Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


the cry os James, and the command of Jesus, they ran to thegarden, and laund the serpent Hready dead, aud James quite

CIIAP. 42.- d Joseph having como to a sensi With his sons, Jamus, Joseph, and Jiulati, and Simeon and his imo daughters. JUsus mei them, With Mata His mollier, along With her sister Mary os Cleophas, Whom the Lord God had gi ven to her lather Cleophas and her mollier Anna, hec ausu they had ossored Mari the mother of Jesus to the Lord. And sho was called by thosame name, Mary, sor the consolation of her parenis.' And


1 Maee. iv. 52-59 ; 2 Maee. x. 1M: John x. 22 : Josephus, Antiq. xiL 7. The spelling in the texi is that in the HebreW, the Samaritan codex, the Numa, and the Textus Receptus. There is no Issachar in the liat os hio



by him in a great liOL And when ho mas disturbed at his


shali nover know man, hut nimiae, Without example, immaculate,


uncorrupted, Wit ut intereo se missi man, she, a Virgin, inan

Putting on, as Was usual, othera that mere ninter and clemer,

the virgin of tho Loes ment up est the steps, one aster theother, Without the help os any one letaing her or lining her, in Such a manner that, tu this respect at least, Du Would thi that she had Uready attained fuit age. For Hready the Lord

Ps. cm. xxxiv. The fineen Meps led trum the muri os the omen to thatos the men.


ina indieation of this miracle forestio ed hom great she Was to . Therelare, a sacrifice having been offered according to the custom of the la , and thela voW being persected, they lest the virgin Within the enclos es os the temple, thore to be educated .ith the other virgis, and themselum rutumed home. CHAR 7.-But the virgin os the Lord adoncod tu ago and in virium; and though, in the woias of the Psalmist, her sathorand mollier hia sorsalion her, tho GH took her up. For

s ut d bo Moken contrary to the Scripture, Which says, Vo and pay,' nor did he dare to introduce a custom unknown totae nation, gave order that at the festivat, Which Was at hand, ait the chiel persons hom Jerusalem and the netrabo hood si uia be present, in order that fram their advice he mighthno What was in be done in so doubisul a case. And when


lio e and family of David, a man os great age: and when alibrought their roci, according to the ordor, he alone mithheldhis. Viuerelare, When nothing in conformity With the divine voice appeared, the high priest thought it necessary to consuli God a second time; and He ansmered, that of those δεο hadbeen designated , he alone to Whom the virgin ought to beespoused had not brought his rod. Joseph, therelare, Was foundout. For When he had brought his rod, and the dove camo hom heaven and setiled upon the top of it, it clearly appe into ali that he mas tho man to Whom the virgin ahould boespoused. Therelare, the usual ceremontes of berecthat haring been gone through, he went bach to the city os Bethlehem toput his horae in ordei and to procure things necessary sor themarriage. But Mary, the virgin of the Lota, With seven other Virgins of her oWn age, and who had Men meaned at the fame time, Whom she had received iram the priest, returned in thehouse of her parenis in Galilee. CHAR 9 - d in those Mys, that is, at the timo of her firat coming into Galilee, the angel Gabriel Was sent in her is God, to announce to her the conception of the Lord, and in explainto her the manner and order of the conception. Accordin D


Lord is With thee; blessed ari thou above ali Women, blessed ove ali men that have been Utherio horn. And tho virgin Who mas Hready med acquianted With angelic saces, and Wasnot unused to the Iight from heaven. ma notther terrified by the vision os the anget, nor astonished at the greatness of the

consider of What nature a salutation so unusual could bo. or



tion. Ηe came to the conclusion, therelare, privately to dissolvo their contruci, and to Send her aWay secretiy. And