Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


old mali, Joseph the carpenter. MV his blessings and prayers preserve us ali, O brethroni Amen. His Whole lise Was one hundred and eleven years, and his departure fram this Worid happened ou the twenty-fixili os themonili Abib, Which ans ors to the monili Ab. May his prayer Preserve usi Amen. And, indeed, it Was our Loes Jesus Christ

days. And the holy apostles have preserved this conversation, and have lest it initten doWn in the library at Jerusalem MV tbela prayers preserve usi Amen.


you shali declare in ali nations repentance and remission osiam. For a single cup os mater,' is a man shali find it in themorid to come, is groater and Miter than ali the wealth os inlam te morid. And as much ground as one laot can occupy in the horae os my Father, is greator and more excellent than allthe riches of the e th. Yea, a single hour in the joyses dwell-ing os the pious is moro blessed and more precious thau a thou--ud years among Sinners: in much as their meel ing and lamentation stiali not come to an eiid, and their tears shali notcense, nor stati they finit sor themselves consolation and reposeat any time sor everi And no , O my hono ed members, go


moman intent on the divina sory in au her moris, departinthis lila. But Joseph, that righimus man, in sather aster thonesh, and the spouse of my mother Marn ment a V mith his

4. Therasore they immediately sent out, and asse led inelucold men os the tribe of Judali. And they Wrote doπn thenamos os the twelve tribes os Israel. And the tot seli upon theptous old man, righteous Joseph. Then tho primis ans ered, and said to in blessed mother: Go missi Joseph, and be mitti his illi the time os your marringe. Righinous Joseph there-sore received my mother, and ted her aWay in his omu Muse. And Mary found James ins Less in his sathera house, brohen-hearted and sad on account of the loss of his mollier, and inebrought him M. Hence Mary mas called the mollier os tames. Thereaster Joseph lest her at home, and ment a V to the inop here he wrought at his trade os a carpenter. And alter theholy virgin had spent two years in his horae her age mas exactly laurieen years, including the time at Which he received

. 5. And I chose her os my own Will, With the concurrenco osmy Father, and the coisset of the Holy Spiriti And I mas madessesti os her, is a mystery Which transcends the grasp os createdreason. And three monita alter her conception the righteo man Joseph returned Dom the place Whero lis moised at his trado; and when he found in virgin mollier pregnant, he Wasgreatly perplexed, and thought of sending her a V secretiy.



righteous Joseph, rose up and took the virgin Mary and camoto Bethlehem, because the timo os hor bringing sortii mas attiand. Joseph then inscribed his name in the list; sor Josephthe son os Darid, Whose spouse Mary Was, mas os the tribo os Judah. And indeed Mary, my mother, brought mo sortii in Lethlehem, in a cave near the tomb of Rachel the wila os thepatriarch Jacob, the mother of Joseph and Benjamin. 8. But Satan ment and tol l this to Herod the Great, thelather os Archelaus. Anil it Was this sanie Herod* whoordered my friend and relativo John to be belleadeae Accord-


and lived in a city os Galilao Which is cassed Nagareth. And seph, Ming hach to his trade ot a carpenter, earned his living by the Work of his hanci; sor, as the law of Mosos hincommanded, ho never Mught to live sor nothing by another's

contend against them, but complied With their commanci, asother meri Whom emth produces are mont to do; nor did Ιat any time amuse inela anger, or GVe any Word or ans er in

opposition to them. On the contrary, I cherished them With great love, like the pupil of my eye.12. It came to pass, aster theso things, that the deain otinat old man, tho pious Joseph, and his departure iram this

their orion to this earth. And as his body Was Verging ondissolution, an anget os tho Lord informed him that his deathmas no close at hand. Theresors fear and great perplexitycame upon him. So he rose up and went to Jerusalem; and going into the temple Os tho Loes, he poured out his prayersthere besore the sanctuary, and said: 13. O Godi author os ad consolation, God os ad compas-


sion, and Loes of the Whole human race; God of mul, bodnand spirit; mith supplications I reverenco thes, O Lord and


also loqthed laod and drtula, and lost ali his skill in his trado os carpento , nor did he any more pay attention to it. It came topras, then, in the early dam of the twenty-slath day of Abib, that Joseph, that righteous old man, inng in his bed, Wasgiving up his unquiet fovi. Wherelare he opened his mouili With many siras, and struch his hanci one against the other, and with a laud voice cried out, and spolie aster the solioWing



spinen Vani , detraction, salsehood, ignorance, derision, idie tales, crast, and hypocrisyl me to mino eyes, Which havelookod upon scandalous thingsi mo to mino cars, Whichtavo delightod in the woriis of standererat Woo to my han is,

Iosephla house, in the fifteenth year of her age. My mollier bore me in a cave sinis Mema a mistranslation sor mysterνὶ, Whicli it is unita sul either to namo or min. and there is not in the Wholo creation a man Who knom it, excepi me

and my Father and the Holy Spirit. Itys to be noted that the last clause is omitted in the Coptic. The phrase one essence Waa firat used in regard to the doctrine of the Trinity by Augustine i CL Job iii. R CL Ps. li. 5. . Matti t. 16.