Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 11: The Writings Of Tertullian, Volume 1

발행: 1869년

분량: 545페이지


분류: 미분류



excuso their own offensiveness, and mahe present injuryboarabis for the salis' of the advantage to supervene.

must sufferi; in that, unWashen, sordidly attired, estrangedfroni gladness, they must spend their time in the rou nemos sackcloth, and the horridness of ashes, and the sunkenness



it in his lipa or cheota. Let hiu furthermore Meh out bathsos more geniat temperatum in some gardened or se side

CHAP. XII.-Final eonsiderationa to induee to Gomologesis.



come they never to an end. Who mill not account these occasional punishmenta inflicted on the mountains as examples

Fumariola, Le. the cratera of Volcanore.


ere) of human salvation, caring more for the b iness of the pen ' than the duty of my conscience For, sinner asI am os every dye,' and bom for nothing savo repentance, Ιcannot eastly bo silent about that about which also tho very hoad and Dunt of the human race, and of human offence, Adam, restored by Gomologesis in his oWn paradis ' is not


280 TERTULLIANUS The precepi, thereiore, Whicli I give Fou is, that, mitti all

nuptials; not that you Will on that score confer any benefiton me, excepi in that you Will profit yourself. But to Christians, aster their departure trom the worid, no restorationos marriago is promised in the day of the resurrection, tran lated as they Will bo into the condition and sanctity of angels.' There ore no solicitude arising hom carnal je lousy Will, in the day of the resurrection, even in the case of

to confusion.' The question raised by the Sadducees hasyleldod to tho Lord's sentence. Thinh not that it is for thosahe of preserving to the end for myself the entiro devotion

no resumption of Voluptuous disgrace belween M. No such

frivolities, no such impurities, does God promise to Uis De


means os the wide licence of those days, materials for su sequent emendations mere furnished beforehand, of .hleh

dancies or regulated the disorders. CHAP. III. arriage good: eelibata preserabis.

But Iot it not bo thought that my reason sor premising thus much concerning the liberty granted to the old, and the restraint imposed on the later time, is that Ι may lay anundation for teaching that Christ's advent mas intendedio dissolve medioch, fandJ to abolisti maresago unions; as is frem this period onWard ' Ι mero prescribing an end tomarming. Let them seo to that, Who, among the rest of their perversities, teach ius disjoining of tho ono flosh in twain; ' deving Him Who, after borrowing the female homilio male, r combined belWeen themselves, in the matrim niat computation, tho tWo dies taen out of the consorishipof tho seli me materiat substance. In shori, there is no

Plurifariam matrimoniis uti. The neut. pl. matrimonia V is some- times used for ves.' Comp. c. v. ad . and de Paen. c. xii. ad .' Sermo, Le. probably the personal Word. Comp. de Or. c. i. ad init.



place at ali Where Wo read that nuptials are prohibited; otcoui se on the ground that they are se a good sting. What, howevor, is beller than this good,' me learn from the apostle, Who permita mari ing indeed, but prefers abstinence; theformer on account of the insidiousnesses of temptations, thelalter on account os the stratis of the times.' ΝοW, by locising into the reason thus given for each proposition, it is easilydiscorned that the mound on whicli the poWer of marrying is conceded is neeessi*; but Whatever neeeasis granis, ahe bylier very nature depreciates. In faci, in that it is Written, To many is botter than to bum,' What, pray, is the nature

has some suspicion attaching to the cause of iis permission.

R Comp. de I l. c. xxiii., and the note there on se neganti ' ce. in martyrdom, on the ground of that open confession. . Non obest.


284 TERTULLIANUS Tho fimi and most pomersui is that which arises hom fleahly

' Or, temporary. β Incubare. φ Caedere sumptum.