Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 4: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 1

발행: 1867년

분량: 502페이지


분류: 미분류


THE INSTRUCTOR. 193 tho right Aod is thantagiving. And ite who oves inanis does not occupy his timo in plemures. And is Wo mould

the consciencs of the weah brethren sin against Christ.' Thus the aposse, in his solicitude sor us, discriminates in thoease of enteriainmenta, saying, that it any one called abrother bis found a fornicator, or an adulterer, or an idolater, mith such an one not to eat; ' neither in disconrso or raodaro we to join, looking With suspicion on the pollution thenco proce ing, as on the tables of the demons. It is mod, then, netther to eat flesti nor to drinh wine,Vρ as both hoand tho Pythagoreans achnowledge. For this is rather cha

1 cor. viii. 13. I cor. ix. 14. I Cor. viii. 6, 11, 12.



sensetem, to bismear their hands With the condiment' and tobo constantly reaching to tho sauce, cramming themselves

condemnation. 3Frem ali stariis habita' and excess We must abstain, and Much What is set besore us in a decorous Way; heeping the


THE INSTRUCTOR 195hand and much and chin Dee of stalas; preserving the

grace of the countenance undisturbed, and committing noindecorum in the act of s allo ing; but stretching out thohand at intorvati in an orderly manner. - must Mardagainst speising mything While eatlag: for the volae b comes disUr ablo and inarticulate when it is confined by

suli jaWs; and the langue, pressed by the foω and impededin iis natural enero, oves forin a compressed ulterance. Noris it fuit te is eat and to driis simultaneo ly. For it is the very extreme os intemperance to confound the times .hoseuses are discordant. And hester γε eat or drin do

other explanations not unknoWn to us, but tho present is nota sultable occasion sor their triniment. Let the mention emata for our present pur so sussice, as it is not timuit lato tho M.ers of the Word; and wo have osten dono this, dra ing to the urgent potnt of the question the most beneficialsountain, in order in Mater those Who have been planted by the Word. For is it is laines ior me to partae of allthings, yet ali inings are not expedienti ' For thoso that

d just as righteouinem is not attained is avarice, nor temperance is excess; so neither is the regimen os a Christianlamed is indulgeneo; sor the tablo os truth is far hom la civious dianties. For though it Was chleis for men's sise thatali inings were made, yet it is not good is me ali inings, nor



at ali times. For the occasion, and the time, and the mode, and tho intention, materialty turn the balance with reserence towhat is Mesul, in tho vlew of Ono Who is rightly instructed; and this is fuit te, and has influence in pulting a stop to a liso of gluttony, Which v ealth is prone to choose, not stat mealthwhich sees clearly, but that abundance which mahes a man blindwith reserence to gluttony. No one is poor as regarti nece saries, and a man is never overtooked. For there is ono God

beWitching the appetito. For is there not milhin a temperate simplici a Wholesome Varioty of eatables Τ Bulbs,' olives, certain herbs, missi, cheese, fruits, ali hinds of cooked food wit, out fauces; and is flesh is Wantod, tot roast rather than bollodbe set doWn. Have you anything to eat hero ' said tho Lord to tho discipies aster the resurrection; and theri as tau t


sor Ι have never eaten What is common or unctem. And

medium state is good. In ali things, indeed, this is thocase, and not least in the proparation mado sor ieasting, sincoste extremes are dangemus, and middie courses good. Andio be in no mant of necessaries is tho modium. For thedestres Which aro in accordance With nature aro Munded by

the law in the most systematic manner. For the Instructor,

is Moses, deprived them of tho use of innumerable things, adding remons-the spiritual ones hidden ; the carnal ones



mining philosopher Plato, sanning the spark of the Hebrowphilosophy When condemning a lite os luxury, says: μ on mycoming hither, the life which is here called happy, fuit of Italianand Syracusan tables, pleraed me not by any means, Donsisting

night Hone, and Whalaver other accessories attend the modeos lita. For not one man under heaven, ii bmught up hombis Dua in suta practices, Will ever tum out a Wise man, Willi ho ever admirabie a natural genius he may be endoWed.

This mas the suffcient sustenance of the Israelites. Butthat of the Gentiles .as ove abundanti No one Who uses it


remedy should, on account of ita quantity, unobserved, create the necessi of other treaiment. The naturat, temperate, and necessary beVerage, thereiare,

for tho thirsty is Water. This Was the simplo Minh os sobrie , Which, floWing irom the smitten roch, Was supplied by the Lota to the ancient Hebre s. It was most requisite that in their manderings they should be temperate. Ahematas ins sacred vine produced the prophetic cluster. Τhis Was a sim to them, When trained imm Wandering tothela rest; representing the great cluster the Word, bruised sor M. For the blood of the grapo that is, the Wor


Spirit missi man. And the one, the mixture of Wine and water, nourishes to faith; While the other, the Spirit, conducisto immortali . And the mixturo os both f the wator and of tho Word-


mE INSTRUCTOR.201 is called Mehariat, reno ned and glorious grace; and theymho by saith pari e os it are sanctified both in body and mul. For tho divine mixtum, man, tho Father's wili has mysticatly commundia by the Spirit and the Word. For, in truth, thespirit is ioined to the foui, Which is inspired by it; and the flesh, is reason of Whicli the Word becamo flesh, to the Word.

I there re admire thom Who have adopted an austero lise, and who are fond of mater, the medicino of temperance, and fleo as sar as possibie hom Wine, sh ning it M they Would tho danger of fire. It is proper, thereiore, that bos andoris should heep as much as possibie aWay Dom this medicine. For it is not right to pour into the burning season ofliso tho hottest os ali liquids-Win-adding, as it Were, fireto fire. For henm Wild impulses and burning lusis and fiery habita are hindled; and young men inflamed hom Wistin como prone to the indulgenco os victous propensities; sothat signs os injury appear in their body, the membere oflust coming to maturi Moner than they ought. The bremis and organs of generation, inflamed With wine, expand anda eli in a ahamesul Way, at ready exhibiting besorehand theimage of fornication; and the bois compeis the wound of

tho soni is inflamo, and shametres pulsations festo --danco, inciting the man os correct bellaviour to transgression; and henco the voluptuousnem of youth overpasses the bountios modes . And ws must, as far as possibie, try to quenchtho impulses of Duth by removing the Bacchic suel of thothreatenta danger; and by pouring tho antidote to the inflammation, so keep doWn the burning soul, and heep in thos elling membere, and allay the agitation os lust whon it is atready in commotion. d in the case of νο--up people, tot stoso missi Whom it agrem somelimes partahe of dinner, insting breta only, and let them abstain wholly from drinh; in order stat their superfluous molature may bo absorbed and drunk up by the eating os dry λω. For constant spitiingand wiping osi perspiration, and hastening to evacuations, is the sim os excess, from tho immoderate use of liquids supplied in excessive quantity to tho body. And is thirat come on, letthe appetito be satisfied mith a litile water. For it is not



propor that Water Aould be supplied in too meat profusion ;in oeder that the laod may not be dromed, but ground domin ordor to digestion ; and this inhes place When the victuias arocollected into a mas' and only a smali portion is evacuared. d, besides, it suila divino studies not to M heavy With

When We are no longer Engaged in more serious readires

health alone, and othera sor purposes of relaxation and erio ment. For fidit Wine maris the man who has drunk it more

λ me exact derivation ol acrothorahes is matter of do t. But me have tho authoesty of Aristotis and Erotian tor bellering that it Wasapplied in Goae uere aliotly Munk. Some regare the clauso hero