장음표시 사용
solam apientem eas divitem. Compare notem Solum sapientem ae libertim, at the oommendement of Parad. V. Quae est ista es--
a. e. mmmons Compam in explanationis Orastri pro rata amantum est testamentum stlaum fingere, at pro vom nubat, tuere quod ea salsariorum.
Animus hominis dires, o mul os a man ought to bacalle rich, notiis offer.'- nim ex eo, M. The ideo a that in the opinion o manliin our actuat Wanta ames the true me ure ofour richea. Filiam quia habet. Duo has adaughter sor examplo. ''
This ould bo in dimet violationis in Cincia Iam panae B C. 204 , Whichior do a person to tine any thinisor hia piana impleas
In hujus amuli errore serares me resereno in to the indulgenoctos cinate laris ena evenis the parti a manis comparativis y rugal and econominat habita. D. Maniliva. Compam De Amitati iv. 14.-Curios et Luscin The Curii an Macini,' t. e. auotime a Manius Curius Dentatus an C. Fabriciua uacinus, thot o dimoua opponent of Pyrrhus -In Carinis In the Carinae.' A quarteris Rome remare te aster ard so the splendi bulldingswit .hic it mas adoraed. It was contiguoua in the forum Uim , AEn. viii. 36s , and at theriore of the Esquilinemin Uv. xxvi , I0. In Labieano. In the territor of Labicum. Suppi agro Labicum a mali tow of Latium, ear Tuaeulum, an no sarhom Rome modem to nis Colonnaria a posexto aland onthe ancient site.-Sed non aestimatione eensus, lic The limit os aman' sortune ho even iis determine no by the estimato of his properi unde in census, but by hia labio an his mode of lues,' s. e. me domo eatimate the richea os a malis his income, but bytho relation hic that income bears tomia expenses. 46I. Non eas evidum, have sem Matrocia richea to bo
cauae auehaind of properimis leant liabis iste injured by teminata,
In B. C. 64 Clodius accompanis the propraetor L. Muraena in Gallia Transalpina, here he eaorteda in moes nesari oua mei, oda os procurin money. His Varine, or the waut to hic his dissipation ad reduce his led iam to have remurae in similar prooeeding on his returnis Rome Aaconius in m. p. 5o Oreu. says that Cicero osten charge him mith havinari e par in tho conspirac os Catilino; ut, it the exception os nome probabου exaggerate rhetorica allusiona Domm . Resp., a pro Mil ,14 , no intimationis the hin appeam in Cicero, an mutarin Via. e. 29Ysay that on that occasioni too the aide os the oonavi, and was atin o good term With him.
animosit bet en him and Cicero, Which produce aue importanteonaeque ea in both an in Roma The mynterie of the Bonama mere thia Dariolabrate in the houae o Caeaar. Classiua, hoha an inuigue missi Pompeia, Caeaar' Wise, entere the oiane, mith the a istance os ono of the attendanta diagulae a a Emal muaician. ut hue his guide Maone to apprimine minis a, Clodius a delecte is hia voice. The alam ac mediate viven, butine made his escam by the aid os the damae Who hinintroduce him. a viready a candidato so the quaeatorahimand wa ellected but in the beonning of B. C. 6 I. sorein aeti sor his province, he Wacim ache so thia offence. The aenais referre in malis to the pontifices, who declare it an aes of -- pie . Unde the directio of the aenate a rogation a pro Sed in the eople, to the effect that Clodius inovidi tried by judiecta, Miscis by the praetor, ho acto reaide. The Mae-ου, hommer, Was m n up Without comin to a decision. Misenuis a Mirat dispone to pernis in ita originalitan; ut aster ara, o the recommendationi Morte tua, tho propositionis the tribune Fufiua Calenua Maa ad ted in accordano mith hic the judices ero tote elected stom the three decurtea. Cicero, Who had hilheris atrenuo ly supported inmaenate no relaxed in hi exertiona. Clodius attempteda provo an alibi, ut Cicero' evidenoe aho edinat he wa Withaim in Romo only three Dura besorem pretendEdis have been a Interamna. Briber an intimidation, hoWevenuecurediim an acquutal, is a majorit of thisty-on to tWent'five. Cicero, ho ever, Wholad been irritated by aome a casti allusiona made is Clodiu in his consulahip an is a verssio give in contradiction to his testimony, attache Clodiu an his partisana in the aenais it great vehemenee. Soon aster his acquiravi, Clodius ment in his province Sicily, and intimate his designis hecoming a candidate sonthe aedileahip. nhis return homever, he eiaclose a different purmae. ager in ro-venge himaeis o Cicero, that ho mirati armed Wit more so Ddable pomer, hel pones comin a tribuno of the plebs. For thiait ma noce My that he houldie adoptod into a plebeian family; and ach ma no in the poWer of hia parent, in adoptioniad totis plao is a me of theseopte in the Comitia Curiata. Rematio attempta mero made by the tribun C. Herennius to et thiabrought a M. Cicero, Who place reliance omine frienda h. anda portis Pomperi didio spars Clodiun, though M at time a Wa