Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings, and other measures, resorted to by the British government, and numerous private individuals, to overpower the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights

발행: 1836년

분량: 293페이지


분류: 미분류






of the place, pro vosts, at dormen, constabies and other ossicers, deaeons os crast S and of hors requi Silo.

s. The p0wer of busto ing sax0urs, privileges, employments and hono urs On deserVing persons, and os mal ing Sub-granis of any portion or portions of the laniis to those Wh0should c venant anil contradi for the Same . I. The p0 er of giving, grunt ing and conferring ossices und tities, and of c0nstitutingand appotia ting osside-bearors, bullies, cleriis, barony and borough ossisters, and Other assistants for the administration os justice, according to the qualities, conditions and meriis of the persons Who fhould reside in the suid country, or Who fh0uid adventure theirmeans or sortunes sor the prosit ther00f.


1 Q. The po er os appotnting conv0cati0ns and assemblies of ecclesiastical pers0ns sorchureli discipline, and of authori sing and rati sying the fame, and their aeis and decrees. 13. The power of appotiating gOVernors and c0m mandants of the poris, navat stutions and bays, and captains of casti es and soris.1 I. The po ver of app0inting clerks, ossicei S and serjeunts or macers of the severat judicatorius and jurisdictions. 15. The p0wer and privilege of having and la fully establishing and coining current money, With the instruments and officers necessary sor that purp0se. It is to be remarhed, as to the ossices, po ers and privileges ab ove Writ ten, that in the


the colant Py.

Aecordingly, the portioris of laniis in question Were actualty surrendered, and the re- granis of thum si ona the Crown made, With and under the e X ceptions and reservations



attempted a fetilement on the Iste de Sabie, and cruiged for sonae time on the coast of Nova Seotia Without any success, returned homo in disgrace, and di id of grief. Othero Overnors, hGNever, Were more Successsul in their eXpeditio iis, and by the increasingattractions of the sur trade, Were enabled to collect great numbers of Settiers, and to s0rma setilement in Canada, or New France, as it Was then by that nam e designated.



very generat gesti s r the Christian instruction of the Indians Was excited through thul in gilom of France, and many individuals of rauli and property devoted their lives and

their fortunes to the cause. The Jesu iis, however, s00n en grossed the sole directiori ost his underia in g, and were greatly instrumental in obstrueting the pr0speri ty of thec0lony, by their perpetuat contentions With the governors, and by the pernici ius effeciswhicli their lab0urs produceti up0n the character of the natives. Even when they vere successsul in their ministrations, they may bu said tu have made ullius to the Fronch, rather than converis to Christiani ty. These lost in a great degree the usus ut qualities of the savage, Without acquiring the virtu es of the Christian ,-relaXed their w0nted corii ago and vigilance,-dependod iapon their ne V allies in many instanees both for protection and for subsistunce, and thus bucame a heavy burden, instead of proving a use-ful barrier is the colony. The degraded appea rance also, and ens ebled spirit of the Indi uia tribes Who thus submitted tu the tuition of the Catholic coloni sis in Canada, compared With the industrious pursu iis, ordei ly conduci, improved habitations and increas-ing conis oris of those WhO ere instructed by the Protestant missionaries on the bordersos New En gland , tended greatly tu inspire the nativus in generat With a gro ing respect anil attachment to the Englisti, Whil si it confirmed their contempt and disti he of the French. The Englisti colonisis natural ly exerted their en deavOurs to en Oui agethis prodi lection, and many of the Indians bucam e stili more partial to their intercoiit se, sor this additional reason, that they s und in these states a bettur price for their furs thau What the Freneli mei chanis could assor l. The principio Whieli the Freneli adoptud, of treating ali th0se Indi an tribus as onem ies ivlio carried their commodities to the traders of New Englanii, or Who received Englisti missionaries among them, as Weli as religiolis dissensions amongst the colonisistheniselves, greatly retarded the prospexity of the set ilement; biit, in the yeur 1627, ille Freneli minister, Cardinal Richolieti, Wh0 cordialty huted the Protestanis, put the province of New France under the management of a chartered company, whicli hocndo cil With great privileges, ii poli condition that they should eXclude the Huguenois, and ostablisti Catholic priosis in every districi. It was in that year that the King of Englanil, Charies I, en tered into a War With France to support the Huguenois; and , in the solio ving year, being moved by a destres0r tho diffusion of the Christian religion,' and in ordor that Sir William Alexander,


o Canada, he has propos ed est ablishments in thssu paris of the p nitation hicli se em to bu favsu rabie to the propagation os the suid religion, and as tending so much to the gi stat hono ur und prosit of our anciunt hingdom of Seotia nil, Whenco it may come to A pass that the sa id colonius, tu be planted by hi in and his Success0rs, may, by this means, in proces s 0f time, dis eo ver the fore suid way or passage to the said suas, much hitheleto sor eight y rea fons Sought sor, and So osten by variotis persons under talion : There- fore, and sor e X citing the more earn sest resolutions of the suid Sir Willium, his heirs, assigias, joint underi akers and associales, to fui ther progress in such and 80 great an

enterprise,' his Majest y granted a charter to Sir William Alexander, bearing dato Ud February 1628, and passed under the Great Seal of Scottanii, of certa in is laniis an dextensive tracts of land 0n both si des of the River Canada or St La ronde, ali to bucalled the dominion or lord sh ip of Canada, si ona thu nam e of the great river a fores at d. In these traeis Was part ly comprehended a portion os laniis of Whicli I ing James h ad granted a patent to the Plymo uili Company in l620. One part of their patent, asbes re state J, Was surrendered by thut company, in 162l, tu his Majesty, by Wh0m it vas re-granted to Sir William Alexander, on loth September the fame year: Anil agrant of another part of the asseresuid patent was obta ined by him frona th0 Plymo ut hCompany on 22d April l 635, Whicli, by construction os luxv, the ab ove- mentione d char-ter of Qd I bruary 1628 c0rroborated, and will be more particular ly noti ced hereaster. The expedition of Sir David Kerth against the c0unt i y of Canada t00k place in thalystar l628 ; and he, considering it a s with in the limits of tho dominions of the King os Englunii, attached Quebec With the Englisti under his command , Who made thenaseives mas ters of the Freneli se ille menis, and , particular ly, of the sort of Quebee, bulli byCla amplain in 160S, whieli h0w0ver King Charies, by the tre ty of St Germain, ordei ed tu be gi ven up to sueti as thu Fren ii K ing should appo in t to receive doli very of it. Parti amunt solemn ly rati hed the grant tu Sir William Alsexander, os tho River arid

patent that he sh0uid tali u sor tho sec0nd tille Visco uni os Canada, V si om this corint ry. The Freneti, When they obta ined possessi0n of the fori of Quebee, thought sit tota Surp possession alSO Of the circumjacent country, and thoy contrived tu maintain that usurpation by sorce, tantii it as conquered by a Bris isti arm y under Generat Anahersi, and sinat ly surrendered by the Freneli generat, the Alai quis de Vaudreuit, Sth Septem her l760. By the treaty of Paris consequent on that event, Artiele 4, the FronchKing de iud to his Britannie Majesty, in suli right, Canada, with ali iis dependenties, and with ali rights whieli the Crown of I rance had illi then over the sume. The c0untry, as the conquerors found ii, was not Only in a very impuveris hed condition, and the inhabitanis in many pludes requiring t0 be supplied With provisions si 0m



the stores of the arua y, but Was besides in a very uia se illed state, Whicli continued sors0me years after the ceSSion. The Indi an tribes, in particular, ei ther not considering the French govertament as having been sufficient ly authori sed tu transfer their allegi anceto the Brit isti Cro via, or excited against their ne v masters by the Cath 0lic mission aries who reside d among them, cari ted on sor sonae time a desultory and destructive Warsare, and rendered ali intereo ui se With the interior extrem ely hagni dotis; but, in 1 61, as rini dabie consederacy of the natives lia ving been th varied in their hostile desigias, thuys00n astor variis returne d to their different distri eis, and gradu atly beeanae reconciled tot he conquerors of the country.

During the si si s ur years aster iis cession, Canada Was dividuit in to three militarygovertamenis, and the osse ers of the arm y ac ted in the do ubi e capaci ty of commandorsand jud ges. The laxus of En gland were s00n establisliud in the eo uti try, but tho se iurespuet to civit matters vero not received With approbation by the old c0lonisis. When Canada was ceded, it contained ab ove si X ty- sive thous and inhabitanis, Who Gere of thuehu reli os Rome, and had always bella g0verned by the custonas os Paris. Aceordinglyit was both just and prudent tu indulge the inhabitants With the exerci se of the irreligion, and to malle the luxus of the colant ry the rulo os decision there in ali matters of controversy relative to property and civit rights ; but the constitution of Grout Brita in W0uid not permit the criminal laWs of a despotio governnient, Whicli xvere en forced without the intervention of a jury, t0 continue in any of iis plantations, and thures ore thustatu te l4. Geo. III. Chap. 83, Was made, restoring in the place of the Englisti civillares tho old coutumo He Paris, hicli, after est ablishing the boundaries of Quebec orCanada, provides for the go verrament of the province ; permits to the inhabitanis theexerci se of the Romisti religion, subject to the K ing's supremasty ; mahes the laxus of Canada the rutu of decision there in ali matters of controversy relative to proporty and

civit righis, but est ubi is hos the criminal law os England in that province ; Whilsi, at thesa me time, by Seet. 3.) it faves ali formur rights there in . Alexander, the prosunt Euri of Stirling, made up his tities to the Lord sh ip of Canadaby seisin, as heir os Sir William Alexander, up 0n Sth July l83l, tuken at the casti e of Edilaburgia, as app0inted by the chartur there Of.