M. Tulli Ciceronis De imperio Gnaei Pompei oratio ad Quirites: (Pro lege ...

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s These successes o the pare os hia ne Cenem

determine Mithridates forenter, vinegotiations forpeam; f this endae sens Archelauario Sulla Sullamas nos diuincliniario mahesea . e mas deficient in stips,n in supplies of moneyrior in vigoreuscar ing on of the mar. Is mas also os importanoe foriam mist his forem fili uiam ire forarive horum sin arme hic his made ita appearunc homIfab, out os in fiet M a via possibie N. Rome rus aes negotiations te io, resul Ther ponSulla marche oroum Thrace M in Hellespons, here his quaestor, L. Lucullus, Joine iam missi a Mos,hita had beeti broughfimi in meantime, and med iam in the transpori, his Moops''. Sulla's mare an a formidabio risin in Asia deferta dMithridates foris for eam Me more This mas granis him by Sulla aster, persona conferem at Dardanus in the Troia in Ret M. The hin magrestricto Maia in om o Pontus, and require togis vrio inius of mar anxio pay gooo' talenta, amar contribution inore favo able conditions of Macethanae mould have obfainexhadri of politicia

circumstance been othermise A.

Io. Affer tho conclusion of in treat Sulla marched against a legiona o Fimbria o fhelara fusa re rem against inela fello cifigens, imbria commicte sulcide, an Sulla unde the wo,rmies.



Curio vas coninussionexio conductiin Nicomines Moeso Bithynia, and Ariobargine to Cappadocia' : Sulla himself marched inroum in province of Asia, fomese ut rigor, justice fori 'owns inas ad revolaed . Whus his soldiere mererihus quartare onae main Iand theri an, and massa mere pillage asmuchis ever in vite of the neames of Sulla by the phaes. Whoaad increased frigh utly during the --.Η di nos homoverillo himselfrio heri uenred by thiam vae dia der' tu is in strumle missi his opponens in Italymas Marer folia heari , he s led Rhino greater partis his arm in Graece, and theno toItalydn 83. It maamiaminini, affer in close of the civit War, insitae celebrate a triumphrior molaus ovor Mithridates.

os Chaeronesi, missi sterim legiona of Valerius Whose fidelii mas omemhas do flat, si se in order ava ius fili unaestio in Asia' Murena, ho maseager fori triumphindior plander, Eoughfrio provolae maritates tot ma by ustrious devices undae foundine preteri Whicha mas de ring in the fac inaf the

hi App. o. D Against ho provisions os instreaico Peaee, accorvincto Memnon, c. 35 see, hoRever, Mommson, m. Bo notae M App. 63. Mi Cicero, liam in Italiam rea subliea revocavit Florus, . do, 11 et deheliatum foret iam de Mithridate triumphare cito quam vere volvtaget. M App. a.



kin stili retuine in his possession om portiona fCan doctae The a fer ad villidram Moia omnian om and reduciario submission the Colchisus andr vorans, bere maverim in their allegiancem iothis enthe had createla nem navand levied suta large forces, statis mas som salictas suta preparations mereno directed against a Bosporans bus against a more dangemus enem, he Romans'. Homover, he didno oppose any arme resistance to the inrotas and pulvings o Murena, ut sens enuus si Romerio complain of the procoedi s of the lieufenans. has Murena Midio attention even to the ordera os the Sensiferi avoid ali hostilities, ut o the confra pus d formaria faris the Halys in amem campiam ofptunder, Mithridates gave ima severe deleas , and

compelle hi si refreat ius, Phrygia Further hostilities mere avolaod by tho arris Aulus

' a lucremabovet, App. l. c. N Appian a V sorhis campaim against in Bosporans o uili Ups and coli te a Iam amy so that the magnitude, his preparations qui I exotio a suspicio stat ad his ac Mesed, nos against in Bosporans, ut against the Romam. I App. 65. Memnon, c. 36. vives a dissereni accouni, represent-ing in basilo ulmos Mithridates an Murena a indecisive, and assertintiliat both sides refreated.



12. Whon Mithridates ad again secured reposeo the fide of the Romana, he subjug od the tantam in Cimmeria Bospores, over,hichae made ne of his sons, Machares, hing. A campiam against the Achaeam,ho livedi iud Colchis, mas eas succes ut On his resum hom inis Mithridates gens enuus fomine, si reque drom Sulla in maelaten achnowledae mens of thesea . ut aboufata fame time Ariobari mnes complaine a Rome that in hin continuod foretata somo districis of Ovpadocia. At Sulla' bidding Iaas evacua, si tand, ut sent a secondembassyrio Rome, M secure the forma, Mace in rising As his embam found no suppor in aeSensife aster in de his Sulla, Whio hia appenedm--hile, Mithridates prevassedipo his sonandam

Tigrane to underinta a nem invasion, Cappadocia.

Tigranes a mundo the landia though mith a ne and avem ordoo,oo of the population to Armenia, toprovide inhabitant for the capita Tigranocerta Tigranes fo- , Whio he had imael bulit . ThoBomana hadio Gubfamario ae in maior of the de ,hus in serious War missi Sertorius in Spat di nos

Bom inem forum mita enerre in Asia Tmo men ofine Maria paro, L. Magius and L. Fannius, accord- iuga me account deseri . ma Armes valerius , suo Med in persuadim Mithridates si foris an ania emis Sortorius Thus determinexu via ne sis glomith Rome, he ratae reorum an securo antes' on



hadaeque hedri in Romans pie. The go moro in province tho consu M. Aurelius offa, an incap te generat, didio feel strong enoughrio resistae attach, an recte exto halaetam Minor the Romana gainere hom ad sides me Mithridaten proceediario marchigians this fomm offa triod stofortune of --, but mas beaten o Iand an a se onine fame du , an in ip in in somn. From fias tangemus position hebas delivered by his colleague L. Laetatus Lucullus. - had received, missi in prinvince of Ciliciam, in supremo command by lan in in Pontio mari hue ae operations by ea mereas gnoxio his fesso consu ne frugglebas comoentrate mund in somnis Cyricus , he simo offribes vlain composed his arm area Ounte v Appian 6s.1t amores rom in lalter hic Sallus misi Hag. b. Is represent Mithridates a Mitincto the Parthian langarsa a. that ho had rege Tigranes fori e par in the an ut in v n. Appianta, ordincto Memnon, o 3T, Mithridates, alter senian o Diophantus missi an amminio Cappadocia, himseu te a foroe es 15o, o infantiae 12, o cavam, and 12 Mythed chari s. M Mithridatos o

Arsaces Sali. v. s. et M. Cottam Romanum durem apud Chalae- dona terra fudi, mari aeui et se Pulcherruma. Memnon, e.



Whic iamne of the more memorabio in hi orydor ine heroi resistance of the inhabitosa, and the use of thomost extensive appliances for finis . M MIHI vexations Lucullus succeiae in in fing, Mitiaiestates himself,hilone evinctae somn. Re mas cuto fro ad supplies, an affer long an frui fleas

exertiona an enormo Nosses herias finalty --

ririum his arm marched by lan to iampsacus, an suffere ver severe losses in crossing the river sepus, parida theremonem ream, partim 'hesmordit Lucullus me rem in amy, Whichreache Lamp)acus in alio, mere embarhed inere; but Mithridates sent ac Io,oo choren Moops indo stips, unde in three commandere, Varius, Whom dorsorius hia sens, in Paphlagonia Alexander, and Dionysius in eunuch, Whilebit in greafer par ofi aedes o falle to Nicomedi in Bithynia. Meam Whilo Lucullus also ad assembled a quadron heselae inlatem inius of the enem in in harbouros in Achaeans, and then camera n the main force of the thre admirat in maerere istandiear Lemnos

thai stis is in samo haius a that whio ciuem mentiona in



an entires amathilatia it. The three commandera mere caum in a cavem of the laland Dionysiuspiamve himself Alexander mas reserve for taetriumph an Varius putri deata, hecause Lucullus didio mis to lea a Roman senator in triumph. Atthia nem Mithridates, Whoria taready suffere homstoma, Lampsacus, hastene io reac Pontus, but a versata v another tempest in the maiora irieraclea Pontica, an his,holeritae in feria ' hohimself suco de in escapin to Sinope o boar of pirate's eas 15. Entiret exhausted by these visastera, he sent messem, si his omimiam, Tigranes of Armenia, uae his son Machares, the rater of the hin om of tho Bosporus, forum amri promptis stanee, piantingis in Com tangem Lucullum M ver affer reducta a places in mater Asia stili hol by thoenem, pressedin Wit his amminio Pontus, en viraged by his successes an acter in finia obstin estrumlebis in En himselfit abire mas docided

21 and in pro Murri 33, and pro Arch. 8 21 catis in baltioo Tenedos, herein agrossin Wit Memnon, o. 2. Accordi io Orosius, 1 2 in fleet es Mithridates Iost Tahips of marandi number of shms of hurden Plutarchi uti Tmentionaan earlier victor of Lumnus o Tenedos, whoro hora satin in Pontio admira1 Neoptolemus, at the lime he ho mas Minon rum toraxilla in fisos miliamiae ho mas eius elagium se above, si si Amorian to Cicero, fi 21 and pro Mur. 33rim Matium et in Italiam me atque animi se Maariteret , in squadrono the thre admirias mas destinoxio sauto Mao, and sila rum anom in civil Nar iners. Mi App. TT. Mithridates io Arsaoes Sali frag. v. s. 3 ita

ne in Matium repressi eo rua in patrium remum naufrasita apud Parium et mmeleam militum Osismoa eum elarethua



msi is hinc gros exaggeration mhon Cloero I says:

Si pen atque Amisum ceteroque urbe Ponti et Gyφα ei sermulto tim,ditu adventuque rege visa it ho truth Mhistor is notrio hiatogether et a defiance, in morta uno aditu adsentuque here are toste referrex trio permulina, and nos iam to Sinopen atque Amia et for both fores, an othera besides, suo as Eupatoria, Reraclea, an Themiscyra mereoni inhon alter an obstinate resistanoe. For delaus a iothe oonques of the muniet se Mo sen, v. 5 E.


INTRODUCTION. xxvi 6 cultus, Who had continue the purauit ofino iungis to in Armenia frontier no securedine visis te freas obhic Mithridate had sini od in variova strong Ida A, liberate a number of politicalprisoner hocine fato iungeona, an sent his Minoe indam Appius Claudius into Armeniario Tigranes, eo commenco negotiations for Mace o the basis ofine surrenderos Mithridates. Melimself mens during the minter into essem Asia, m reo made equbisiae provision rio allevias in somo degre in pubaiae conditionis in province, Whic had Marly been rotare fore pala by the Ion sus in rimm mari in enormous exactions of Sulla, and tho burdens ol

exotangere an usurres, vere draining in liliai Laes in province Hinc evehat this time ita mereendea Mincto bring Lucullus into odium a Rome, and si disseminas in calumn that he wassur sed protrachin ita vis hom ambition and avarico but '



iis memies could nos preven the prolongation of his


IT. Whon Mithridates Mo refuge in Armenia, thoughaedound profection and suppori missi his omimiam, hebas nos admitte to the muri the personalrelation et en the two tangs mas nos in beat o

sibie, and Tigranes mas nos dis sed by infering infossio loco Mithridates octo me embroilo missi Rome. A change mas effecte in his position hine missionis Claudius, Whic had jus the opposite effectri fiat infended. Tigranes fiat his via pridemounde bos by the deman foratae, his fas mimiam to his enem, and by the haustu Maring of Claudius ''. e nos oesy rejecte in Mers of the Roman embasu, bus no gave Mithridates Who hia ready been for tmens monas in his tangsim, buta a distanc iram in capitin', in more splendidreception at his com in B. C. eto Lucullus, onceresolviario carenthe mar into Armenia Leavim his

lieufenant ornatius missi fore mentehaed in Pontus, he farie in s mith ond wo legiona an about Booo invalet 'ore sed ine Euphrates a Melitene, and marche throum in Armenian province Sophenestriam voti Tigranocerta Tigranes despire thoamali and of aha in Romam, an sent ista barraneari meet inem mithetooo horae and numerousseos soldiere, Mering him o bring ac Lucullusative, an to frample tam his lifile band