Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 11: The Writings Of Tertullian, Volume 1

발행: 1869년

분량: 545페이지


분류: 미분류


his treatiae resemblea The holan both in ita generat purpori asa vindication os Christianity against heathen prejudice, and in many olita expressiona and statementa. So great is the regemblance, that thiasi ter mois has been thoughι by aome to have been a fini drast of tho Ionger and periret one. Tertullian, hoWever, here Mesemea his ex Mutations to the generat publie, Whilat in The Apolon it is the resera and magistrates of the empiro Whom he Meis to innuence.J


accumulate so much the more in the consciousness of iis

Non licet rectius suspicari. ' Non lubet propius experiri.' At quin. ε Νiai ai. - Εmendari pudet.' Excusari piget. 7 Redundantiae nostrae. η Bona fide. ' Pro extremitatibus temporum. λ' for perhapa, in maintain erit in preterence to good. J



resist; it accused, he mahes no deseuce. When questioned, he consesses; when condemned, he rejoices. What sori ofovit is this, in Which the nature os evit comes to a stand-


CHAP. II.'-The heathen perverted ju ment in the triad os Christians. They would be more consistent is they dissensed with ali form os trial. Tertullian urges this .ithmuch indignation. In this case you actualty conduci trials contrary to thousual form os judiciat process against criminals; Ar Whenculpriis are brought up ior triat, should they deny the charge, you press them ior a confession by tortures. When Chri tians, hoWeVer, consess Without compulsion, Fou apply the tortum to induce them to deny. What great perversenem isthis, When Fou stand out against confession, fandJ change theuse of the torture, compelling the man who irankly acknow



cubinage Mith the race of man. CHAP. III. The great os enes in the Christians lies in their very name. Tertullian milies the persecutor for this abaurdi , and pDa3antly vindicates the name.

lous and persevering in investigating charges os far tessserious impori, relinquish your care in cases like ours, whichare so horribi' and of such surpassing sin that impiety istoo milii a word for them, by declining to hear confession,

Wo havo sor ones departed from Oehler's texi, and preseraediligauit's : Perducerentur infantarii et coci, ipsi canes pronubi, emendata emet res. The sense la evident from The Apology, c. vii. : It iasaid that we are guilty ol most horribie crimes; that in the celebrationos οὐ sacrament We put a child to death, vhich me alterWarda devour, and at the end of our banquet revel in incest; that We employ dogs ministers of our impure delighta, to overthroν the candies, and thua toprovido dataneas, and remove ali ahame Which might intersero withtheso impioua lusis' Chevalliera translation). These calumnies mero very common, and are noticed by Justin Martyr, Minucius Felix, Eusebius Athenagoras, and Origen, Who attributea their origin to the Jem Oehlor retas infantariae, aiter the Agobardine codex and editio princeps. and quotes Martial Epigr. iv. 88), vhere the Word occura in the sense of an inordinate love os children.J3 Nam et plerique fidem talium temperanti


a condemnation, it becomes evident that the crime laid in ove charge consista not of any sinsul conduci, but lies Wholly in our name. ΙΤ, indeed,' any real crimes mere clearly adducibie against us, their very names Would condemn us, is found applicabie,' so that distinci sentences mould bo pr nounced against us in this wise : Let that murderer, or that incestuous criminat, or Whateuer it be that me are charyd with, be led to execution, be crucified, bo thrown to thobeasta. Your sentences, ho ever,' impori only that ono has confossed himself a Christian. No name os a crime standa against us, but only the crime os a name. Now this in very deed is neither more nor tess than the entire odium Whicli is

it against us. Tho namo is the cause: some mysterious

no legat action m is, no indici ment specifies, no sentenco

I Adeo si. Si accommodarent. Porro.' Haec ratio est. β Reprobentur. ' Impunitate. y fi.e. the name Christiana. J



enumerates. In any case Which is submitted to the judge, inquired into against the defendant, responded to by him ordentia, and cited from the Mnch, Ι acknowledge a legalcharm. Concerning, then, the merit os a name, Whateveroffence names may be charged With, Whatever impeachment Words may be amenable to, Ι for my part y thin that noteven a complaint is duo to a mord or a name, uni s indeedit has a barbarous found, or smaelis os ill-luch, or is immodest, or is indecorous for the speaher, or unpleasant to the

CHAP. IV. The truth hated in the Christians; ao in me ureis it, of old, in Socrates. An eloquent eukD - αε uiroues of the Christians. But the feci, you say, is punished in tho name os ita founder. Νοψ in the first place, it is no doubi a fair and usual custom that a sect should be markod out by the nameos ira founder, since philosophera are called Pythagoreans

and Platonisis aster their mastere; in the fame Way physicians are called aster Erasistratus, and grammarians aster



i Plectitur. Tradux. R Retinere. ε At nunc. β Elatrent. ' Libertatem suam their liber of speech ''J. 7 Denique. ' Porro.


424 TERTULLIANUS tres miso becauso he dented tho gods, although in truthhe was ali the wiser by reason of this dental. It is justin the fame Way that you are in the habit of saying ofus: Lucius Titius is a good man, Only he is a Christian;

io nono sto consideri Whether a man is not good and wisobecause he is a Christian, or thereiore a Christian becauso he is Wiso and good, although it is more usual in humanconduci to determine obscurities by What is manifest, thanto prejudice What is manifest by What is obscure. Somo persons Wonder that those whom they had known to be un-steady, Worthless, fori Wiched besore they bore this' name, have been suddenly converted to virtuous courses; and yetthey better know how to wonder fat the changri than to attain to it; othors are so obstinate in their strife as to dobatus With their own best interests, whicli they have it in their pomer in secure by intercourse si with that haled name. I know more thau one' husband, formerly anxious about their wives' conduci, and unable to bear even mico to creepinis thoir bed-room Mithout a Moan os suspicion, Whο have,upon discovering the causo of their nen assidui , and their Wonted attention to the duties of home,' offered the entire Ioan of their wives to others,' disclaimed ali jealousy, fandJ preferred to be the hvsbands of sh wolves than os Christian omen: they could commit themselves to a perverse abussos nature, but they could not permit their Wives to be r formed for the bellor i A sather disinherited his son, Mith