장음표시 사용
opinion, hethe we ought to consideriit aga rheumatici a nervous affection. In thelympionis here described, it illiso bedente that here is sonae resemblance toboth. The temporary wellings,ere a ther in favour of the apposition of rheumatism et in the attach and progress of the paroxysim, it had more resemblance to nervous affection nil his uppositionwas in s me meature corroborate by the affectionis motion produced for during the attachs, at least after thei in had made certain progressi, he was unable to movehis head. On these supposition the reaiment of this case was affirsitegun. Phadsoon, however, resion to suspect, thalielther the oneno the other supposition hicli lave no mentioned was et founded and the patient' dis eas put on an appearance whicli te to a different conjecture Hemas attached illi his complaint more regulari at a determine. hour; and themivering at ach attach, hich had been observe even rom the commencement,
hecam more severe. Frona his circum
he an anomalous intermittent and this conjecture is since, I apprehend in a great mensure verisied by the method of curewhichias proved successsul Perhaps ferudis eases, illi respect to thei appearance, are subjectis greate varieti es than intermittent evers of this sufficient proos may be had rom consulting the elaborate work of Mi Gaia vages. ou ill there ob serve underio many different forins allthe types of intermittent have been con-
This supposition is further corrobora- ted by another circumstanc in the casse. For it is tot observed that here is herea probabie cause hicli might have produ- ced an intermittent. The patient, indeed, himself ascribet his complainis to fatigue. ut immediatel l fore the commen ement of the diseasse, he had assedili harvest in Lincolnshire. The peopte in this country are much in the praestice of hiring thenaseives for the harvest-wor in Lincolninire and ther enny counties; Dom
nom heiace the osten bring hac inter-niit tents and to these the are exposed, bothiron the marshy state of the country, and the season of the ear I considered ittheres re a more probabie, that the disse eas had iis origin here, than haesit aroses rom the fatigue o walhin home Per-hapses may add that his is stili further corroborated by the method os attach. Itbegan with vomitin and purging a circumstanc by no means Unfrequent a the Commenc ement of evers of the intermittent kind. must wn howeVer even after adopt-inithis opinion, was stili very doubt-ful a to the prognosis and a no period of the assection id Ι oo with any confidenc for successi. Even on the supposition o an intermittent, I suspected that the complain would he tediolis: suspected his would e stili more theca se i it ho uid turn ut tot a nervous a Tection and the opinion Diis ei nia rheumati complaint was of the three the
star MEDICA L CASE spointed for, fron the practice adopte lin intermittenta, the Patient oon reco-
must, however observe, that even et there is no absolute securit a to the cure; for during the pring eason, in particu
lar intermittent are apto recur. Ut
mould the patient agat appi to us Domsufferinia relapse we need noti alarm-ed for after the dis eas has teide so ea- sit atready we ma entertain opes in future that it illino prove obstinate. And, at an rate, pring-intermittenis, ii the symptoms e moderate, re by nomeans angerous affections and for themost pari, a the season advances, theydis appea even Without medica aid. Our practice illi his patient a at different times conducted in very different plans; hich was solet the effectis un- certainty, and I must even acEnowledge of mistahes, with regard to the natur of thedis ease On the suppositio of rheuma
I have had ostener than once, occasion tost eali, and rom,hicli, in soni instances of that assection, have seen the best con-s uences On the complainis, OWeVer, of the present patient, it ad n effecit; and a the sanie time the accession hecamemore regular. his led me to the opiniontha the affection was of the nervous hin 1;
and imagining that the patia might be theesse ' os periodica spasm, Phad recoursuto the calx o Zinc That, might emore certain oscit action, Ppremised totis use the employmen o an emetic.
tended illi an belle effect Ani attength the regularit of the sit continuingwith increas exsilivering I was e to the opinionis it bein an anomalous intermittent Oithis supposition, I resolvedinthe tries of the common cure, the Peruvianharh. Even supposing the affectio tot of the nervous hind I was of opinion thatit ould not be productive of an bad effect an is it was an intermittent, Phadgoo ground to ope foris cure. The
event, a Phaveolready observed verisiel this conjecture and the patient, by theus of the bark, was oon freed rom allhis symptouas I didiot, however rechoni prudent immediatet to intermit thei se of the bark fori this means suci fe-
vers are frequently iusseredio relapse, henthat would not therwise e the casse. continued hi in heres ore illi theis of itfor soni time after the symptoms were in great measure en led; et I ave imoni a dose ver morniniani evening. Duriniat this time there mas no symp- tomis a relapse rechoned it heres oreonnecessary that he hould continue attendance an longer And a I have notsince eard of him I presume e continues in perfecti health.
TH1 patient continued De Dom at thesympionis illi hich he had been assected, and returned totis usual employmentis achairman in the exercise of hicli econtinue at the en o severat monilis inperfecit health. XVI.
out much inconvenience. Upon inspec' in the fauces nothin cani seen Butshesthinks that in can fee two mali vesications o ulcerate i sores a the root of herlongue Her pulse an beli are naturat,andae menses regular. She was ursi assected illi his complain about twelve monilis ago, ithout
ration. he has alien mercur to a very considerable extent; and likewis many other medicines, with the natur of whichine is unacquainted. ut he has derived no benefit from an of them. Eliciuntur scintilia electricae e faucibus externis ter in septimana, et capiat omni nocte tincturae fuliginis drachmas duas hora decubitus.
Februar et a She has seme sichnes at stomach, seo the tinctura fuliginis . hehas been thrice electrifie since thecis th: and si1e thinks that in ca now Wallowwith more ease; ut she stili complain ofconstantiat in her throat.
intermittatur tinctura fuliginis, coni inuetur electricitas ut antea.
Marcii 1. The electricit has been re
returias very anaboutioon. Continuetur electricitari et Tincturae aromaticae unciam unam. Aquae menthae piperitidis uncias quatuor.
M. Capiat semunciam quotidie hora undeci ma ante meridiem. Marchra. he stili continues o wallo with much more facilit than former-Iy, and her stomach-complaint have been considerabi easter since meaegan to use the mixtures; ut me is stili much asse Redwith thelain in her throat. Continuentur
ole, mittatur mi iura Contimietur electricitas et illinolur oleum camphoratum parti dolenti ermicis, omni mane et vespere.
Marcii 29. he didiot get the campho rate lisit, a Was ordered; and a si hasbeen or soni time in the country the electricit has been omitte l. he has no
no dissiculi in fwallowini; ut me stili complain somewhat of the fixe pati inher throni. Intermittatur electricitas: sed utatur oles
OBsgRvAΤION desivered Apri 12. The dis eas of this patient, both in iis nature and appearance, i ver peculiar. The assection consist os ne symptomonly, dissiculi deglutition. his is eliknown to occur asin symptor in various diseases and it is in particula osten ob serve in cynanche. But, besides his, it is considered, in most nos logica systems, a constitutinia par'ticula genus o dis eas by tself. In the