Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum belli punici secundi, libri quinque priores

발행: 1800년

분량: 255페이지

출처: archive.org

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Theso Books ars intended sor tho use of SchooIs Whero ths general mentalculture of the pupil, as Weli as his proficiency in the art of reading, is studioustyand systematicalty aimed at. They sorm, collectively, a progressional Series, so constructed and graduatedas to conduci the pupil, by regular stages, hom the elementary founda of thalangvago to iis highest and most complex forma of speecti; and each separate Book is also progressiveIy arranget,-the Iessons Whicli are more eastly readand understood aIWays taking tho Iead, and preparing the Way for those of greater dissicuIty. The subject-matter of tha Boolis is purposely miscellaneous. Yot it is aIWays of a character to excite tho interest and enlarge the knowIedg0 of thareader. And With the desim of more effectualty promoting his mental gro in and nurture, ibo various topica ars introduced in an ordor consormabIe to that in Which the chies faculties of tho juvenile minu are usualty developed. That tho morat feelings of tho pupiI may not de Without their properstimulus and nutriment, tho Iessons are pervaded throughout by the religious and Christian element.

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Tho Work noW includes Systematio Exercises in Sentencemaking. Adistinct division has been devotet to tho Structuro os Paragraptis. Thesections on Descriptive and Narrativo Essays have been entirely reWruten.

The Whole Work has undergone thorough and caremI revision. The chapterson the Language, and those on Our Early Litorature, have been brought into harmony Witti the resulis of recent philological and historical invostigations; Whilo the record of evenis has beon brought doWn to the present time. A feWexplanatory notes have been addest in an Appendix, Witti the VieW of removingilis dissiculties Whicti recondite allusious and illustrations are ast to cast in the path of the Foung student.

This is a collection, alphabeticatly arranged, of the Principat ro0is, assiXes, and prefixes, Willi their derivatives and compOundS.

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Athenaeum.- Α carosully compilod history lar the uso os SchooIs. ThoWriter has consulted tho more recent authorities: his opinions are 1iberal, and on the wholestust and impartial: tho succession of Ovenis is developedWith olearness, and With more of that pictΗresque effect Which so delighis theyoung than is common in historical abstracis' Observer. It is decidostly ono of tho best' mores Yot fumishod sor thainformation of those Who seest to acquire a good general kuoWledge of the politicia and sociat history of the Britisti Empiro.'