장음표시 사용
eousnem.' So heavy a precepi, the persect execution Whereos
Was not even pleasing to the Lord, he patiently both heard,
jutrix for ampli bing and sulfilling the law, becauso that
216 TERTULLIANUS the universia discipline os patience is succinctly compriseri
since eviudoing is not concedia even When it is deservia. CHAP. VII.-Ca es of impatience, and theis eorrespondent
No , hoWεver, While me run throuo the causos os impatience, ait the other precepis also mill ans er in thoir omnplaces. Is our spirit is a used by the loss of proper , it is commonished by the Lord's Scriptures, in almost every place, to a contemning of the worid ;y nor is there any more powerfui exhortation to contempt of money submitted to
OF PATIENCE. 217 for tho Spirit, Whicli ho has received from the Lord, he
snd here, where it is our busin ess to lase=- To exhibit imp tience at ali losses is tho Gentiles' business, Who give moneythe precedence perhaps over their soul; for so they do, When, in their cupidities of lucre, they encounter the gainsulperils of commerce on the sea; When, sor money's Aahe,
themselves for spori and the camp; When, after the manneros Mid beasis, they play the bandit along the highWay. Butus, according to the diversity by Which we are distinguishod
CHAP. VIII.- Ospatience under personat violenee and malediction. We who carry about our Very foui, our Very body, eX-
' Saeculo. Dolibatione. i.e. money and the like. Comparo Mati. vi. 25; Luhe xii. 23. ' Mara. v. 39. - Improbitaa. ' Constrictus. I have rendered alter Oehier; hut may not the meaning be elenched ' like tho hand which deias the blo. 37 As Ooliter sus the No ia said to receive' that which, strietiy,llio dealor es it receives.' Improbum. ' Mati. v. 11, 12; Luho vi. 22, 23. λ' Deut. xxi. 23; GH. iii. 13. Tertullian'a quotations here Me aome-What lo e. He rendera morda vhieli are distinct in the Greek by thosame in his Latin.
Not even that species of impatience undor the loss os ourdear ones is excused, Where some assertion os filio right o gries acta the patron to it. For the consideration os theaposscs declaration must bo set besore us, Who sus, Be
Communicari-κοινουMαι. Me Maa vii. 15. made common,'' i.e. profane, unclean. Comparo Acta x. 14, 15 in the GreeE' Reatum. Me de Mol. i. ad init., the highest impeachment of the age.'' η Mati. xii. 36. Tertullian has rendered ἀργόν by vani et supervacui.'' ' Dispungetur: a mord Which, in the active, means technieatly tobalance accounta,'' henoe to discharge,'' etc.
Since, then, there is certainty as in the resnrrection os the
And wo Wound Christ When me accepi not milli equanimi
joins. And the precept is absolute, that evit is not to berepaid with ovit.' Like deed involves like merit. How shallWo observe that principie, is in Our loathing wo shali not
offended; While such as make us the offering of their patience me not only approVe as mindiui os humility, oi servitude, affectionalely jealous of tho right of their lord's hono ; butWo mahe them an ampler satisfaction than they Would have pr exacted ' for themsolves. Is there any ria os a disserent result in the caso os a Lord so just in estimating, so potent
Even a fool may perceive that. When, hoWeVer, He SVS, Rejoice and exuit, as osten as they shali curse and persecuto Fou; sor Very great is your re ard in heaven, ' of courso itis not to the impatiemee of exultation y that Ho mahes that promise; be auso no Ono will exuit ' in adversities unlosshe have firat learat to contemn them; no one Will contemnthem ntilem ho have luami to practiso patience. CI P. XII. - Certain other divine preeepta, and the voatolio
deseription os Charis, in their connection with patience. As regards the rule of peace, Whicli ' is so pleasing to God, who in the worid that is prone to impatience' mill even once
Main v. 3. R Mati. v. 4. Mati. v. b. - Μain v. s. ' Mau. v. 11, 12, inexactly quotest 7 Exultationae impatientiae. ' i.e. Peace.' Impatientiae natus: liti bom for impatience.' Comp. de Pan.
224 TERTULLIANUS Argive his brother, I Will not say seven times,' ory sevent
foven timos Who that is contemplating a suit against his adversary mill compose the matter by Ur ment, unlem
as have fallen,) When, on a disjunction os medioch for that cause, I mean, Which mahes it la sui, whether for husband or ite, to persist in the perpetuat observance of wido hood ,
i Oehlis reada sed,' but the vel ' adoptod in tho texi is a e-jecture es Latinius, Which Oehler mentiona. Septuagies septies. The reserence is to Mati. xviii. 21, 22. Compare de Or. Vii. ad M. and the noto there. R Mare v. 25. ' Line vi. 37. si Mati. v. 23, 24. ' Eph. iv. 26. Compare de Or. xi.