장음표시 사용
cation for impremon. There are e meas ures perhaps, more
effectuat for removin obstructions in the passage to the auditor organs than syringin with arm ater and it has, farther, the ad vantage of beinino improper methodis augmentin secretion whendiminis ted and thus ivinia proper On dition to the paris illed for the communication os found I it be in his wayinsuffcient, ther meas ures may be tried
cotton. 'here a stimulus is necessary, Ι have been informed that here is osten agood effect froni Burgund pitch, intro duce Minto the meatus auditorius, henforme into fuch a stapetas tot readilyput into it But in orde to prevent iis
attachmen to the meatus auditorius, it must
musti properi covered illi a bit fgauge. his, Ilam old, a frequentlydonei an empyri sonae time ago in hisci ty, who confined his practice entiret tolli cureis deafness and who is sat stoliave succeeded illi his simple eme ly, Where regula pracstitioners had falled. must, however, observe, that I speah of this remed only on the repor ofothers; et I cannot heli thinhing thati is ne hicli, in ome cases may be productive os inconvenience For not-with flanding the covering illi auge,should the pitch mel in the ear, t maygive muchineasiness. And it is tot re-marhed that the pix Burgundica is oneos hos articles in the Materia Medica whicli is ver frequently adulterated. In-deed the histor of the preparation oscit,
a brought froni Saxony, here this article is prepared, is not et ascertaine l. Some imagine that it is nothin eis biit Common turpentine bolle sui'. ut hale ver a b the original composition orpreparation Di in that country there is
no doub that here are some in the habito mahiniit in Britain, rom a mixtureos turpentine, illi a proportionis rosin. From his circumstance, probably, e ret account for iis havin very disserent degrees of consistency and accordinias it conssistenc is more or es firm it is more or es apto meli. Unless, there fore, therei reason to presume that it is productive of good effectis, in another manne than froni iis operatin a a stimulus, I bould rather e disposed i trysome ther practice. As a stimulant, Istould expect more frona amphoraledoil. Perhaps we a conside the introductionis garii into the ear a being in hisma more powerful than et ther of these articies. The mali bulbs of the oot ofgarlic, o cloves, a the are called, refrequently employed in his manne as a cur for deafnes by the common eopte
the t try this than the pix Burgundicae Bendes altering the state of secretion, hereis also reason to expecis me esse ' from it,as altering the sensibilit of the nerves: for on the want of due sensibility, a me have atready inted rather han on thestate of the passage, the assectio ma de pend. Andri is,ith this te that be- fore dis tinnithe patient, I have thoughis of trying, for the cure of her deafness, the effect os electricity. Dat these means
prove abortive, Mall, I own, have buttitile expectationis obtaining a cure Andhoweve distressinithis diseas may be, itis an assection hicli, in many instances,
inio the heli and the vomiting, I saynothing for I apprehen the wil require licite eis e than the regulationis diei. In his manner, then, I have ive somevie of the reaiment tready prosecuted, and hereaster intended, illi the presentPatient. et it is no impositi,te, that fron the recurrence of forme symptom S,
d froni resti appearances, I mat he obli-ged in disserent particulars, o alter thepi in here Propos ed.
by occupationis chali man, admitted Feb. 7. complain os obtuse patia, and fre- quently
quentl also of col iness, in the sinat of hi. hack. It is in genera attended with hi vering Fron the mali of his ac thepain s metimes extend acros the lower par of the abdomen, and occasions as hesays, a temporary Wellinitheres duringvibicli his respiration is considerabi affected. in other times the ain ascendsalong the ourse of the spine, and assects the musicles of his nec to achis degree acto preven him Do movin his ea l. It affect also his a s face, and UmS. In the last of thes it occasion a transitorysorenesis, an has loosened ome of his
His pulseris naturat, his appetite conm impatred, and his heli loose His urineis ometimes pale and limpid, at thectimes of a very high colour. Twelve weelis ago, in comin from heharvest in England he was attacked illia pati in the abdomen, attende With vo mitin and purging. To these succeededihelain of hichie has eve tace Omplained, and by whichie is no rendered
Very weah He imputes his complaint tofatigia in comin home. He has ahennaan medicines,ithout an relies. Elixi gubucini volatilis, Syrus implicis, singulorum drachmas tres M. Fiat hausus fora somni δε-
Februar I 3. The draught have gentlyopened his belly, ut have producet nosweat. mi patias are ather increased; andi has been much affected since fouro'cloch in the moriaing, with the salveringand col iness, hicli e no thinh re- turn with increased severit every secondday. Intermittatur medicamentum, sed capiat hora septima vespertina pulveris peraclians scrupulum unum pro emetices et Culcis,inci grana tria. Pu eris alerianae B estris femi raci mam M. Fiat pulvis sumendus ter quo- fidis.
Februar et a The vomit operate well, and theio derogave no uneasinesse: Ut
coidnes returning eve secon lay Andhe observes, that it is particulari severe when the wind is Dor the east. He stili continues to e frequently affected illitheiain and with return of the well-ing of his abdomen a formerly Bellynatural pulset . Repetatur emeticum hora septima vespertitur. Continuetur calx inci, sed constent Iingulae dos ex granis rinque. March r. The vomit opera ei melI, and he has continued the poWder regularly. Thelains,ith which he was a fit si aDfected are o much casierci ut for severat days pavi, he has been attached regulari every eventia a severi 'cloch with s ivering fit, and has afterwards weat-ed profuset during the night Pulsera ;beli regular Capiat, hora quarta pomeridiana su eris pecacu Let scrupulum. Crasmane capra alternis horis pulseris corticis Peruviani scrupulos duos, donec uncias duas sumpserit. Marcii . The vomit operated well, nil he
Iie has ahen the Peruvian bar regularly. He has ad n return of hi vel in forthes Dur days past, and his patris reconsiderabi eas1er butae sinit a times affected illi soni degre of welling. Pulserat bell regular. Continxetur cor
ex Peruvianus, sed capiat tantummodo femi- drachmam vesperi et mane. Marchos. He continues much asier,
and hasiadiso return of any hi vering
fit. Montinuetur cortex Peruvianus. Marchisa Continues fre from an re
O conssidering the case of this patient, was inclinexto lookipo itis a singularassection and acknowledge, thates so
a first in a manner hiches ould nothave done, ades properly understoo it. In the ver accurate histor of this patiens complaint introduced into the register, o will find a collectionis symp-
ed with wellings Bat both the one and the othe were in thei nature transitory; and egi nning at a particula par of thebody the were propagate seo thencein different directions. The occasione la the fame time temporar affections os different functions particulari respiration any howeVer, remaine unaffected. The appetite as unimpatred, and the pulse natural These complainis mere referred by the patient to a particu lar cause, viz. the influence of fatigues rom Walhing. arom his te of the complaints I as, hieny doubiful in opinion,