장음표시 사용
THE INSTRUCTOR 163 that it is verit ly clear that tho God os ali is only one good, just Creator, and the Son in the Father, to whom be glorytor ever and ever, Amen. But it is not inconsistent Withtho saving Word, to administer rebulio dictared by solicitudo. For this is the medicine of the divine love to man, by Whichtho blusti os modosty breas sortii, and shamo at sin supe venes. For is one must censure, it is necessary also torebuke; when it is the time to mound the apathetic foui notmortally, but salutarily, securing exemption from evertasting
Great is the wisdom displayed in His instruction, and manisold tho modes of Ηis dealing in order to salvation. For the Instructor testifies to the good, and summons sortii tobetter things those that are called; dissuades thoso that arohastening to do Wrong hom the attempi, and exhoris them totum to a better lila. For the one is not Without testimony, heu he other has been restified to; and the grace whicli proceeds from the testimony is very great. Besides, the feel-ing oi anger is it is proper in cali His admonition anger) is
fuit os love to man, God condescending to emotion on man'Saccount; for Whose salie also the Word of God becamo man.
him good for ever after. It is not immediate pleraure, butfuture enlyment, that the Lord has in view.Let us noW proceed to consider tho modo of His loving discipline, missi the aid of the prophetic testimony. Admonition, then, is the censure os loving care, and pr duces underetanding. Such is the Instructor in His admonitions, as When He says in the gospei, How osten mould Ιhavo gathered thy chilhen, as a bita gathera her yοungones under her Wings, and ye Would noti And again, tho
T- INSTRUCTOR 165 Scripture admonishes, saying, And they committed adultery
For reproos and rebuhe, as also the origines term implies, are the stripes of the foui, chastising sius, preventing death, and leading to self-contres those carried away to licentious-nem. Thus also Plato, knoWing reproos in be the greatest poWer for reformation, and the most fovereign purification, in accordance With What has been said, observes, that he whois in tho hi est degreo impuro is uniustructed and base, is reason of his Ming unreproved in thoso respecta in Whicli ho
For is rulers are not a terror to a good Work, hoW inali God, Who is is naturo good, bo a terror in him Who sins noll Π thou doest evit, bo afraid,' says the apostle. Wherelare the aposus himself also in every case mes stringent languageto the si ches, after the Lota's example ; and conscious os his οὐ boldness, and of the wealineas of his heisera, he says
ilioso who ars ill neod his skili. Thus also me who in Our livesare ill of shamesul lusis and reprehensibio excesses, and other inflammato effecis of tho passions, need the Sario . dΗe administere not only mill but also stringent medicines. Tho bitter mota es fear thon arrest the eating sores of our sing. Whereiore also Dis is salutarn is bitter. Sich, Wo
longor thirst; Uy doad, we need lise ; shoep, me need a stemheta; Wo Who are children need a tutor, While universalhumanity stanti in need of Jesus; so that me may not continuo intractable and sinners to the ond, and thus sali into condemnation, but may be separated from the chast, and
η Egeh. xxxiv. 14, 15, 16. ' Ereh. xxxiv. 1 16. . Isa. Iviii. s. ' Isa. xliii. 2.
There is a tWosold species of fear, the ono of Whicli is
Justice and jud ent are the preparation os His throne: mercy and truth shali go bosors Thy face.' Ηs declares that it belongs to the samo poWer both in judge and to dogood. For there is poWer over both together, and jud ent separates that Whicli is just from ita opposite. And He who