장음표시 사용
butting and prematurely destructivo calves surrounded Him. And tho expression, Fat bulis havs beset mo mundἰ Hespino beforeliand of thoso who acted similarly to the calves, when He was led besore your teachers. And the scripture described them as bulis, since me know that bulis are authorsos calves' oxistenco. As the fore the bulis are the begetters of the calves, so your teachere mere the cause Why. theirchildren went out to the Μount of Olives to talio Him and bring Him to them. And the expression, For there is noueto holpζ is also indicativo os What took place. For there Wasnot even a single man to assist Him as an innocent person.
And the expression, They opened their mouili vpon me lihea roaring lion. designates him Who Was then hing of the Jows, and was called Herod, a successor of the Herod who, When Christ was born, slow Hl tho insanis in Bethlehom born abo the fame time, hecause he imagined that amongst them Hemould assuredly bs of whom tho Μagi from Arabia had spolien; for he vas ignorant of the mill of Him that is stronger than ali, hoW He had commanded Joseph and Μaryto talio the child and depari into Enpi, and there to remainuntii a revelation should again bo made to them to returninio their oWn. count . And thoro thoy did remain untii Herod, who flew the insanis in Bethlehem, Was dead, and Archelaus had succoodod him. And ho diod bosoro Christ
Him : Whom Μoses calis the serpent, but in Job and Zech riali ho is callod tho devit, and by Jesus is addressed as Satan, shoWing that a compounded name mas acquired by him homthe deeds Whicli ho performed. For Sata' in tho Jowish and Syrian longue means apostate; and Nas' is the word homwhicli ho is called is interpretation the 8erpent, i.e. according
CHAP. CV.-The Psalm atio predicta the crucifrion and the
232 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. hom the s ord, and lion's mouth, and hand of the dog, Was
sum they could not be saved; and these Worda are recordedin the memolim: Unless your righteousness exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees, yo shali not enter into the Lingdom of heaven. εCHAP. CVI.-Chrisea resurreetion is foretoid in the conclusion
and after they Were persuaded by Himself, that besore His
Arabia, recognising the sim by this, came and worshipped
Jour generation Was more Wiched and more adulterous than
creatures, men and Masis, With sachcloth, and with earnostlamentation, With true repentance hom the heari, and tur
more than sta score thousand persons that cannot discern
In the LXX. only three dva ars recorded, though in the Hebre and other versiona for . The parenthetic clause is probably the Work
of a transcriber.' Read κικυῶνα for σικυωνα. . Jonsi iv. 10 f.
236 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. iis in His Way, and we shail Walh in His pallis: sor out os Zion stiali go forth the law, and the word of the Lord hom
us the Christians, Who, haring learned the true Worship of God from tho law, and the word which went forti, froni Jerusalem by means of the apostles of Jesus, have fled forsasoty to tho God of Jacob and God of Israel; and we whomere filiod with war, and mutuat flauoter, and every Wichod-
238 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. the righteous peristes, and no man lays it in heari; and
righteous men are taen amari and no man considera it.' λCHAP. CXI.-The two advenis .ere signifed by the two mata.
Other Aures of the frat advent, in whita the Gentiles ure freed by the blood of Christ.
And that it was declared by symbol, even in the time os Moses, that there Would bo tWo advenis of this Christ, as Iliave mentioned previo in fis manifestJ from the. symbol of the goais presented for sacrifice during the fast. And again, by what Moses and Jostiua did, the fame thing Was symboli- catly announced and told besorehand. For the one of them, stretching out his hands, remained illi evening on tho hili, his hands boing supported; and this reueias a type of no