장음표시 사용
ed is Christ k And wero one to concede to them that thomeat Was something different hom the milli, then hoW shallthey avoid being transfixed on their oWn spit, thro h wantos consideration os naturet For in minter, When the ala is condensia, and prevenis the escape of the heat enelosed within, tho food, transmuted and digested and changod into blood, passes into the vetas, and these, in the absence of exhalatio aro greatly distenderi and exhibit strong pulsations; consequently also nurses are then fullest of milh. And wo havos .n a litile above, that on pregnancy blood passes into milla by a chango which does not affect iis substance, just as in oldpeopis yello. hala changes to grey. But again in summer,
the body, having iis pores more open, affords greater facili sor diaphoretie action in tho case of the Rod, and tho missi is least abundant, since netther is the blood fult, nor is tho wholonutriment retained. Η, then, the digestion of tho nod resulis in the production of blood, and the blood beeomes milli, then Nood is a preparation sor milh, as bicod is for a humau betam and the grvo for the vino. With missi, thon, the Lord's
M We are regeneraled, We are honoured by receiving the good neWs of the liope of rest, even the Jerusalem above, in Whichit is writton that milh and honey sali in stio ere, receivingthrough What is materiai the pledge of the sacred laod. Formeats are done aWay With, in as the apostle himseli says; butthis nourishment on milli leads to the heavens, rearing upcitigens of heaven, and members of the angelic choirs. Andsince the Word is the gushing fountain of lise, and has been called a rivor os olive oti, Paul, using appropriate figurative language, and calling Him milli, adds: I have oven youto drink ; for wo drinh in the word, the nutriment of the truth. In truth, also liquid food is called drinh; and thosame thing may somelioW be both meat and drinh, accordingto the different aspecis in which it is considered, just as cheeseis the solidification os milli, or milli solidified; for I am notconcerned here to mahe a nice Selection os an expression,
crumbsed into a mixture of sine and water, seims on the Wine
and leaves the matery portion, ao also the flesti es Christ, thebread of heaven, absorbs the bl d; that is, i se among menWho are heavenly, nourishing them up to immortali , and leaving onj to destruction the lusis of the fleis. Thus in many Ways the Word is figuratively describeri asmeat, and flesti, and Lood, and broad, and blood, and milh. o Lord is ali these, to ove enjoment in us Who have belloved - Ηim. Let no ono than thinh it strange, -- say that the Loraes blood is figurat ob represented as milli. For is it not figurativoly representod as mine ' μ Whomines,V it is inid, - His garment in vino, His robo in tho
as the Word: for tho righteous man os old is tho typo of thonem righteous one; and tho blood of old that intercedia, into cedes in tho place of the now blood. And the Nood that is tho Vord eries in God, since it intimated that tho Word Was to
Further, this fleta, and tho Nood in it, ara is a mutuat sympathy moistenin and increased by the milh. And the pr
cera os formation of the wed in conception ensues When it hasmi'gled missi tho pure residue of the menses, which remalas. For the foreo that is in the seia coagulating the substances of the blata, as the rennet curvies mi , essecla the essential
part of the formativo process. For a suit te blending conduces in fruitsulnem; but extremes are adverse, and tend tosterility. For When the ereth iraeli is flooded is excossivorain, the seed is sWept aWay, While in consequence of scarci it is driod up; but When the sap is viscous, it retains the seed, and maes it germinate. Some also hold the hypothesis, that the seed os an animal is in substanco the soam of tho blood, which being by the natural heat of the malo agitated and shahen oui, in copulation is tumed into foam, and deposited in the seminal vel . For Diogenes Apollionales Wili hausit, that hende is derived the word aphrodisia. Frem ait this it is therefore evident, stat the essentialprincipie of the human body is biood. Tho contents of tho Stomach, tοο, at firat are milhy, a coagulation os fluid; thenthe fame coagulated substance is changed into blood; butwhen it is sormed into a compaci consistency in the Womb, by tho natural and wam spirit is Whicli the embryo istastioned, it becomes a living creature. Further alam the childaster birth is nourishod by the fame bl d. For the flow of milli is tho produci of the blood; and the so ce of nourishment is the milh; by Which a woman is stlown to have brought forin a child, and to be truly a mollier, by Whichalso fhe receives a potent charm os assection. Whereforo the Hesy Spirit in the apostle, using the voice of the Lord,sus mysticatly, I have given you milh to drinh.'- For is o have been regeneraled unto Christ, He who has regeneraled us nourishes us With His own milli, tho Word; ior it is proper that what has procreated should forthwith supply nourishment to that Whicli has been procreated. Andas the regeneration mas conformably spirituat, so also mas thenutriment of man spiritual. In ali respecis, thereiore, and inali things, me are brought into union wissi Christ, into relationship through His biood, by whicli me are redeemed; and into sympathy, in consequence of the nourishment whicli flowsirom the Word; and into immortali , through Ηis Midance:
And that milh is produced from blood by a change, is atreadyclear; yet me may learn it from the flocis and herds. Fortheso animais, in the time of the year Which Wo cali sprinnwhen tho air has moro humidi , and the grass and meado sare juicy and moist, are fidit filled with blood, as is inown istho distension of the veins of the swollen vessela; and homtho blood tho milh floWs more copiously. But in Summer,ngain, the blood Ming burni and dried up by the heat, prevenis the change, and so they have less milh. Further, milh has a most natural innity for Water, asassuredly the spirituat Washing has for the spiritual nutriment. Those, thereiare, that sWallo a litile cold Water, in additionto the abou mentioned milli, straightWay seel benefit; sorine milli is provented hom fouring by iis combination missi Water, not in consequence of any antipathy betWeen them, but in consequence of the mater inhing hindly to the missiwhilo it is undergoing digestion. And such as is ino union of tho Word with baptism, istho agreement of milh With Mater; for it receives it Mono otali liquids, and admits of mixture Mith mater, ior the pur se of cle sing, as baptism for the romission os sing. And it is mised naturalty With honey also, and this for cleansing alongwith sweet nntriment. For tho Word blended with lovo at
Furthermore, milli is mixed With sweet wino; and thomixtum is beneficiat, as whon suffering is mixed in the cupin order in immortali . For the milli is curdled by the wine, und separatia, and whatever adulteration is in it is drained
divine, immortaliging him. Further, many also use the sat os milli, called butier, sorine lamp, plainly indicating by this enigma the abundant
ii that I may apprehend that for Which I am apprehindesi os Christ. Methren, I count not mysed is have apprehended: but this one ining I do, forgetting the things Which Moboliind, and stretching sortii to those stat are fore, I pressioWard the mata, for the prino of the high calling in Christ
perfection as the renunciation os sin, and regeneration into
it is timo for tis in due murae to say Who our Instructor is.
Nom tho instruction whicli is os God is the right directionos truth to the contemplation os God, and the exhibition ofholy deeds in evertasting pereeVernnee. therofore the generat directa the phalanx, consulting thesasely of his soldiers, and the pilot steers the vesset, destringio fave the passengere; so also the Instructor Mides the chil-dren to a saving course of conduci, through solicitudo for us; and, in generat, Whatever We ask in accordance With Nason
sato to anchor in the haven of heaven. What is called by men an ancestrat custom passes aWayin a moment, but the divine guidance is a possession Whichabidos for BVer.
They say that Phoenix mas tho instructor ot Achillos, and Adrastus of the children os Croesus ; and Leonides of Alexander, and Nausithous of Philip. But Phoenix Was Women-mad, Adrastus Was a fugitive. Leonides did not curtati the pride os Alexander, nor Nausithous reform the drunken Pellaean. No more Was the Thracian Zopyrus able to chech the fornication of Alcibiades; but Zopyrus mas a bouot flave, and Ticinnus, tho tutor os the children os Themistocles, Was alaety domestic. They say also that he invented tho Sicinnian
royal instructore among the Perstans; Whom, in number laur, tho hings of the Perstans select With the greatest care Domati tho Perstans, and set over thela sons. But the chilhenonly learn the use of the bo , and on reaching maturi have sexuat intercourse With sisters, and mothera, and Women, Wives and co terans innumerabie, practised in intercourae liko the wild boars.
TAE INSTRUCTOR 151But our Instructor is tho holy God Jesus, the Word, Who istho guide os est humani . Tho loving God Himself is our Instructor. Some here in song the Ηoly Spirit says Withregard to Him, Ho provided suffciently for the peopte in
the wiidem s. Ηo ted him about in the thiret os summer heatin a dry land, and instructed him, and hept him as tho appleos His ve, as an e te protecta her nest, and shows her fondsolicitudo for her young, spreati abroad her Wings, tam them, and bears them on her bach. Tho Lord Hono tedinem, and there mas no strango god with them. Clearly, I troW, has the Scriptum exhibited tho Instructis in tho account it oves of His guidance. Main, When He spealis in His om person, He consesses