. in derition es Plato and the Stolas, v interiainin these opino . 17. Fabrieam L e. ariem fabrilem. 17. 11. Quinque formoe o Plato Theso vere σια, Tota rιν,χερον πιάσις, and κινησις, common. interprete in emendo. sameris arding the relation it Mars to iraei and other inires; in other, Hiero ne ining varies hom another M atation, ' and motion.' .maraus thinis theae ει -- are them elementa, an a tith, hie in Platoniata all
18. 18. Mundum . . . . mare; i. e. to domine morid in stare an Eodiam a na, as an dilaminit adora in forum an publio ma vit ata,
b philosophors in opposition to sapientis 19. 23. Signi eiur L e. aetate ait, 20. 6. Ab inimo repetam verio m. Mons in Thales, it is probabis stat Cicero mea here, M som in earlies o the philomphera. 20. . Thesea Bunder of the Ionio se es, and otine solentae method o philosophiala am ni the Greehs bom a Miletus, B C. 680.
20. 13. tivos esse L e n cis M. 20. 14. Eoaque inminerati a. e Maeris that there is an infinit os vorida that the stare Me -- posed of ais andrare viain are carried in thei spheres; that these spheres are gods and that in eari is plaee in the mici of the univeras, a in a common
20. 16. Aera Deum. o made the fidit principieof things to consist in the ab initate conaiderosas immenso or infinite, and in hichae ascribed a perpe, uia motion He asserte stat ali ining Whio μωe de hom it vere definite and reumscribad; and that this at ther ore, Mod, aino the divine ροπα naided in and agitatin iti