Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


wheu those that were there saW such miractus, they mero fillud With great astonishment. Anil sonio pratsed aud admired Him, but Othors reviled Him. Aud certain os them Went aWay totho ehios priosis and the huails of the Pharisees, and reportuitto them that Jesus the son os Joseph had dono gruat sigiis and miracles in the figlit os est the peopte os Israel. Aud this Wes reported in the twelve tribes os Israel. CHAR 28. nil again the son os Annas, a priest of tho


in grius and against thoe, and hato us on to account, and meendum tho reproaches os men because of thee. And Jesus ansWored and said unto Joseph: No ono is a Wiso son but hewhom his sather halli taurat, according to the knowledge of thistimo ; and a sather's cursu can huri nono but eril-doers. Thenthey came together agaiust Jesus, and accused his to Joseph. When Joseph sam inis, he Was in great terror, searing the Violence and uproar of the peopte os Israel. And the fame hour

i Other forma os the name are : Zachias, Zachameus, Zacheus, Zacharire.* Or, seeing that there Waa in Him an insuperable knoule a os virtve.


subacute, mediate, obduced, producta, emet, prostrate, curri- strate. And when Levi hestes this, he mas inunderatruis atauch in arrangement of the names of the letters. Then ho

1 Cor. xiii. I, Xin 7. Tau, and not Teth, is the Iast Ierier os the Hebrem alphabet.. The origina triangulos fra tos, oubaevi , mediαι-, obducto' productos, erectos. atras , curvistrat -is hopetrasty corrupti compare the passages in tho solio ing Apocrypha. It obvio ly, hoWeven refers to tho Pentespha. Pentactu, or Solomon's Seia, eelebrated in the romaius os the magical books that have eomodom to us under the names of Hermes and the Pythagoreans. The Pentalpita πω sormed by joining by stratot linea tho alternate angies ol a regular Pent gon, and thus containin numeroua triangles. The Pythagoreana callud it thouisieci or symbol of health, and it Was frequently engraved on amuleis aud ins. It is stili, it tho books are to be trusteri a symbol os poWer in thu higber


rus numerous acquaintances.


er sod: and there the ain os the covenant is sald to have restest And Jesus mas eight years old, and He ment out os Jericho, and went tomatas the Jordan. And there mas bosido


Volces, ment to thola o n placae But Jesus returned in Hismother.


sai and heard Him saying such things mas inmed into astonishment. And When Joseph heard of this, he came running to Jesus, searing that the master himself mas dead. And whenthe master sin his, he said to him: Thou hast given me nota scholar, but a master; and who can millistand his motas lThen mas sulfilled that which mas spolien by the Psalmist: ma rivis ot God is suli os mater: Thou hast prepared them

cora, sor so is the provision sor it.


a certain Foung man.

Accordinet to the tradition promoed by Hegesippus and Tertullian, tames

an l aiulis Were husbandmon. See Const. Ap L ch. lxvii. . CL Acts xxviii. 3.