Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류



Continuetur alapi ma ut antea, et capiat cras mane lis Luberi munciam in aqua fer

entis unciis sex solutam. Nepetatur do is

mane die movis.

February . The falis have operate twell, and the cui non her head is in monplaces entiret gone : ut heloultice adhere so firmi to the hair, that the remo-va offit occasion greatlain. Nepetatur ut Luberi, ut antea. Intermittatur cataplasma, et Pti eris rem iiii aeris semidrachmam. Axungiae porcinis uncias duas ter diligenter imul ut at unguentum. linatur semidrachma partibus maxime j jectis omni spere et mans. Februar 22. Her head has been regu lari rubbed illi the intinent since thelast repori and the scabby eruption is no entiret gone : ut siue is stilici ec ted illi the duines of hearing. Intermittatur unguontum ex re Iine, applicetur vos N a catorium


calorium nucbae, et postea sat fonticulus peringuenti epi postici

The dis eas of this patient is no totallymithout difficulty; et almost ver parto the affectio is obvious cani no

der a the principat par of the complaint, is the dry scabb eruption on the head Inasfixinia nam to this par of the assectiones have no hesitation. aro the eat, o the appearance, and rom the nature of the eruption there cari et doubi in pronouncinii tote an instance of tinea capitis. his is an affectionio uncommon, and frequently very obstinate inso- much that, after a certain standing, fomeare disposed to an it among the incu-

rabie diseases But although his e themost considerable it is no the oni partos the patient' complaint an perhaps t



is even that part whicli, in the present casse. Hilline the east obstinate. This patient is also affected with con-1siderable duines of hearing This sympto is considered a the characteriistic of genus o diseas amon ali nos logists, unde the term os Dysecoea, Cophosis, Surditas, and the like And each of thesegenera comprehendiarious species; hicli, however, are to e considered chiei lycis instances of the diseas proceedinifrom different causes. What particula circum-rtance, in the present inr ance, gives riset it ma be considered a matteris reat doubi There is some presumption however, that it ma have been these e rosthe dis appearing of the eruption Therepullsion osculaneous diseas escis enumera- ted among the cause of a great variet os

affections and rom non are more numerous viis aid o proceed than Domthe repulsion of the tinea capitis. I donot, OWever, observe that an praesticat author has mentione deames as ne of



ness. Andri it occasio an assection fone sense, his at east gives a presumption that it ma affect anotlier. I ould then, I wn, e incline Dio attribute the present deafnes to the formerrem ovat of the assection ' hicli, a farwe an earn, a no the Tect of any particula remedy, ut a natura Cure. Stili ho ever i may apprehend, have been productive of the fame assections asinthe complainta ad been removed by artificia means. Probabi both the ne and the other produce ther diseases bygiviniris to a disterent state os circula


Bessides these two dis eas es, it ma atteasti a question, hether his patientheio subjected to a thir est heris observe J o have an uncommon argenes of the abdomen, and tot affected illi an inclination to vomiting, particulari in the orning. In neither of these, separalely, is here an eviden ce of a particular affection, nor indeed in both of them

conjoine l. A the fame time there is litue



rea son to thin that the are connected in an of the assections ali eady mentioned. How a the may be the inci pient stare os a more clangerous diseasse, is haristo say; ut a far a I an at re sent udge, I cannot ook pon them in that light. nam, Pown disposed to te this a the east considerable par of urpatient' complaint; and respecting the event of have no the mallest apprehension. O the w others, I am sonae haldoubiful in m opinion Fro the tineali avi nibefore i et ted there is round fora favorii able uliginent. et it is an affection no vnfrequently admittinios a tem Porar Cure and as a the case wheni formet ly dis appeared, it may again, without an obvious cause, return, ould we at present be able to remove it Butthere sinit greater reason tot afraid of the obstinac of the deasness for sinceiis frit commen cenaent, it has suffered noobviolas remission and a the sam time



no manifest dis eas in the ea canae disse

In the reaiment of this case, disserent objects are tote had in vi e . A I have ali ead observed, hac rechone to eth principat object os attention was thedis eas of the head o the tinea: and twas, at the fame time, that par of the complaint, in the reaiment of hicli expected orae non successsul although Ilookipon it tote in ver instance, an obstinate Tection. While I say this, Iam a the fame time convinced that fpatients wili submit to the remedy thereis ne a by hicli the may in bymuch the reates number of instances, becured. An in his way a cur is frequently effected by an id ornan in theneighbourhood of Edinburgh, and by many other in different paris of the ing-dom, after the aidis regula pracstitioners has been tried in vain. The principi upo whicli her remedyacts, hici, si no means an uncommon



ityle, is ver obvious There is litti doubhtha tinea is ne of thos cutari eous assections which ictoae considere lyas a disease of the oot of the hair. e may there fore ook orta radica cur ora ne of two ground ei theri removing the diseased Paris, o b destroying them It is onthetars of these principies that the practice to hicli e no allude proceeds.

The practice is the applicationis a pitch plaster to the ead hicli is allowed to

this practice solet depentis. et althoughitie an effectual cure, it musti allowedit is a very severe one anxit is indeed socruel that e regula pracstitioners ill, Ι belleve, e found to venture pon it Iesis o this account, heres ore, that in the present case, Phave hos en ather todirect m endeavour to the destruction of the morbidiaris and with his te had reco ui se to corrosive sublimate a medicine,



cine, the essects of hich, as a peculiarstimulus oti topica application is unquestionabi very great; and in other instances of the tinea, I have seen it attendedwith the est esse 's. 'ith the presentPatient, however, I cannotia that iis esse fect have been fuch a I expected. At the fame time, it has been followed by

evident good consequeraces, at eas to a certain extent; and although it id notentiret remove, has at eas diminis hedili assection Probabi ais it illed nota litti the medicine hich was after ard semployed fora found it inconvenient, in the present case, to continue the application of the corrosive so long a I proposed, as it was in ome respectis productive of more han was intended. Thespoultice be-ing firmiy impacted in thelair, a lihelyto operate in the sanie Way as apitch plaster. This led me to substitute to the solution os corrosive theis of the ver ligrisse This application also is no uncommoni Cmployed in the present complaint. Fi Omlh use of thises obtaine a much grea teri effect



ei et hanci expectedri or in a wee after this unction, asi eguia, I found the headas free froni scabby eruption ascis itiadneve been in such a discased state. WOuid not however, cntiret ascribe his to the ver ligris and I am persuaded, that he good effect resultinis roni it was the more remat habie, in Consequence of the previ ous application of the corrosive. But hether libet romine orither, orii omboth of these medicines, e have obtain-ed is no a permament, at eas a temporar remova of this affection. And whileth patient is in her present state, the nexi object of cur is the deafues s. Here, I must own I am omewhat at alos on ha principi I am to proceed; chie ly, as tam in great doubi respectingili cause of the deas ness. In the reater

number os cases, o ever, e ma Coi sider deas nes as arisin froni ne or twosources ither froni the want of free communication or an impression on the extremities of the auditor nerves, o the

an os due sensibilit in the nerves hen



1mpresse l. o far ei ther ne or thermay have an concern in the present case amoto osse to an or i the communicationi obstructed I aut entiret ignorant rom ha particula causerit arises. must wn therefore, that an trials whicha hali malle illi a vie to the cure

When e conside that his affectionsuccee led the cure of the former eruption, there is sonae presumptio that i may have been the effect of a change of circulation. Henc there is at east ne hance of re storation by another change of balance. With his vlew, there fore, I meant to trythe effectis supportin for ome time arunning rom the necE. To his meastare vias the ather induced, ases expected fron it ome good effectis, as reventinga retur of the eruption It willio onlyh a drain from the eighbourhood of paris formeri assected, ut also producea change of determination in the circulation on the sui face of the ea l. his, theres ore, I considerela least as a reason- able