장음표시 사용
513. Sometimes the present an perfeci participies may be translate by a relative clause, o by a clausecontaining a nou or pronou With som partici pr fixed as,
514. Aster ad a gerundis gerundive may be tran . lato by the infinito active; S,
Ad poenitendum propreat He hastens to repent.
515. Supines in ore translate by the present infinitive either active o paSSiveri RS,
516. In dependent sentences the present subjunctiveis osten to e translate by might could, ould orshotita, instea os may. 317. In indirect question in subjunctive is commoni translate by the indicative; as,
518. Aster adverbs os time the subjunctive is commoni translate by the indicative; as,
Quum sciret, Whenaeane . 513. In hat the way may the present an perfeci participlea.ometimeat translated Τ514. Omma a gerundi gerundivo be translatod anor ad 515. Howma supinea in ut translatod Το16. Wit What auxiliarie may the resoni subjunctivo non botranslated in depondent clauses '517. Howria in subjunctive commoni translate in indimet quo tions Το 3 How, astor advor is timea
128 utina ron TRAΝSLATINO. o. 519. The subjunctive denotinua resultris commonlytranslate by the indicative o the infinitium; as,
In Alpibus tantum refrigus, ut ni ibi nunquam liquescat, homi in the Alpiis a great, that therano ineve melis there.
520. The subjunctive denoting apur se or beetia translate by the potentialis the infinitive; as,
TA sollowin are example os analysis and parsing, accordin to the principies os the precedin Gram-
I. Tempus veniet, The time tu come. ANALYSIS.
This is a simple sentence Iis subject is tempus; ita predicare is veniet
Tempus is a common noun. os the thiro deciension, neuter gende Decline it 91.J in the singulis number, an is nominative t veniet. Veniet is a neuter verb, os the murth conjugation. Repea the principaliaris, as ound in the dictionary.JIt is forme in the active voice, stom the firste oot, Repea the paris forme stom his root as in audio.'J in the indicative inood future tense,' Repeat the persons os this ense. thir person ' singular num-
The paragraphs os the Grammar, o hic resedience is made at the oot os the page, aliould eo pente in similar cases by the earner, unti their inplication is familiar. In the solio in examples, henthe fame reseretices might have been made, the areosten test tot supplied by the student.
2. Sola laurus fulmina non icitur, The laure Mono is notatruo by lightiang.
'his is a simple Sentence. It logical subjec is sola laurus, the laure Mone. It grammaticin subjectris laurus, the laurei. It logical predicate is fulmine non icitur, is notstruch by lighining. It grammatices predicate is testur, is struch.
Solaris an adjective os the seminine gender, stomsolus os therars an secon deciensions, Decline itin the seminino ender.' in the singula number, Dominative case, agreeing it laurus. Repea therule, 350 JLaurus is a common noun, os the secones deciension seminine gender, Declinerit. in the nominative
Fulmine is a common noun, of the third decien- Sion, neuter gender, Decline iis in the singularnumber, ablative case aster icitur. Repea the rule. 430.4Non is an adverbiodistiniicἔtur. Icitur is an active verb, os the thir conjugation.
Repeat iis principaliaris. D is forme in the pam sive voice, rom the rs root, Repeat the parta forme stom this r t.' in the indicative ood, presentiense, Repeat the persons.' thir person, singular, agreeing Wit laurus Repeat in rute, 363.J
This is a compound sentence, consistin os two propositions. I. Urbs vocabatur Roma, the cit Wascalle Rome. 2. Quam Romulus condidit, hichRomulus bulli. In the first proposition urbs is in grammatical su jeci, an urbs limite by the relative clause, quam Romulus condidit, is the logica subjeci. In thesecond, o relative clause, Romulus is the subjeci, condadit the grammatices, an quam condidit the logicalpredicate.
Urbs is a common noun, os the thir deciension, seminine gender, Declinerit. in the nominative case
Quam is a relative pronoun, os the seminine gen-der stom qui, quin, quod agreein With iis antecedenturbs, Repea the rute, 60,J Decline it in the seminine J in the accusative aster eondidit. Repea therule, 30s JRomulus is a proper noun, os the secon deciemsion masculine gender, Decline it. in the nominative caserio condidit.
Condidit is an active verb, os the thir conjugation. Repea the principes paris I It is forme in the G
4. ui me missiret, ' aisibat testudini Lacerta, quae, quocunque libeat vadere, Tuam ipsa tecum ferre cogaria domum. ANALYSIS.
This sentence consista os four propositions. . Ibi me miseret, I pity ou. 2. Aiebat testud lini lacerta, sal a ligar to a tortoise. 3. Quin tuam ipsa recrum ferre coguris domum, ho are compelle to carry ourhous withoou. . Quocunque libeat vadere, hithe foeverrit plerae you to go. These proposition are to e analyge an parsed like the preceding but in theirst the subjectri WanNing, and in the ourth, it consist os the infinitive vadere. The impersona ver miseret is here translate in sucha manne that the pronou me depending pon it, ainpears in Englisti ascit subjeci, instea of the pronounit. t might though es properly have been trans lated, cit pities.' The ther impersona verba mentioned in 401 are usuali translate in the fame manner.
Latin tobe translated into Englisli. Ego lego. Plorabis.
Tempus veniet. Ille videt.' Iussimus Nos scribimus. Studuistis. Vos curritis. Hostes vicerunt.
Illi audiunt.βHora venerat. Canebam. Canes momorderanti LudebaS. Videro. Aquila volabat. Faveat fortunas Dormiebamus. Dies surgat. NetuebatiS. Ρoma pendeant.
Stellae sulgebant. Discipuli discerent. Habebo
Stella fulgeo. The sun ill shine Sol luceo The wallows ill
Laudor. Μissi erimus. Doceris.
Vox auditur. Ρanis. ematur.ψMonemur. Pecunia solvatur. ηCulpamini.
Ρremeretur Meus. Tempora mutantur.
Tegeretur caput. Sylvae habitatae sint. Bella parabantur. Domus aedificabitur. Victus sit miles. Urbes spoliatae sint. Praemia dabuntur. Amicus inventus eSSet. Epistola mittetur. Datae sunt leges. Hostes capti SSent.
Arces conditae eSSent. Naves merSae Sunt. Boves immolantur.
The gales ere Pening. The do was barking. The letter has been Sent. Porta pando.'Canis latro. Epistola mitto. Gaul Was conquered. The Helvetians ere Stain. Gallia vinco. . Helvetii caedo. Shout ha been hevd. Clamor audio. The poems may be read. Lot letters be writ ten. Carmen lego. Literae scribo. The law'is established. Lex constituo. Carthage was destroyed. The senate has been On-Deleo Carthago.
Vera virtus nobilitat. Litera scripta manet.. Ver erat aeternum.
Voluptas nimia nocet. Nix alta jacet. Anima immortalis est.
Iter tutum non fuit. Dulcis est libertas. 2Estas torrida venerati Dies suisset Seren
Bonus puer discit. Timidi lepores fugiunt
Veloces canes Sequuntur. Fessus viator sedebat. Μeus equus fatigatur. Boni auctores leguntur. Superbi homines cadunt. Μors est certa. Humana consilia cadunt. Altae turres cadent. Humiles casae stabunt. Tui fratres laudati sunt. Celer equus vincet. Nemus omne virebit.
Bellum exitiosum impendet. EMIAh into Latin.
Μeus oculus salto. Ρluvius arcus describo. Noster hortus sum me
Bellum sum eXitiosus. Μitis pomum cado. Agito ingens pinus. Pater eo mater sum mortuin
Pater conscriptus convenio. Vester libertas sustollo. Humanus consilium cado.
Loetis into EMIALIuno Iovis coniux erat. Helena causa sui belli Troiani. Scipio fudit AnnibElis copias
Invidia gloriae comes est Pan deus Arcadiae erat. Nisus suit portae custos. Ventorum pater regitimem. Μiles timet sagittam hostis. Neptunus erat numen aquarum. Canis leporis vestigia sequitur. Omnium rerum principia parva sunt. Μors omnium malorum sensum adimit. Iucunda est memoria praeteritorum malorum. Calamitas virtutis occasio esti
Μercur Was the messem ercurius sum' nuncius geris Iupiter. Iupiter. The example os other Alius exemplum ego Om- admonisii us moneo. The hades alla the eat is sol umbra levo. os the Sun. Croesus as in os the ex Lydus Croesus sum LydianS. Necessit is the mollier os ater ars sum necessitas. the aris. The consent os est men Consensus omnis sum ORis the voice os remon. ratio. The lor os virtve con Laus virtus consisto in a sist in action. tio.