M. Tulli Ciceronis De imperio Gnaei Pompei oratio ad Quirites: (Pro lege ...

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INTRODUCTION. xxxvii te exin flaves in a basile bucho had suaedri

peoplo omingrio in splendour of his victories, and nomho endeavoured to maintain his favorum by popularium; o inus fellius mis in aristocracy, and afferbiam in maiusis of the Sullan paro, he mas ita fir so undemine the edifice, Whia ad been erecte atine cost otio muchal d by restoring to the tribunate albae prerogatives Whic it ad possesseda ore aer ores of Sulla, and by securim, thmum his supporem Hui Pomp. 21. Cio referario stis expression indeto: his morda inere, ' O Me auxilium abaente evetivit, finxin rexplanation in Plut Crass. o. 11: afferrerat mitin to tho senato insita utius i. e. Mareus, the brother of Luoius musiba rodaliud iram Thrace an Pompeius rom pata, Crassus chango his iniud, and hastone to finis of in mar olore therinouldiome, knoming that in suo sa mouidae Mori dio che generia Whomam up an Moughi iam hela, and notrio himseli. Cio assumes inat the enem mas remplo even hyino mere notion os redin sor Pompeius. M Plat. Pomp. 21. App. Bed Cis. I. 121. M via frem in leae milia annalia, and bom the leae Comelia de masistraritae, inslatior es hie loreata a macto heremo praetor Minutharim: Men quaestor, and oonsul mii utinavim Men praetor. . Mommsen re sarit m loris in seo noto 2

me, an morus, II. 1o, , si raevis in me ma Maeviet ea dueea aetemum id masia quam eisila helivm Meri luerunt, ut triumstarenti


xxxviu INTRODUCTUS ot is, a Masing of tho lam es a praetor L. Aurelius

Cotta, Which removed the la comis hom in exesurive contro of the senatorial ordor A the lose of his consulini Pompeius ref e the overemens os a province an mane in Rome unti an oppori univsh Id bo offere fortatario play an extraordina

parti. o. The de re occasion mas presente by thedi urbances Dino pirates, hic si insit time ad reacta an un arto heighti Forriment Mara these had been rendereditis e by theae curses of humans i y ' Romiina ha re Messi sentio et laan umiecto annihil e the pirates an in great successes hic P. Servilius Vatia mon in his Moeyears campiam, et8 si Warrante theam stat thoback of the evilaad been brohen: buc ortly affer his rorem is Moh o res missi stilli eater violance,

so that Rome mas compellexto have rem serio exfr ordinar meamres. ut his time a mistata magmata in the choice of the commander M. Antonius, in sonis tho orator an f her of the triumvir, Whomas senibus in et missi in misi extensive pomers, eareed nostinghom his unlimite imperi miscinamean diagram. The erit ma inoreased by the re malo in mammissi Mithridates for in dispersionis his


Huld fallinio one eis Tho violent opposition fine Senate, meso preferre so suffer in mors in the pirates couid do ruther inaniive suo poWer infotas handam hia nominer rosulf than stat finiat even

e milio Paene totitia terrarum orbis imperium uni viro deferebatur: ed tamen idem hoo ante eptemium in M. Antonii Praetura demetum erat,sed interdum eram ut effemPl noeet, ita invidiam, et aut laruat in animi homine a uo animo Mai erant raro enim invidetur eorum homribtiis grumum via


more mas concede to Pompeius inanis inius ad proposed amon oster alaga, 2 lieufenant in eadolas . The resulta evexo his mere nomination masa considerable tali in the pri in and thergooda, o great mere in expectation ita mere formedes in experien d gener 'L32. Pompeius fuli justiae in confidono that

mas place in him. In fias, more stan in annos his Wars, he displayed a raro capacis and activis bis exfremebahildilitandor in campiam majori medas fir rio clear in messem se in Martinctae e Macare in pirates out os ad stola comers of refugerundio rivo fhem si in east, Where ae missi receive

terranean, and in the inori vace of ydvs Move ine piratos o an inela bus and harboura. Η secured thera eo of the Whiae coactio Spatario in Tyri rhenian se by a suit te distributionis strorum navalafationa under the command of his lautinanis et Thenho resumexto Rome in ordor foraefisi, by his perisona inferveniton, in discessies hic in consul

C. Calpumius Piso ad riasia against his equimenta

non timetur: eontra in iis hominea retraordinaria reformidant, qui ea avo arbitrio aut de aituri ut retenturi videntvr et modum in soluntate habent. Dissuadebant utimatre, ed e-



33. Whilo Pompeius mas stillis umex in hepacification of tho oui of Asia Minor, in Cretam, Whom in proconsul Q. Metellus ad been sub ingainc in yea 68 mi in great crueity sen enuus fotam in Pamphylia, infreatin hirre so fata the command against them, a thv hopiario receivedrom iam mutar Me mens inan hom Metellus Pompeius hiare ive pomer ver res an in forces of Metellus h in Gabiniandam, bus stili ho ough f have Midsome regard si si independentilegia command of thelarier, speciali a Metellus di nos bolon fori number of his lieMenandi, and the subjugatio of thoiuland ad atreadyrio ad infensa an pur se been complosed by him. ut hererio his ambition maseager in rerum has iners ad somn Rono ho

-ea re prata a Q. Metellas eram Creteme continetaso. liber et epistulare Metelli et Cn. Pompei invicem miram overitur Q. Metelis ploriam hi rerum hae pestarum a Pompeio praeripi, qui in Cretam Maerit leuatum mum ad aeripiendo urbium deditionea. Pometu rationem reddit Merae facere debuisae.



tumedi gracibus ea to the enheaties of theonuva, an sent orderario Metellus thmum his lieuhenant Octavius forato ita mar Metellus piadio attention fori se ordera, and When another lieufenant, L. Comnelius Sisenna, actuald roum amo Maiahanc fota Cretans, ni replied by tre in the refched inhabitans missi fili more inhuman severio' Theoustrea os civit a b moen the rimo rivia commander might have been expectedri ut Pompeius letae Whol assair, hic had Mough him Effla hono , quieti drop, es Maab, his eris mere entiaeely db recte to the unexpecte tum,hic the vis against Mithrid es and Tigrane had finem

3. In the follomin yea 66, heu Pompeius mas stillis tho head of his large fomes in in eastem

Mediterranean the tribuno of the commons, C. Manilius, came formarx mit the pro sal thac inoconductis in Mithridatio mar Iso hould bo emtrusio si him. Aco diu f thia propositio Pompeius Mario Main the exfra dimet pomer miach d been conferre Mon him by the Gabinian lam; bufremides thia hebas f have in supreme commando ad in forcea, in time in Asia, an to receiveth unlimite righ in os a memor, nos mereb in the provinces abeady Boman Asia Iata Furio , Bithynia, and Cilicia, hus ala in the res of Asia a far asArmonia. his meant simplyriosus in Roman hpiro into ita pomer os a single man me can



the pledge each other mutuati si a unanimo rundinos decide opposition bus hen in fimo forvosing eminear, t ynegatas deviar, in presen of the feeling of theseose, and ad mere silent excepi Q. Lutatius Catulus and Q. Hortensius' thoughtho spe era represente mith conclusive argumentsine tanger,hichahre ened the common freedom homine acceptance of the pro sal, ali arguments Medupon reason ad fore, Way bolare hebriem eo tho mill of theseopte the resolutione in the au pors of severat senatora' bas passeda ad the friuos. 35. Among the men os venatorial rank,hore hein favovr of the proposia, in historia Cassius Diogives special prominencerio suo, C. Iulius Caesar and M. Tullius Cicero These, he svs'', supporte thorogation, nos a Geminci beneficiat so the sisse,

at Ieast me havo no intimation o any Hevaeus diseussion as





Uamod in latereteare 'L Indo fessi severat reasona combinexio induco him si doreo In aerari placohe bellave , he himself expressi sus, that in temo a manifes favour Whic ines se ad shomnia Minoris in electae iam si ne ince aster anothenae mas oblige so justi in confide e re sed in him, by throming infestae Male ita great meight of his expresso opinion, in his his position a pra tori Re Mahed in thia marto diuinam si ines plotho tribus Maia gratitudo by moesing their Mahe in queation rumhic excitedio much inferest soritat moma meli bellave his assura es that he had nos Meni uenoeda an speciae reque Mon in par of Pompeius Maia Menda in Romo Urio confrihus his ahamaam Mais gloriMatium ut i is hard to determine

diliuenter persuadendumque iis, semper eum Optimatiam de re P. amaseae, minime populare Diages a quid loeut rutilariter videamur, id noceo emalli Disae, ut nobis Cn. Pompeium diu erem , ut eum, qui Prurimum Hsaei, aut amiram in atra petitione Moerem avt eerte non a regarium.



3T. Bucho expecte M o abierio' o servicenos merebrio in Mople, ut alsorio the eque HanoMer 'ra hos infere a Cicero almus defende so vigor,sb. The invitas hased Lucullus, and thus mere a nafuria supportera os Pompeius in os ferrormiata horasime o Mithridates occasioned, si nemdsinger mio,hic in province of Asia Minor merethre ene misy mel have appeare in a fili more alamin limi, an no genera bus Pompeius memedatron enough in carier in perit Bus thia in Asia, Whoro his hie stad longaven morium mala betat no oster generia inan e mas destred Cicero himselfgives uario under and in plata motas ''. Is in queation mas here regatae hocinis pota viem, is is ea errio excuso Cicero for ela taetaled by the splendour of the fame o Pompeius, an sor eivreatly convince in ' sup rhin him e mas -- vincing the frue good of the commonmeiath ueri

perhaps vieme in position of thium in Asia in adainor limVitan aereas actuald justifiei,hilari tangere taesidia tam Pompeius personali missi mellappear folim muta exaggerat , in viam of the ineat serviore hic he had rendere in tranquilligin soman Provinces, or vehensiret based von inerim ginationis his opponendi I Cicero ad se, a realtanger for in stabilium in republic in the pro salos Manilius, me may talab presume rom his patriobiam stata mould have opposed is nos supporrexis: