Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


3 Ps. xviii. 41.

. 1 Cor. XV. 41.


according to the natura of the peculiar transgression es eata, -somo in ine riser of fim, and aomo to tho morin stat distanes, and othera in the seven-mouthed pit os punishmenti To these punishmenta the sinnera mill be apportioned. ,

and again Ι said: Loes, hom great is the multitude of the angela Τ and Which is the greater, that os angela or of men and Ι Mard a voice saying to me: As great as is ine multitude of the angela, so great is the race of men, as the prophethas stari He set bounda to the nations according to the numheroi the angela os God. and again I said: Lord, and aster that What milt Thou do rand what is to hecome of the morid 3 Reveat to me ad AndΙ heard a voice saying to me: Hear, righteous Jo . Aiter that inere is no pata, them is no viet there is no noming; themia no recollection of erils, iners are no Mars, there is no enu, iners is no haued of brethren, there is no vnrighteo ness, thereis no arrogance, inere is no stander, there is no buterneas, inersare none of the cares of lila, ther6 is no pala frum parenta or Gildren, there is no pata hom gold, iners ars no michin


hemens mere opened, and the archanges Gabriel came domn to


a Wered and said is me: Bring a censer, and cast incenso, and pras And there came a voice out of the heavens saying the


0r, dissolution.


508THE BOOK OF JOEN CONCERNINO When the prinching Was prevassing by the grace of christ, and


clean spirita cured; and every one Who Was under diserae ind


And tho procurator, astonistin at ths Wonderies things, midio them: Ι mill chras her nesther hom Bethlehem nor homany other place. And the Jem continuin crying out, and

injuring him is ins health of Tiberius Caesar to bring tho

dus made in unceasing singing of presse. And when ine tribuno came to Bethlehem, and found there neuher ino moster of tho Loes nor tho apostles, he laid hold of tho Bethis mites, saying to them: Did you not come testing the procurator indine priesis au the signa and Wondera that hin como in pam, and hoW the apostles had come out os every comisy l Whemare they, then i Come, M to the procurator at Jerusalem. Fortha tributis did not know of the departure of the a sum and ths Lord's mother to Jerusalem. The tribune ψen, havingi en ine Bethlehemites, ment in to the procurator, saying that he had found no one. And after sive dva it mas isomnio the procurator, and the priesis, and ali ino cun that tharaes's mother mas in her omn horae in Ierusalem, along vithino apostlas, froin the signa and Wondera that came to paminere. And a multitude os men and momen and Virgins cama