M. Tulli Ciceronis De imperio Gnaei Pompei oratio ad Quirites: (Pro lege ...

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tonato of his dominioni mareret plans in boon directe againat in barbamus tribos and tho in h



he hegando embrace essem Asia ala in his plans os conquere. Ila subqua lammas fore in mala objecto his lila. ita his purpos in Hem, he les his haemo secretiy, acco anted by a se i infulsellomera fravelle ineviat inmugh ad Asia Minor, and ad himself, utantia missi in siluationis an

Who conlionis him here, mere in Romana, Who afferreducing Aristonicus, hia made ut of the kin om ofPergamus in Provincia Apta in B. c. I 2s. ut pomeri fui in the extende empire Whic he had mona hisomn exertiona, an frustin f his veteran arm hesol a m chrior in Romans andae mas ae more ready fhengage in a fruggle missi hem, stat ho ut neve large horum ae possession o Phrygiamma, Which M'. Aquillius a conqueror of Aristoniacus, ha been induce his large briberio dederio his fassior, ha been lostri iam by tho olusia os hosenatorio contam a cession'.

2. Tho immodius occasionis his iam involved missi Rome a fumi e fomatas in heglanin of in fidis censuetis et by the disputes Whic Moho out Paci tho thrones of Cappadocia, Paphlagonia, and


3. About ais fimo hine sicomedes diud B. c. smors IJ Vand Mithridatas supported Socrates Chressus ' fhebrothor of the righ ut heir Nicomedes III. Philopator,

Wii in army by the aid of Whichahe usurper securia possession of the lagdom. The Roma sonate re-



aia dcto rei faterilis banished relera o BRhynia and Cappadocia an f this end an embasa mas sent fo iis, at in head of hic mas in consulis M'.

Aquillius: hei demanda mererio e supporte by

L. Cassius, in Roman overeor of the province of Asiae. The militav force Whio Cassius hia taready at his command mere considerabi strenuehene heriens, Iovies in Galatia and Phrygia, in thus ino duri, Nun et, tabestorexio fhei dominion hi ceos arma No consente mis havim movere his amne, Nicomedes, pressed by the demanda for moneymade by the m man generala inen made an inmadini in terris Lot Mithridates, pulvincit a far asine fomn o Amastris, missio beetin Any enem For Mithridates, hough in possession o an amyready for action, had infensionali refre ed in orderto hine many good reasona foris mar A... The cunnin hinc e mel - had ready occasionia inis ruid buche senti Gree agens, named Pelopidas, si in Roman enuus, si obfata satisfactionlio inem. a mim have been expected theirammer mas ne of hesitation an refusia moliminereupon, regardiu fhe rejectio of his laim forsatisfactionis an ope Meach, sent his son Ariar hes

minis lammmmmium Cappadocia fomelae in throne.

In is hori time Ariobarganea machisen ut, and Ariarathes mater of tho land Ita occupation asino signia for the ureris of the war Wia Romen App. 11.


evacuat Cappadocia, ma noctisseniario Cassius and the Roman enuus, mit ut mattin for an decisiones in senate or theseople, collected aratron arm in matem Asia, R hic mas joine by a considerable contingens fro Nicomedes, an Mo in offensiaest Tho armis the in os Pontus mas commande virum Gree brothera, Archelaus in& Neoptolemus. Theserars inmed against Nicomedes, an inflictedupo iam a decisis delia af the riser Amnias' a fributar of the Halys, Mar here Pompeiopolis Was,fierWard Munded. A secon victor ove M'.

tempore annum iam tertium et icegimum res t. i reo



mori a Pergamum '6. --hile, a therae the invasion of i by Mithridates, in Romana though fuit occinpio in theirrem lin by the rising of ih Italianu, an inferna fra les, hae resolve voti mar againsthim. The command mas enim e so L. Comelius ista, Who sor his services in in Marsian mar hadbeen almos Manimousi chosen consul for the year 88. But in disturba es creared by the old C., rius, and the tribune of tho Commons P. Sulpicius Rufus, des nod Sulla in fabrior someritae. Meam Whilo Mithridates strenuehened his arm and his flee an hine forat his satraps andri emors in thetomn the ferribi orderi sodali oni certain dum nati in Romana an Italians os bos sexes and of


et Thon Mithridates made himself macter also ofino istanda in in Aegean ea, vita in excretium Rhodes, infliotin terribi devastation uEon Delos .am sent his generat, Archelaus, missi a large amyinto Graece, in ordor forendiem potata os suppor in an Mail defensibi colint , in among the madidinflammable Oreo restes for in great strague Whichlambeforo im Archelaus ad alaeady gaine mersevera somna an districta, and hadios possession ofine civis Athens, hic ho infunde to matari centro of his operations by bribae in Epicurean philosopher, Aristion, hen Sulla in I lande onorae soli, an affer collectin altius an supplies in

folia and Thessaly, marchedipo Athens. Aster amore obstinate defende Athens and in Piraeus leti in 86, and horid afferWarda a Nooh affles MChaeronea an Orchomenua' , in hic more hanios,oo me sed by the Roman morda, made ulla in master of Oreece. Wo of the choiceat armies of in Mochad Men ulmost annihilared, and his positioni' Memn. 31. Q. Max re 2 3. Plut Sulla, M. 3 Strabo, x. 5, c, and sp Pausanias, 111. 22 stat time Dolas mas the emporium of Oreoco, an appeare iovive securio to thogo ho trado fhero Treason of the god. But Menophanes, in genera o Mithridates, stalin thithormit triremes, stemati the franger dwelling there, as mellas in Delians themsolves. o carrie o much properoes in merohanta an ali the sacro offeringa, fori in momenandihil exas flaves, and levessed Delos io tho round. N For in dais of theso tWo baiues se Mommon, In sos



die me almost desper e, Wheni revolutio in ita talas ah Romo Moughchim in amomon aui expecte assistanc in his great irimunies.8. Affertilis departure of Sullatae Marian Hylindagaingos the rumper hand in Rome. Sulla mas de addirom his commisia, and the consul of the narres, L.

Valerius Flaccus, mas commissionia to caret incita Magainst Mithridates in his plis . ut a Maecum a nogenerat, a stalla an experien d soldier, C. Marius Fimbriam mas sens missilimia his lieufenant m his Beveris and avarice Flaccus made himsessio hased by in imo legiona mhic composed his arm that a division, sens o in advince inio Thessab, mens ove into Sulla' cam, and is mamoiar in thelem es in more popular Fimbria si a suo ede in evinctiis rectos his Mous hom desertam me invaad Mossedove ins Asia, the lioufenant, a man cap te Minycrime e had serve his apprenticestipis a satellifeo Marius made use of the seelin in in arm foselae in comminxio himself, affer falling,pon and hillincino consul in Nicomedia'' 'o Senato mi odat in offence, and confirmed in murtarer of his omngenerat in his command 't Fimbria haring been f sput, in head os in amy, inflicted severa dele su vitae son os Mithridates, wholore the fame namo' and marche foveresimum, in capital of the Pontichin since his victor ove Aquillius Wherea nearly suo eded in gestinctae hing himself ius his pomer .