Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 11: The Writings Of Tertullian, Volume 1

발행: 1869년

분량: 545페이지


분류: 미분류


examination uses forte here, and torturo reges here, and confession or dentia completes this Whole co se of procedureon tho earth. Thereiore, it the other things are here, comsession iam is not elsenhere; is confession is et whore, theother things also are not here. Certainly the other iningsare not esse here; therefore Mither is confession in heaven.

or, ii they mill have it that the mannis in Which the heavenlymamination and consession tino place is disserent, it mill certainly be also incumbent on them is devise a mode os procedure of their οὐ os a very different hiud, and opposedis that method .hicli is indicatia in the Scriptures. dme may be able in say, Lot them consider ,hether Whatthey imagino in exist does soJ, it so bo that this eo se of

procedure, proper in examination and confession on eari a co se Which has persecution as the Murco in Which it

be there, Which is enduring to tho end is to usus in the suffering of deast.

11. In the fame mannar, there re, We maintain that theother announcements too reser in the condition os marty


secutions. Is these announcements are not underatood as they

now one line os defenco: y an appeat will be mado to tho facta themselves, whether they occur as the Scriptures represent that they Would; since another thing Will then bo meant

in the Scriptures is that very one fWhich seems to bo sH is not found in actuat facis. For What is written, this mill


in actual liss which are belleved to have been expressed missia disserent meaning in Words, What mould happen ii they Were found to havo come to pras in a different manner filian hadbeen revealedJ But this Will the wayWartaess of faith, not to bellove What has been demonstrared, in assume thetruth of What has not been demonstrared. d to this Way-Wardnem I Will offer the following objection also, stat it theso evenis Which occur as is Written mill not be the very ones Which ars announced, those too fWhicli are mean ought notio occur as is initten, that they themselves also may nos after tho example of these fotheraJ, bo in danger os exclusion, sincethere is ons ining in the wotas and another in the facta; and


408TERT MANUS. Nonnota they come in passi Thus heresim, is not

to Paul, to m in He granted participation in fine joys o


Philadelphis' fit nas signifiωJ that he who had not dentin

not haring tho namo biotted out of tho book of lde, and being made in sto templo Os God a pillar mith the inscriptionon it of the namo of God and of tho Lord, and of the M

venly Jerusalem; now a sitiing With the Lord on ms throne, hich oneo mas persistently refusod to the sona es Zebedes Who, Way, are these so blessed conquerora, but martyre in theatrici sense of tho mota For indoed tholas ars tho victori Whose also are the sola; theirs, homuer, are tho sola Whomatio is the blood. But the sonis of the martyrs both peac fvij rest in tho meantime under tho altar and suppori their



Antichrist, since one of the eidem sus, These are they Who come out of that great tribulation, and have mashed their robes, and made them Whito in the blood of tho Lamb. RFor the fi h is the elothing of the wa The uncleannes indeed, is Washed aWay by baptism, but the sinius Mechanged into dagetling Whitenera by martyrdom. For Esaias also promises, that out of red and scarlet thero sili como forth the whiteness of snow and w t.' When great Babylon likewise is representia as drunk with the blood of the ininis,' do uess the supplies neeMes for her Munkennem are fumnished by the cups of martyrdoms; and what suffering thesear of martyrdoma Will enisil, is in like manner ino n. Foramong Hl the castaWays, nay, inhing precedonce of them ali, ars tho Rarsul. - But the fearses,' says Joh-and then me the others- Will have their pari in the lata os fidi and brimstone' ' Thus fear, which, as sisted in his episse, love drives out, has punishment. 13. But hoW Paul, an apostle, from being a persecutor, .ho fidit os est shed the blood of the church, though afte marti he exchanged the sWord for the pen, and turned the


whieli is in Christ Jesus our Lord.' But further, in re- counting his o n sufferings to the Corinthians, he certainbdecidod that suffering must bo borne: In labοura, 'esus,J more abundant, in prisons very frequent, in deathsost. of tho Jows sive times received I forty stripes, smeone; thrice Was I beaten mith rods; onco was I stoned,' and tho rest. And is these severities Will seem to be more grievous stan martyrdoms, yet Once more he says: There- fore I tae pie ure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distremes for Chrises sakeIM HOalso sus, in Verses occurring in a previous part of the opisue: μ our condition is such, that we are troubled oneVery fide, yet not distressed; and are in need, but nos inviter Want; since Wo are harassed is persecutions, but notforsinen; it is such that me are cast doWn, but not destroyed;

for a moment, Worheth for us a far more exceeding and


412 TERTULLIANUS Thessalonians,/ he vertataly inmed that they mere bl sed, sinoo to them it had Men oven not only to bellave on Christ, but also in suffer for His sino. ving,' avs h sine fame conflict which ye both s- in me, and now hear to Min me. For though L am offered umn the sacrifiee, I


as vis. also of their being as it mero assistants bestonedupon righteo nem, as it Were handmaids of the divino conrios justice, Whita even here prono unces sentence besorehand

tributo to Whom tributo is due, custom to Whom custom,

tove even isse moro than God. 15. NoW, then, the episties of tho apostles also aro Well

not at ali in the search. The prisons there, and the bonia, and the sco ges, and the big nones, and the s orti, and theonsera by the JeWs, and the assemblies of tho heathon, and the indicimenta is tribunes, and the hearing of canses byhings, and the judgment-seats of proconsuis, and the nameos Caesar, do not need an interpreter. That Peter is strua


flain as is a victim at tho altar, that Paul is beheaded, hasbeen initten in their own blood. And is a heretic Wishes his confidenco to rest upon a public record, the archives of the empire mill spea, as Would have the stones of Jer salem. - read the lives of the Caesam: At Rome Nommas the firat who sta ed missi blood the rising faith. Thenis Peter giri is another,' Whon ho is made fast to the crom. in does Paul obtain a blath suited is Roman citiaeninip, whon in Rome lio springs to liso again ennobled by marty dom. Wheraver I read of these occurrences, so soon as Ιdo w, Ι learn to suffer; nor does it signisy to me Which Ιsollo teachers of martyrdom, whether the declarations orthe deaths of tho apostles, favo that in their deaths Ι recalltheir declarations also. For they mould not have sinered

against martyrdom. And is even thon a Prodicus or Valentinus stood is, suggesting that one must not contem on ino