장음표시 사용
is made touching every Woman, and touching the whole sex; and that there is no distinction mado botween a V virgin '
members to mahe the distinction, moreover, he mahes it bydesignating each species by their appropriate names,) Wishes, where he mahes no distinction while he does not nameeach), no difference to bo undorstood. What of the factthat in the Greeh speeeli, in Whicli the apostle wrote his lettere, it is usual to say omen V rather than females; '
Theroforo is that word,' Which is interpretation represenis hal femate V femina) represenis,' is frequently used in-atead of the name of the sex, he has named the seae in saying γυνHκα; but in the aeae even the virgin is embraeed.
the masculine sex, under the name of man ' even tho
196 TERTULLIANUS i , be velleti, it the semale virgins withai are not veiled, because they are not mentioned by name. Let man ' and youssi' bo different, is μwoman ' and virgin V aro difforent. For indoed it is on account of tho angels that ho
law of the head,' one and the fame diseipline' of tho head isy 1 Cor. H. 10.- Seo Gen. vi. 2 in the LXX., Mith the v. l. ed. Tiach. 1860; and compare Tertullian, de I l. c. 9, and the note there. Mr. Dodyon refers,too, to de Virg. Vel. c. 7, Where thia curious subject is more fulty entered
- i.e. according to their definition, Whom Tertullian is resuting.
observos; but is flaraelJ did not observe it, Our LaW, amplified and supplemented, would vindicate tho addition fortisseis; let it be excused sor imposing the veil on virgins also. Under our dispensation, let that age fontri Whicli is ignorantos iis sex μ retain the privilege of simplicity. For both Eveand Adam, when it beseli them to be wise, ' sorthisith veiled Rhat they had learat to know.' At ali evenis, Withregard to those in Whom girthood has changed finio more ati Vanced maturitri, their age ought to remember ita duties asto nature, so too to discipline; sor they are being transferredio the rank of omen ' both in their persons and in their functions. No one is a V virgin ' from the time when shois capable of marriage; seeing that, in her, age has by that time been wedded in iis own husband, that is, to time.' But
198 TERTULLIANUS in tho ch oh ' Is bour seindevotionJ is a grace of God,
200 TERTULLIANUSCIIAP. XXIV.- ρο PLACE Dr prveri But liow in overy place,' since We are prohibited fromprvitavi in publici In every place, lie means, Which oppo
have been more solemn than the rest. The fidit infusion of
η Vasculo. But in Acta it is, σκώνός τι ως οδονην μεγάλην. ' Acts x. 9.
ON PRA L. 201 Douri, in When iis restored the paralytic to his health. Albeit theso spraeticesJ stand simply Without any preceptior their observance, stili it may be granted a good thing toestablish some definite presumption, Which may both add
its forin hom Christ. But how far more amply operative is Christian prueri It does not station the anget os deis inmid-fires,' nor muχχle lion' nor transfer in the hungry the rusties' bmad; si it has no delegated grace to meri any senso of suffering ;' but it supplies the suffering, and the ieeling, and the grieving, With endurance: it amplifies grace by Viriue, that faith may know what she obruina from the Lord, under-
Prayer is Mono that whicli vanquishes God; but Christ has
willod that it bo operativo for no evil: He has conferred onit ali iis virtus in the cause of good. And so it knows nothingsave hoW to recati the fouis of the departed from the very pathos death, to transform the weah, to restore the sich, to purgeste possessed, to open prison-bare, to i se the bonds of the innocent. I ikeWiso it Washes a V faulis, repeis temptations, extinguishes persecutions, consoles the fain Nspirited, cheers the high-spirited, escoris travellers, appeaSes WaVes, ma Srobbers stand agitast, nourishes the poor, goverias the rich, upraises the fallen, arresta the falling, confirma the standing.
R i.e. in bries, ita miraculaua operations, as they are cassed, are suspended in these Ways.
204 TERTULLIANUS 'Prver is the wali of faith: hor arms and missilos against tho