Philippic II;

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 171페이지


분류: 미분류


hom Rome formor than ton duys. On the motion o Antonius, hoWever, a priollegium ad been assed, releasin him rom theselimitations os time. 12. Iudi Apodinares the publicaames in honouri Apollo occupied the wholomicilis se Ond weel in July Rnd were gi ven unde the Super-intsendene of the praetor urbanus O the 3 eur M. Brutus hOWever, di not reside in porson, bein at the time absent hom Rome suetus note .l3. incredibili . . . honore ablative O attendant circumstanees, Mith unli eard-o tributos o Brutus, otio senitive uingobjectivo. As a matter o luet, Brutus, ho ad ope to muliopolitical opitul ut of his presidene of the gum os and thoreby obtuin Some prono vnee expreSSion O popula seelin in his avour, Wasentiret disuppointed. 14. provinciae Crete and Cyrene. Brutus re sive tho formerinsisadii Macedonia, and Cassius the luitur instoad of Syria bothinthe proposui ONAntonius quaestores additi alludin apparenti tolli iaci that Antonius, O removin Brutus an Cussius to infelior provinces, a V t euch, by u Oi ut sty Ompliment, an unus uulnumber o nitendunt quaestores und legati. very provineta governor vas attende by a quaestor representin the reasury. ut usuali by


est. Ut ne is nos soldom ound incliseum ne only. Scribo in mea ning impero, and thorosor inhos the constructior o that orb. 25. celatum se esse me boinsae the subjoet to tho infinitivo and tho

27. pro exclamation, and independentis the syntax. 30. consilii societatem : so On xi. b, note in equum Troianum:


21. tam multa notabi ad Caesar' papers, Otes, osci, in commentarii and chirographa of the nexi sentence. 22. falsorum Uiorged. p. v. 9, solentiam quaestuosam, und



sentiret et peotiaret, et contra illo ete.

30 incolumitati . . . dignitati contra sted iis o securit and

32. habebat . . . quid sequeretur lino whut wero his uinis. Thomsoli ubere in his sense like εχ ειι 1 Greek iiivirly common. 36. de Pharsalia fuga litorali O stratot rom his Pharsaliunt out i. e. the rout ut Phursalus S de iliuθre, isti aight ironi, restifroni, tho mureli, ' ite in Caesar.


ll. esset the past tenso indicatus that the wisti is nos caprebio f

18. Casinas gonitive, Casi mitis o Casinum, ,hieli asino ofilio muli ill-towns 1 solithern retium, siluatsed noli Via Latinnnou to tho fronti orsi Campania abolitisight miles trom Rome .l9. albus aterne fuerit utrum is to se supplied eior albus. Asino sequone is primar3 . What Was an historio tense imperfeci indicu tivo in tho direct question et trum albus erat, aterne ' is repre8ented in indiroe forin by a primur tense perfeci subjunetivo), Record in to rute. The expression is a proverbisti ne to signis absoluto


R010 to tho Indoco Proper Numes or Curio Clodius, and Gabinius. J


b. in quattuordecim ordinibus in the fourteo row of setits expressi se apar in the theatro for tho se of the ρει ites vii. 3ὶ, by the provision O th Iem os iu o L. Roscius Otho tribuno in 6 B. C. hi sontes of the Equites ore th fourteon rows immediutolybeliin the orchestra, horo tho magistrute und Senator Stit. 6. esset subjunctive in eonesessive clause cum although J. 7. quis muri. Noli indusinit quis is commont found nly

28 rei familiaris property 'us usual PD ultates 1 common in

29. patrio in strici Roman in the uilior ad absoluto conuolo e the On' person nn property, regardies of his tige, and could even Ordor his exoptation his ti known S patri potestas. 3l illis, quos videmus gladiis : i. e. the wOrdsi Antonius bullies, mentione above iv. 14. viii. 4.

nothinito do ith honest, ' in the sunt sens of that terni. i. ea in te admisisti: o ny committod oui soli o.



15. quiddam molitus est; iud sol ne intriguo a-100t, , illi Clodius'

16. Alexandream : Ceusntivo of the goal os motion depending upontho verba notion in iter. The lueo motin is the modern Alexandria

17. contra . . . eligione SQ Se Inde X. S.C. GABINIUS.

us AntoniuS.

22. tum in thos duys, ' i. e. osor eivit Nur uni confisentioniadmad Otho me homeles to provide Antonius With treusure und



la rem illam : the m uiderii Clodius S again line I 5. ultro

and prostituti ny his igh osse to sane himselffrom h gyaryci The Moster


4. Reerit altor aecipite ea quae the norma construction Nould bo feeit. In the ther nn niter accipite quae Where accipite, a Osten.