장음표시 사용
It is a farce, and a thing to mahe ono laugh outriglit, formen to bring in silver urin vases and chamber-pots of crystalas they usher in their counseliora, and for silly ricli momen toget Mid receptacles sor excrementi made ; so that belug rich, they cannot even ease themselves excepi in superb Way. Ι
For it peoplo occupy their time With pipes, and psalteries, and ehoira, and dances, and Emptim clapping of hands, and such disorderly frivolities, they becomo quilo immodest and intract-
able, beat on cymbals and drums, and mahe a noise on the instruments of delusion; for plainly such a banquet, as seemsto me, is a theatro os drunkenness. For tho aposue decrees
our timo in rioting and drunkenness, in chambering and wan- tonnem.' Let the pipe be resigned to tho fhepherci, and the flute to the superstitious who are engrossed in idolatry. For, in truth, such instruments are to bo banished hom a temperate banquet, betag more sultable to beasis stan men, and the more irrationat portion os mankind. For wo havo heardos stam being charmed by the pipe, and seduced by music
sound, to speis in a mord, and every shameses sensationos licentiousness hicli, in truth, is privation os sensation- must by ali means bo excluded; and we must be on ourguard against Whatever pleasure titillates πε and ear, and effeminates. For the various spetis os the brohen strians and plaintivo numbers of the Carian muse corrupi men's morati,
draWing to perturbation os mini by the licentious and mi
The Spirit, distinguishing hom suta revelry the divino
service, sings, Praise Him With sound of trumpet; for Mihsound of tru et He shali ratio the dind. Presse Him ontho psaltery; ' for tho languo is the psaltery of tho Med. d presso Him on tho lyra.' ' the bro is meant themouin strua by the Spirit, as it Were is a plectrum. Piniso Mith tho umbres and tho disce,' refers to tho churta meditating on the resurrection of the dein in tho remundingahin. Galae Him in tho chorda and organy Our bovHo calis an organ, and iis nerves ara the strings, is Whichit has received harmonious tension, and when strua by the Spirit, it gives forth human voices. Priam Him in thoclashing cymbala. Ηe calis tho tongno tho cymbal of thomouin, Which remunds With the pulsation of tho lips. There- fore IIo cried is humani , - Let every breassi presse tho Loes,' inum ΗΘ cares for ovem Meathing thing Which IIo hathmade. For man is truly a pacific instrument; Whilo other instruments, ii Du investigate, you Will find in bo maritis, inflaming to lusis, or hinesing up amoura, or musing Hath. In their mare, therelare, the Etruscans use the trumpet, the Arcadians the pipe, the Sicilians the pectides, the Cretans the lyre, the Lacedaemonians tho flute, tho Thraciam thehom, the Egyptians tho drum, and the Arabians the cymbal. The ono instrument of peace, tho Word Hono by Whita me hono God, is What We employ. - no longer employ the ancient psaltery, and trumpet, and limbret, and flute, Whichthom experi in War and eontemners of the fear of God meremoni to mata um os also in the chorusos at thela festivo asse sies; that is such straius they might resse their d
io Masons, to persons, to places.
In the present instanco IIo is a guest missi M. For thoapostis adda again, Teaching and admonishing ono another in ali Wisdom, in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual fores, sino
suit te to praiso Him on partaking of Ηis creatures. Fortho psalm is a melodious and sober blessing. Tho apostlocalis the psalm a spirituat song.
so go stratot to fleep. And consess to Him in songs of tholips,' he says, because in His command ait His good pleasumis done, and there is no deficiency in His salvation.' MFurther, among the ancient Greehs, in their banquela overthe brimming cups, a song Was fung called a sholion, aiter the manner of the Hebrow psalms, ali together raising thopaean missi the voice, and somelimes also tining turns in tho
temperate harmontes are in be admitted; but me are in banishas sar as possibio from our robust mind those liquid ha montes, Whicli, through pernicious aris in the modulations ofiones, train to effeminaey and scurrili . But grave and modest strians say fareWeli to the turbulenco os drunkennem. Chromatic harmontes are thereiore to be abandoned is immodest revelf, and to florid and meretricious music.
dri ven hom our poli for societri. For sinco ali forms of speoch flow srom mindand manners, ludicrous expressions could not be utiered, didthey not proceed irom ludicrous practices. For the saying, It is not a good tree which produces corrupi fruit, nor a corrupi tree Whicli produces good fruit, ' is to M applied in this case. For speech is the fruit of tho mind. Is, then,
is no manner of means be allo ed to stir up langliter. Forit more absurd to be found imitators of things of which moare prohibited to bo listenera; and stili more absurd for aman is set about mahing himself a laughinystoch, that is, tho buit os insuli and derision. For ii me could not endureto malis a ridiculous figure, such as Ws see some do in processions, hoW could We With any propriety boar to havo the
inner man made a ridiculo sgure os, and that to ono's face Wheroforo Wo ought never of our oWn accord to assume a ludicrous character. And hoW, then, can me devote ourselvesto Ming and appearing ridiculous in Our conversation, there travestying speech, Whicli is the most proclous os ali humanendowments It is therofore disgracesul to set ono's seli todo this; since tho conversation of wam of this description is not fit for our eam, inasmuch as by the very expressions usedit familiarietes us With shamesul actions. Pleasantry is allo abie, not Wamery. Besides, even lauoter
must be hopi in chech; for when given vent to in the right manner it indicates ordeclinem, but When it issum differently
must not eradicate from them, but rather impose on them limita and fuit te times. For man is not to lavo on alloccasions because he is a lauoing animal, any more stan the horae netos on ali occasiona because he is a neighing animal. But as rational beings, me are to regulate o selves fuit in harmoniousty relaxing the austeriu and ove tension ot our
gether. For tho seemly relaxation of the countenance in a harmonia ous manne-as of a musical instrumen is called a Milo. also is lau ter on the face of weluregulated men temod. But the discordant relaxation os countenance in the case of
omen is callia a girale, and is meretricious laughter; in tho se of men, a gina , and is smage and insulting laughter. A foes misis his voice in laughter, in sus the Scriptum; buta claver man smiles almost imperceptibiy. The clever man in this cam ho calis Wise, in muta af ho is differently affectedirem tho λα But, on the other hand, ono netas not beo my, oesy grave. For I certainly prefer a man to state
ho has a stem comtenanco stan the reverse; sor so his
Commanda both in Iano luxurio ly and to dance, chaning effeminate manners to sostness. We must consider,
M hat Wo cali mahing a mock of one: osten also by a harsher mode of speech. For What procoedeth out of the mouili,' He says, defitest a man,' shows him to Munclean, and heathenish, and unimined, and licentious, and not selech and proper, and hono able, and temperate. And as a similar rule holds With regata to hearing audseeing in the case of What is obscene, the divine Instructor, fosso ing the fame course With both, arrvs thoso Gildren ho are engaged in the strumle in Worct os modestri asea Mards, so that the pulsation os iamication may not