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vulgar-minded, but Ue man whoae principies sat lo ely but comvenienti uponaim; ho Wa no lihelyrio innovato raahly, totamiae is eccentrio rillianey, o to ut in aham by an overatrianodrigidit of virtus Thus it mas more prudent to combine illi Crassus M an atly than to incur the oppositioni hi par , and toria in counte influenee of an enormoua fortune hic made thonam os ramus proverbia sor ealth. Plin Η. N. xxxiii. 47ὶ values his alatea in the country Ione at two hundred millionao aesterces. e might have maintaine n despicabie arm athia Wn coat Without the means of doing this, he thought thalno ne deaerve to e calle rich. n othercles stirring timea homight have live an die Without leavin in histor an marhintraces of his existenco; ut in the period os transition and comm tion his preceded the sali os the republic auo elementa os powera he oaaesae could acareel remat neglecta and quiescent. It was partis the triumviral contrae reneme at an interrie. belmeen the parties in Luca bat Pompe an Craaaua ahould boa aecon time consul together ahould ahare the armie an prominces of the enauin year, an ahould exert heir innuence to a euro the resongation sorisve ear of Caesar' command in Gaul. Notmit tanding the atrenuous opposition os L. Domitiua Ahen barbus, backed by ali the authoritro Cato of Utica Who Waa soroed, o tho da o election, to leave in Campus artiua, it his sono era, after a noen os aeriou rio an uproar , both om y an Crassus mere elected consula, B.C. 56. Ada mansaaaed, at in rogationis the tribune C. Trebonius by hic Syria an inst. Spaina, With tho rightisfieace and War, Were assigne to thoeonsula sorinus eam While the Gaula an Illyricum mero handedove in Caeaar sor a simila period. In the diatributionis the comaula proVinces, ranauarioin Syria. Crasaud mas anxious to distinguis himself in War. Pompey, honam ha auriugaled the pirate an Mithradates Caesaria eo quere Gavi, and was marchin hia arm victoriouadrio Germany and Britain. ortisse a sumesaea hich made iam sest his inseriorit in both, he hos rathe to enter po an undertakin sorWhichio ha no genius, than to continuo the purauit of weali anditauene at homo Armed by tho lex Trebonia it m e tomahe war, he determine to exerciso his authori ty attaching the Parthians Thia Was a trest an pomerato of the iam so tho Parthians eremo expreas named in tho lsx Trebonia; and tho nate, ho constitutionali mere the prope arbiter of peace and War, ros exto anction hostilitiea by their deciso. Indeod thero