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and the transmigration hom Creto into Phoenicia. And in the timo os Lynceus took place the abduction os Proserpine, and the dedication of tho sacred enclosure in Eleusis, and the hvsbandry of Triptolemus, and the arrival of Cadmus in Thebes, and tho roim os Minos. And in the time os Proetus the war of Eumolpus with the Athenians took placo; and in the timo os Acrisius, tho removat os Pelops homPhrygia, the a val of Ion at Athens; and tho secondCecrops appeared, and the exploits of Perseus and Dionysustook place, and Orpheus and Musaeus lived. And in thoeighteenth year of the reign of Agamemnon, Troy Was tahen, in the first year of the roim of Demophon the son os Theseusat Athens, on tho tWolfth day of the monili Thargelion, asDionysius the Argive says; but AEgias and Dercylus, in thothird book, say that it Was on the eighth day of the last division of the monili Panemus ; Hellanicus says that it Wason tho tWolfth of tho monili Thargolion; and some of theauthors of tho Attiea say that it mas on the ei in of tholast division of tho monili in tho last year of Μenestheus, at
says ibo author of tho Littie Iliari
Othors say, it toa place on the fame day of Scirophorion. But Theseus, the rival os Hercules, is older by a generationthan tho Trojan war. Accordingly Tlepolemus, a son os Horculos, is mentioned by Homer, as having served at Troy. Μοses, then, is stlown to have preceded tho deification es Dionysus fix hundred and four years, is he was deified in thothiri'second year of the reiγ of Perseus, as Apollodorus in in his Chronology. From Bacchus to Hercules and the chiessiliat miled Min Jason in the ship Argo, aro comprised stri' streo years. 2Zsculapius and tho Dioscuri failed missi stom,as Apollonius Rhodius testifies in his Argonauties. And Domthe reim of Hercules, in Argos, to tho deification os Hercules and of Esculapius, are comprised thiri eight years, accordingio Apollodorus tho chronologist; from this to the deificationos Castor and Pollux, fistPthree years. And at this timo
Then to Jove, Haia, Atlas' tau ter, hora reno ned Hermes, Herald of the immortala, having ascended the sacred much. And Semele, tho Mughter of Cadmus, too, bore an illustrious son, Dionysus, the joy-inspiring, When sho mingled With him in Iove. VCadmus, the sather of Semele, came to Thebes in tho timoos Lynceus, and was the inventor of the Grech letters. Triopas Was a cotemporary of Isis, in the sevenili generation hom Inachus. And Isis, Who is the fame as Io, is socalled, it is satil, froni her going s ἰέναι) maming over thewholo earth. Her, Istrus, in his mork on the migrationos tho Egyptians, calis the dangliter os Prometheus. Ρω-motheus lived in the timo of Triopas, in the wVenili gen ration aster Moses. So that Moses appears to have flourishedoven bolare the birili os men, according to the chronolon olthe Greeis. Leon, Who treated of the Egyptian divinities, says that Isis by the Greeta was called Ceres, who lived in tho time os Lynceus, in the eleventii generation aster
Moses. And Apis the hing of Argos bulli Memphis, asAristippus says in the first book of the Areadiea. AndAristeas the Argive says that he was namia Serapis, and that it is lis that tho Egyptians Worship. And Nymphodorus of Amphipolis, in the third book of the Institutions of Asia, sus that tho buli Apis, dead and laid in a cossin σορός), Wasdepositod in tho temple os tho god δαίμονος there Wοrshipped,
and thence was called Soroapis, and asto arci Serapis by the custom of the natives. And Apis is thies astor Inachus. Further, Latona lived in tho timo os Tityus. For hedramed Latona, the radiant consori os Zeus.' NoW Tityus Was contemporary With Tantalus. Rightly, theresere, the Boeotian Pindar writes, And in time was Apollo bomandno Wonder when he is found along With Hercules, serving Admetus sor a long year.' Zethus and Amphion, the inventora os music, lived about the age of Cadmus. Andshould one asseri that Phemonoe was tho fimi Who sangoracles in verse to Acrisius, let him know that twentPsevenyears aster Phemonoe, lived Orpheus, and Musaeus, and
Linus the toaeher of Herculos. And Homer and Hesiodare much more recent than the Trojan war; and after themtho legislatore among the Greeri are far more recent, Lycurgus and Solon, and the wVen Wise men, and Pherecydes of Syros, and Pythagoras the great, Who lived later, about the olympiads, as we have sito n. Wo have also demonstrated Moses to be more ancient, not only than those called eis and Wise men among the Greelis, but than tho mostos their deities. Nor iis alone, but tho Sibyl also is moro ancient thgia orpheus. For it is sald, that respecting herappellation and her oracular ulterances there are severat
accounts; that being a Phrygian, she was called Artemis; and stat on her arrivat at Delphi, she sang-
o Delphians, ministera os sar-darting Apollo, I come to declaro tho minit of d os-bearing Zeus, Enraged as I am at my own brother Apollo.'Τhero is another also, an Erythraean, called Herophile. Theseare mentioned by Heraclides of Pontus in his Work On Omeles. I pam over the Egyptian Sibyl, and the Italian, Who inhabited the Carmonialo in Rome, Whose son Was Evander, who bulli tho templo os Pan in Rome, called the Lupercal. It is Worth our While, having reached this potnt, is examinetho datos of the other propheis among the Hebrems Who succredod Moses. Aster the close of Moses' lise, Jostiua succeedod to tho leaderet,ip of the people, and he, aiter Warring sor fixi fiue years, rested in the good land other svmand-twenty. Astho book os Jostiua relates, tho above mentioned man was the Successor of Moses tmenty-seven years. Then the Hebre shaving sinned, wero delivered to Chusachary king os Mesopotamia sor eight years, as the book of Judges mentions. Buthaving aster ards bosought the Lord, they receive sor leader Gothoniel, y the younger brother of Caleb, of the tribo ofJudah, who, having flain the hing oi Mesopotamia, ruledover tho peoplo sorty years in succession. And haring againsinnia, they were deli vered into the hands os Eglom ' hing of tho Moabites sor eighteen years. But on their repentance, Aod,' a man who had equat uso os both hands, of tho tribo
ceeded by Boleas, the wn of Bedan, tho son os Charran,' of tho tribo of Ephraim, Who ruled tWent three years. Aster Om, the people having sinned again, mero delivered to the Ammonites eighteen years; and on their repentance mero commanded by Jephtha the Gileadite, of the tribo of Μanasseti ; and he ruled fix years. Aster Whom, Abatthan ' os Bethlehem, of the tribu of Juda, ruled seven years. Then Ebron si the Zebulonite, eight years. Then Eglom os Ephraim, eight years. Some add to the sevon years of Matthantho Oight of Ebrom.' And aster him, the people haring again transgressed, came under the poWer of the foret ere, tho Philistinos, for forty years But on their returning fio GodJ, they Were led by Samson, of the tribe os Dan, Who conquereditio foreignera in batile. He mled tWenty years. And after him, there being no governor, Eli the priest judged thopeopte for forty years. He Was succeeded by Samuel the
three years and severi monilis.
Thon in tho first book of Κings there are tWenty yearsos Saul, during Whicli lie reimed aster ho mas renovated. d astor tho death of Saul, David the son os desse, of the tribo of J udati, rei ed nexi in Hebron, forty years, as is contained in the second book of Κings. And Abiathar theson os Abimelech, of the hindred of Eli, mas hio priest. In his timo Gad and Nathan prophesied. From Jostiua theson os Nun, then, tili David received the hin Om, there intervene, according to some, four hundred and fifty years. But, as the chronology set sortii shows, five hundred and
tWentPthree years and seven months are comprehendod illitho death of David. And astor this Solomon tho son os David rei ed lartyyears. Under him Nathan continued to prophesy, Who almoxhorted him respecting tho buit ling of the temple. Achias of Shilo also prophesied. And both tho hings, David and Solomon, mere propheta. And Sadoc the hio pricti Wasthe fidit .ho ministered in the temple whicli Solomon buit heing the eighth from Aaron, tho fini hio priest. Hom
Hiram gave his davgliter in Solomon about the time of the a val os Menelaus in Phonicia, aster the capture os Troy, as is sald by Menander of Pergamus, and Laetus in The mentela. And aster Solomon, Roboam his son rei ed
boam, of the tribe of Ephraim, tho servant of Solomon, reigned in Samaria; and Achias the Shilonite continuod toprophesy; also Samaeas the son of Amame, and he whocame hom Judah to Jeroboam,' aud prophesied against tho altar. Aster him his son Abijam, twentPthree years; and likewiso his son Asainan. Tho last, in his old age, Wasdisoased in his seel; and in his reim prophesied Jehu theson os Ananias.
Astor him Johosaphat his son reigned twenty-sive years. In his reigia prophesiod Elias the Thesbite, and Michaeas theson of Jebla, and Abdias the son of Ananias. And in thetime os Michaeas there mas also the false prophet Zedehias, the son os Chonaan. These wero sollowed by the reign ofJoram the son os Jeliosaphat, sor eight years; during Whose time prophesiod Elias; and aster Elias, Elisaeus the son ofSaphat. In his reiqn tho peoplo in Samaria ate doves' dungand thola own child ren. The period of Johosaphat extendssrom tho closo of the thita book of Κings to tho sourth. And in tho reim of Joram, Elias was translated, and Elisaeus the son Oi Saphat commenced propheVing, and prophesiedior fix years, heing sorty years old. Then Ochozias reigned a year. In his time Elisaeus continued to p phesy, and along mith him Adadonaeus.' Asterhim tho mother of Ozias,si Gotholia,' reigned eight y years,
There are comprised, then, from Solomon to tho deathos Elisaeus the prophet, as some say, one hundred and suo years; according to othera, One hundred and tWo; and, as thocli nolo; beso sbows, from the reign os Solomon an hundred and eighty-one. Now hom the Trojan war to the birth of Homer, accord- ing to Philochorus, a hundred and eighty years elapsod; and he was posterior in the Ionic migration. But Aristarchus, intho Arehiloehian Memoira, says that he lived during tho Ionio migration, which took place a hundred and t enly years after tho siege of Troy. But Apollodorus alleges it Was an hundred and tWenty years aster the Ionic migration, Whilo Agesilaus son of Dorymaeus mas hing of the Lacedaemonians: so that he brings Lycurgus the legislator, While stili a Dungman, near him. Euthymenes, in the Chronioles, says thathe flourishod contemporaneousty With Hesiod, in the timo of Acastus, and was born in Chios, about the so hundredihyear astor tho capture of Troy. Λnd Archimachus, in thethies book of his Euboean History, is of this opinion . Sothat both ho and Hesiod were later than Elisaeus tho prophet. And is you ch se to tollo the grammarian Crates, and say that Homer Was born about the time of the expedition of tho Heraclidae, eighty years aster the tining os Troy, he will bo Mund to be later again than Solomon, in Whosedays occurred tho arrival os Μenelaus in Phenicia, as Wassaid abovo. Eratosthenes sus that Homer's ago mas two hundred years astor tho capturo os Troy. Further, The
pompus, in the sortPthird book of the Philippies, relatos that
Homer Was born five hundred years alter the war at Troy.
Αnd Euphorion, in his book about the Aleuades, maintainsinat ho was born in the time os Gyges, Who began to mignin tho eighteenis Olympiad, Who, alio he says, Was the finithat was called tyrant τύραννος). Sosibius Lacon, again, inius Reeord of Dates, brings Homer dom to the eighth year of tho reign os Charillus tho son os Polydectus. Charillus
reigned thiri nins years. In his thirty-so th year it is shid that tho firat Olympiad was instituted; so that HomerWas ninely years betare the introduction of the Olympio
Alter Joas, Amasias his son reigned as his successor iniri nine years. He in like manner Was succeeded by his sonogias, who reigned ior fistΡt o years, and died a leper. And in his timo prophesiod Amos, and Isaiah his son,in and Hosea the wn of Beeri, and Jonas the son of Amathi, vlio Was of Gelli-chober, Who preached to the Ninevites, and passed through the whale's belly. Then Jonathan the son of Ozias reigned sor Sixteen years. In his timo Esaias stili prophesiod, and Hosea, and Michaeas the Morasthite, and Joel the son oi Bethuel. Neri in succession was his son Ahaz, Rho reigned sorsixteen years. In his time, in the fifteenth year, Israel was carried away in Babylon. And Salmanasar tho Ling of tho Assyrians carried aWay the people of Samaria into the count of tho Modes and to Babylon. Main Ahaz was succeedud by Osee, who reignia sor Oight years. Then tollo ed Hegehiali, for tWentPnine years. Forhis sancti , when he had approached his end, God, by Isai , allowod his to livo for other fifteen years, giving as a signine Ming bach of tho sun. Up to his times Esaias, Hosea, and Micali continued prophesying. And theso are said to have lived alter the age of Lycurgus,
tho legislator of the Lacedaemonians. For Dieuchidas, in tho urth book os the Megaries, places the era os Lycurgus about tho tWo hundred and niuetiein year alter the capture of Troy. And Esaias is stili seen prophesying in the two hundredihyear aster the reim of Solomon, in Whose time Menelaus was proved is have como to Phenicia; and along with Esaias, Michaiah, and Hosea, and Joel the son of Bethuel. Aster He hiab, his son Manasses reigned for fist fivo years. Then his son Amos for tWo years. Aster him Digned his son Josias, distinguished sor his observance os the iam sor
brated, not having been hept from the dvs of Samuel in thointervening period.' Then Chelhias the priest, tho sather of the prophet Jeremiah, having fallen in With tho book of thola , that had been laid up in the temple, read it and diud.' And in his dus Oida' prophesied, and Sophonias,' and
Jeremiali. And in tho days of Jeremiah was Ananias theson of Agor,' tho falso prophet. He' having disobeyed Jeremiah ths prophei, was flain by Pharaoh Necho hing of Εgypt at tho river Euphrates, having enco tered the latis
years before the supremacy of the Perstans, Nebuchodonosor made War against the Phoenicians and the Jews, as Berosus
assoris in his Chaldopan Histories. And Joabas,' writing about the Assyrians, achnowledges that he had received tho histo
hom Berosus, and testifies to his accura . Nebuchodonosor,
the Firat for two years; and then the angel among the twelve Aster Haggai and Zechariali, Nehemiali, the clites cup-beareros Artaxerxes, tho son of Acheli tho Israelite, bulli tho cityos Jerusalem and restored the temple. During the captivi lived Esther and Mordecai, whose book is stili extant, asalso that of tho Maccabees. During this captivi Ilishael, Ananias, and AZarias, resusing to Worship the image, and being thrown into a furnace of fire, Were saved by the wpearance of an anget. At that time, on account of the serpent,si Daniel was thrown in to the den of lions; but betag