Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


CIIAP. 13. - d it came in pam mme litile time aster, that an enmiment Was made according to the edici of Caesar Augustus, that ali tho morid mas to be enmlled, each mau tu his native place. This enmiment Was made by Cyrinus, thegovernor of Syria. It Was necessary, therusore, that Joseph


spitiing of Nood in his birili, no pain in bringing him sortii. Avirgin has conceived, a virgin has brought sortii, and a virginshe romains. Anil hearing these Worci, Salome said: Allo me to handie thee, and prove Whether Zelomi have spolien the


redemption os the morti' ' CI P. I 6. nd When the second year mas passe magi camesrom the east to Jerusalem, bringing great ora. And theymade strict inquiry of the Jems, sanng: mero is the ring Who has Men bom to you ' sor me have seen his star in theerat, and have come to morallip him. And Word of this inmoto Sing Herod, and so alamed his that he called together thescribes and the Pharisees, and the teachers of the pmple, Gring of them Where tho propheta had foretoid that Christshould be bom. And they said: In Bethlehem os Judis. Forit is minten: And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Judis, arthy no means the least among the princes of Judis; for out os thes inest como sorth a Gader Who inest rese my peopte Israel '


fleep by the angel of the Loes, who said to him: Tahe Misy and the Gild, and go into Egypt by the way of the deseri. d Joseph ment according to the saying of the anget '


them in thela path. CuAP. 20. nd it came to pras on the third day of their journey, While they Were Walliing, that tho blessed Mary Wassatimed by the excessive heat of the sun in tho deseri; and secing a palm irae, alio salil to Joseph: Let me rest a littio under the stiade os this troe. Joseph therosore made haste, and lod her to the palm, and made her como do- from her beast. Inil as the blessed Mary Was siti ing thure, she lookod up to thesollage of the palm, and sais it fuit os fruit, and said to Joseph: I Wisti it Wore possibie to get sonte os the fruit of this palm