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heaven; do not imagine stat they are Christians, even asone, is he would rightly considor it, Would not admit that tho Sadducees, or similar secis of Genistae, Μeristae,/ Galilaeans, Hellenisis, Pharisees, Baptista, are Jews do not hear mo
hom Him. But I and othors, who are right-minded Chri tians on ali potnis, are assured that there Will be a resurrection of tho dead, and a thousaud years' in Jerusalem, Which
Egokiol and Isaiah and othera declare. CHAP. LXXXI.-m endearours to prove this opinion Domnaiah and the ApocalypSe. For Isaiah spake thus concerning this space of a thousandyears: For there stiali be tho neW heaven and the neW earth, and tho formor shali not be remembered, or come into their
λ Maranus says, Hieron. thinis the Genistae Were so called because theyWere sprung irom Abraham γDος , the Meristae so called because thdyseparated the Scriptures. Josephus bears testimony to the faci that thesecis of the Jews dissered in regard to late and providence; the Pharisere submitting est things indeed to God, With the exception os human Willa ;the Essenes mising no exceptions, and submitting ali to God. I bellovethere ore that the Genistae mere so called becaum they belloed thomorid to bo in generat Duerned by God; the Meristae, hecausa theybelloved that a late or providence belonged to each man. ' Oιω says, the author and chiel of this sect of Galilaeans mas Judas Galilaeus, Who, after the exile of hing Archelaus, vhen the Romana mishodio ratae a tax in Judaea, excited his countrymen to the retaining of their former liber .-Tho Hellenisis, or rather Hellenaeians. No one mentions this sect but Justin; perhaps Herodians or Hillelaea iram R. Hilled. y Wo have translated the tot ot Justin as it standa. Commentatorem e tho sense, and that thero mill M a thousand years in Jerusalem,' that the ininta mill live a thougand years in Jerusalem.
more there a person os immature years, or an old man Who
tho mortis of their toti shali abound obscurely predicis athousand years. For as Adam mas told that in tho day hoato of the treo he would dis, me know that he did not completo a thousand years. We haVe perceived, moreoVer, that theexpression, The day of the Lord is as a thousand years. ' is connected with this subjeci. Anii further, there Was a ce lain man Mith us, Whose name Was Jolin, one of the apostlesos Christ, Who prophesied, by a revelation that was made tollim, that thoso who belloved in cur Christ would dwolly a thousand years in Jerusalem; and that thereaster the generat,and, in stiori, the eternat resurrection and judgment of alimen would likevise talio place. Just as our Lord also said,
CHAP. LXXXII.-The prophetical risis of the Iews were transferred to the Christians. For the prophetical gisis remain missi us, even to the present time. And hence you ought to understand that the giitH formerly among your nation have been transferredio us. And just as there mero false propheis contempor neous With your holy propheis, so are there noW many falseteachera amongst us, of Whom our Lord forowarned us tobeware; so that in no respect are me deficient, since Mye knowthat He foroknow ali that would happen to us after His resurrection from the dead and ascension to heaven. For
certain amongst us to M of this fori, do not for their saris blasphemo the Scriptures and Christ, and do not assiduouslystrive in ovo falsified interpretations. CHAP. LXXXIII.-It is proved that the Psalm, The Lordacita to , Lord V etc., Ges not fuit Heziaiah. For your teachers have Ventured to refer the passage,
201 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. prevalled in many to forsalie the demons whom they used toserve, and by meuns of it to belleve in tho Almighty God
by the Virgin's Womb, and bo a child,-this ho anticipaled by the Spirit os prophecy, and predicted it, as I have repealed
and so also the wile of the hob patriarch Abraham; and Elisabeth, Who bore Jolin tho Baptist, and other sueti. Sothai you must not supposo that it is impossibio sor God to doanything He Wills. Αnd especialty when it Was predicted
io have reserance, but to this our Christ alono, Who appeared Without cometiness, and inglorious, as Isaiah and David and
also rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven, as tho Psalm and the other scriptures manifested When they an-
will not be subject to you. But ii any of you exorcise it in the name ofJ the God of Abraham, and tho God of Isaac, and tho God of Jacob, it wili perhaps be subject to Fou.
fumigations and incantations.y But that they are angeis and
is not absurd so to do. For it is a ridiculous thing to see thosun, and the moon, and the oster stus, continuatly heepingste fame course, and bringing round the different Aeasons; and to seo the computer Who may be asked hoW many are twico tWo, because he has frequently said that they are four,not ceasing to say again that they are four; and equalty soother things, whicli are confidently admittet to be contin alty mentioned and admitted in like manner; yet that howho founds his discourse on the prophetio scriptures should leave them and abstain hom constantly referring to the fame
induces me to aci thus. Jesus commanded Duq to love even
uri enemies, as Was predicted by Isaiah in many passages,
produced a nation at once ' for Zion has travailed and borno her childron. But I have given such an expectation even to
liis uncte to conceive, so that he should obtulit their young. With his rod tho samo Jacob boasis that he had crossed thuriver. IIo said he had seon a ladder, and the Scripture has doctarod that God stood abovo it. But that this Was not thos ather, me have proved irom the Scriptures. And Jacob, having poured oti on a stone in tho fame place, is testified toby the very God who appeared to him, that he had anointeda, pillar to tho God Who appeared to him. And that thosione symbolicatly proclaimed Christ, We have also proved by
many scriptures; and that the unguent, whether it Was ofoit, or of stacte, or of any other compounded sWeet balsams,had referenco to Him, We have also proved,' inasmuch as tho
Mater, has redeemed us, though plunged in tho dirost offences