장음표시 사용
See the care, and Wisdom, and pomer of the Instructor: He shali not judge according to opinion, nor according torepori; but He shali dispense judgment to the hvmble, and reprove the sinners of the earth.' An d by David: Tho Lordinstructing, halli instructed me, and not given me over todeath. M For in be chastised of the Lord, and instructed, is doliveranco from death. And by the fame prophet He says : Thou stiali rule them with a rod of iron. - Thus also tho
elso stan to tino care of man. God therasore cares for
In another Way the useful is called good, not on account
efui. Righteousness, theresore, has characteristies core
sponding to ali the aspecis in Which goodnem is examinia, both possessing eques properties equally. And things whichare characteriaed by eques properties are equat and similar toeach other. Righteousnem is thereiore a good thing. Ηοπ then,' say theri ii the Lota loves man, and ismod, is Ηe anyy and punishest' We must there re treatoi this potat with ali possibio breviu; for this mode of trea, ment is advantageous to the right training of the children, Occupying the placs ot a necessary help. For many os tho
passions are cured by punishment, and by tho inculcation os the sterner precepta, as also by instruction in certain principies. For reproof is, as it mere, the surgery of the passions of themul; and the passiona cre, as it mere, an abscess of the truth,y Whicli must be cui open is an incision of tho lanceios reproM.
Reproach is like tho application os medicines, dissolving the callosities of the passions, and purging the impurities of the lewdn s of tho lite; and in addition, reducing the e crescences of pride, restoring the patient to the healthy and
Admonition is, as it mere, the regimen of the dimasod mul, prascribing What it must inhe, and sorbidding What it must noti And ali theso tond to salvation and Eternat health. Furi more, tho generat os an amn is inflicting fines and corporeal punishments With chalas and the extremest disgrace on offendere, and wmetimes even is punishing individuals missi death, aims at good, doing so for the admonitiones the officere under him. Thus also He Who is our great Generat, the Word, the Commandemi chies of the universe, by admonishing those o throw off the restraints of His lam, stat He may effectinois release hom the flaverγ, error, and captivi of the adversam, brings them peaceiully to the sacred concord ofestiaeninip. As, there re, in addition to persuasive disco se, there istho hortatory and the consolatory fom; so also, In additionis the laudato , there is the inculpatory and reproachivi.
And this latior constitutes the ari os censum. censure
those Who aro not indueed by praise are spurred on is censure; and those Whom censure calis not forin in salvation, being as dead, Me by denunclation mused in the truth. For tho stripes and correction os wisdom aro in ali time.'
service te culture, - Ηe says, I am the true Vine, and
a corrector and reformer of sins. Whereiore He alone is
THE INSTRUCTOR 159 abis to forgivo our iniquities, who has been appotnted by tho Father, Instructor of us ait; He alone it is who is ablo todistinguish betneen disobedienco and obedience. And whilom threatens, Ho manifestly is unWilling to infitet evit toexecute His threatenings; but by inspiring men mith fear,
stili delaying, and declaring What they shali suffer ii theycontinue sinners, and is not as a serpent, Which the moment it
justice to mine enemies, and requite those who hate me. Ι
Now hatria es erit attonds tho good man, in virtve of Hisbeing in nature good. Wherofore I mili grant that mpunishes the dis odient for punishment is for the good indadvantage of him Who is punished, for it is the correction ofa refracto subject) ; but I Will not grant stat He wishos to
those stat despitesvlly use uia si But that God is Mol allWillingly admit; and that the fame God is just, I require
noted that He proclaims Ηis Father to be good, and in bellio Creator. And that the Creator is just, is not disputed. And again he says, My Father senci rain on the just, andon the uniust.' In respect of His sending min, Ho is the Creator of the waters, and of the clouds. And in respect os
to fhow that He is just, and that Jesus is the justifier of him vilio is of faith.' And that ho knows that what is just isgood, appears by his saying, So that the laW is holy, and the commandinent holy, and just, and good,' ' using both