장음표시 사용
monstrared acceptable to God, Who destres it rather than stodeath of tho sinner.' Moreover, debi is, in the Scriptures, a figura os Diu; becauso it is equassy due to the sentence of j gment, and is exacted by it: nor does it evade the justiceos exaction, untem the exaction be remitted, just as the lota
remitted to that flave sin the parabiri his debi; ' for hister
186 TERTULLIANUS thought stat tho Lord should sdem to tompi,' as is Ηe Oither
throw it. Infirmi ' and malice' are characteristim of the devit. For GodJ had commandod even Abraham to mahea sacrifico os his son, for the sine not oi tempting, but prοVing, his faith; in order through him to mae an example for that precept of His, Whereby Ηe Was by and by to enjoin that ho fhould hold no pledges os affection dearer than God. Ηe Himself, When tompted by the devit, demonstrateil Whoit is that presides ovor and is the originator os temptation.'This passage He confirms by subsequent ones, saying, Praythat ye bo not tempted; ' yet they were tempted, fas they
Way rather to fleep than prayer.' The final clause, thereiore, is consonant, and interpreta the sense of Lead us not into
tions whicli are made according to the circumstances of eachindividuat; our additionat manis havo the right after be- ginning With the legitimate and customary prayers as afoundation, as it Were-of rearing an outer superstrueture
188 TERTULLIANUSyou retain them Τ ΗΟπ will he apperas his Futher Who is angry Min his brother, When hom tho Monning allangor' is sorbidden For even Joseph, When dismissingliis brethren for the purpose of fetching their fallier, sald,
granis reception to his adversary : no one granis admittance excepi in his compeer.
Lorde me do not surrender Him; nu, me ought even is Setourselves in opposition to the example of His surrenderer, and not, on that account, Wash our hands. Unless any d filement contracted in human interco se M a conscientious
. Isa. i. 15.' i.e. Dom tho expansion es the handa on the crosa.
190 TERTULLIANUS CHAP. XV.-Wputting ost eha a.
But since We have inuched on ono special potnt of emptyobservance, it mill not be irisomo to set our brand like isson the other potnis against Which the reproach of vanity may deservedly be laid; is, that is, they are observed Without in authoriw of any precept either of the Lord, or elao of the apostles. For matters os this hind belong not to religion, but to superstition, being studied, and forced, and of curious
other thing: should me maintain that also as a matter sor servancei ot course not. Why, even as it is, the
nowhere except Where there is a bedi Nan whoever sitsin a chair or on a beareh, Will aci contrary to that writing. Further: in much as the nations do the liue, in sittingdown aster adoring their petiy images; even on this account tho practice deserves to be censured in us, becauso it is observed in the worship of idols. To this is furthor addod the charge of irremere nee,- a chargeJ intelligibio oven to thonations themselves, is they had any sense. Η, on the oneliand, it is irreverent to sit under tho ve, and over against tho ve, of him Whom you most os est revere and Venerate ;hom much more, on the oster hand, is that deed most irre
192 TERTULLIANUS. What superior advantage Will they Who pray tm Ioudb gain, excepi that they annoy their nei Mura Τ Nan is maring their petitions audibie, What lem error do they commit inan
ON PRA FER193 CHAP. XIX.-η Stations. Similarin ino, Duching the days of Stations,' most thinhthat they must not be present at the sacrificiat prayers, onthe mound that tho Station must be dissolved by receptionos tho Lota's Body. Does, then, the Eucharist cancel a service devoted to God, or bind it mors to Godi Willnot your Station be more solemn is you havo withai seood at God's aliar H When the Lota's Body has been received and reserved,' each potnt is secured, both the participation os thosacrifico and the discharge of du . Is the Station ' has
as Paul, the glory of gamenis, and the pride of gold, and
the meretricious elaboration os the hair. CIIAP. XXI.-ue virgins.
sui that tho apostle-gui ded, of courae, by the fame Spiritis Whom, as ait divine Scripture, so that book Genesis, Wasdra n up-has used the selffame mord in uriting women Vwhicli, by the example os sive unWedded, is applicabie too toa viron. In faci, ali the other passages are in consonance herewith. For even by this very iaci, that he has not named