장음표시 사용
I x the east paris of this country lay the n0rtherii portion of Acadia. The grant fronti ing Charios to Sir William Alexander comprehendS ait Ogether, I flandes lying in the Gulf of St La vi ence, and ut the molith of the river of thalname, including generalty the istanti Anticosti: Istantis lying With in tho river St La renee, froni iis mouth to iis soli ree, or With in any rivors falling in to the river St La renest, or in What solver lahes in Ghicli ei thor theri ver St La re neu, Or any of those Other rivers terminate:
The partieular charter under consideration contains the grant to Sir William Alox ander, and his Successors, heri tably, of the po ors under Writ ten :1. The p0 er os planting c0l0nies, and en gaging in trade in the bouiads conveyud, or any part of them, and of expelling and debarring ali others froni the sanae :2. The po er of mal ing allocati0ns, or sub- granis os proportioris of the laniis, to halso e ver person Or persons he Should se e sit, and upon the Same terius as he could do in Nova Seotia; also Gilli Such and as great privilegus, libertius and immunities in alli ho bouiads and istantis conveyed, as he had pu er of in Ν0va Scotia, by his charters orpatenis thereos: Lasllν, There is a declaration, that the suid charter silo ut d be in no wisu prejudicialor derogat ory to What sue ver right S, chartei S 0r patenis granted to him Os or concerning Nova Seotia, Or to any head , clause, article or cundition there in set sortii.
the inclusi0n of that tra et in the patent to the Duke of Y0rk is to bo attributod alto
gether to the circumstances n0w t a be relate d.
The Duk0 having a design to est abiisti the province of New York, Whieli bes re had the nam e Nova se yia, and hearing much of the g00dness os the soli of the conti quotis is land of Long Is lanii, he applied to Henry, the foui th Eari os Stirling, s r thellure has ing of his right to that istund. Froni the tim se of the civit Wars in England , subsequent to the de ath of Henry, thethird Euri os Stirling, whieli took placo in I 6 I s, the American possessioris of his fami ly
vere almost totalty neglecte d. The ab ove - mentione d Henry, his son, the s urtii Eari, hau in g, in conseque iace, very liti tu bene fit arising frona them, While a great expenditure
vas necessary for their protecti On, Consented, sor a Valuabie consideration, to a surrender
i, ut resten Si Cro iv and the river Kenchecli, was like vise conveyed to him, not only the description of the b undaries of Long Island was tul en in to the patent to thse Duhe, hui, by mist alie, or other vise, the de Seription of the traei in question Gas also inserte d. The putent to his R0yul Uighness contains a declaration, Whieli certa in ly is of an unus ual tenor, and might Warrant the Suspicion that a fraudulent purpo se of sonae sortivas contempla ted And last ly, our Will and pluas ure is, and weo dou heroby deelaro and grauiat, that these our letter8-laattent 8, or the inro liment thereos, si ali bu good and offectuali in the lare to ali intonis and purp0ses What Sol ver, not illi standing the
not redit ing or mention ing of the premi 88e8, Or any part thereos, Or the me et lis anil houniis thereos, or of any former Or other letters - patienis Or gratinis heret Ofore madeo or grauia ted of the premisses, or Of any part there0f, by US or any of Our progenitors, unto any Othor person or persons Uliat Soever, bodyes politique or corporate.' Stillthe Dul e ne ver allo ed his deputies or agenis to enter u pon possession Os the sat diruet, and it has rema ined e ver Since, to a great extent, un0e cupied, both by the Cro uos tardat Erit alia, and , as it is undet st00d, by the United States, under Who Se go vern-
Tu AT part of the Maiiae land of New Englanii, beginning at a certa in place callodor known by the nam e of Si Croix, nexi alo in ing to Nova Scotia in America, and si om
APPENDIX. 28 No. II. Lifera pro creandis Laronestis. See p. 6. CAn Lus Dei gratia i Iagne Britannie Francie et IIibernio It ex Ficlei lite Defens0r Omnibus probis hominibus suis ad quos presentes litere pervenerint Salutem Sciatis
Quia nos eX nostra regali et sincera assectione quam erga decus et reputationem antiqui et nativi regni n0stri Seotie gerimus ut plantationes et colonie per Subditos nostros dicti regni in illa regione et loco in America vulgo nuncupat lier nomen Nove Scotie OnStituantur hactenus Opera et labore prodi lecti nostri consiliarii Domini Willielmi Alexander de Menstrie Militis nostri Secretarii ac infra dici regionum nostri Locum- tenentis deieci et perlustrat ubi prius n0men Scotie neque notum neque auditum fuit nos pro meliori adjumento et incremento n0stre regalis resolutionis que resolutio propagationem Christiane religionis verumque Dei cultum vice cecitatis et barbarismi pro-p0rtat quibus dicta l0ca perprius misere et totaliter insecta fuerunt) jam ereXimus quendam hereditarium gradum statum dignitatem nomen ordinem et Stilum Baron ulti infra dici regnum Scotio et regionem Nove Seotie reman Surum pro perpetuo quem quidem gradum nos in hujusmodi nostros subditos dicti regni nostri Sc0tie jamjam c0ll0cavimus ac p0stea collocabimus qui suis propriis sumptibus dictam plantationem assistent Ac etiam consideran quod quidem generosi sussicien redituum qualitatis et status in si a diei regnum nostrum Scotio se gener0so et laudabili suorum dispositione et emulatione in hoc punito dignas molitiones ultorum nostrorum Subditorum sequendo concurrere cumque iis in dicta plantatione semetipsos conjungere vehementer desiderabunt nos etiam volen recipere et admittere lusit in dici ordinem et statum Laronetti tanquam argumentum n OStre gratiose acceptationis eorum intentionum et resolutionum secundum conditiones prestite plantationis inchoate Semper et donec plenus et constitutus numerus Contum et quinquaginta Gai Onettorum impleatur nec non consideraniluod tediosum et sumptuosum ibi et pro eo negotio ad aulam nostram iter facere ac similiter quod nobis omni tempore ob alia gravia et magna negotia dici resignationes expedire non vacabit Idcirco nos pro adjumento et relevamine nostrorum Subdit 0rum a molestia quam eorum ad aulam nostram profectio minime necessaria tiro dici negoti0rum CXpeditione afferre possit nobis visum est quendam numerum nostri Secreti Consilii dicti regni nostri Seotie constituere ad quem Omnes nostri subditi volen conjungere semetipsos dicte plantationi dummodo sint honesto loco nati sufficien reditibus instructi Venire et recipere p0ssunt canit dignitatem et creationem eorumque literas patentes ob effectum predici semper et donec dici certus numerus constitutus diei centum et quinquaginta Baronettorum impleatur et ad hunc effectum 110minavimus designavimus fecimus et constituimus ten0reque presentium nominamus designamus facimus