The de senectute, de amicitia, paradoxa, and somnium scipionis of Cicero ...

발행: 1848년

분량: 370페이지


분류: 미분류



ιω- avunculum tuum. . Porcius Cato Utice iacia meant,mbo ma inmine Misensis in history, rom Utica the place tam ho ut amen to hi existeneo. Livia, the aiater of the celebratost tribune . Livina Druina, mammante finirio M. Porcius Cato, is .hom in his Cato Uticenais and a sequently to Q. Serviliua Caepio, by Whom heia a dauister, Servilia, Who amine motheros Brutus. Servilia mas theresore Cato's hau-sIster. Oeo graveam philosophia raetare. Ia a uatomed is discua grave topica os philosophy.' baeo that eos a meminem to the Gree τύπους, analogo to the loci eommunes of the rhetorical Writera. Maenereno is in generat principis os a philoaophicia character, intendodisi subsequently applied in the queation under de M. bhorremtas a Me usu M. Allogetheris eign to the forensi and popular modo os ape in that e re accuatome to employ. ' omliteralty totur fore in and popular praetiee.' Quod eo majus est illi. thinx hic is the more dimovit sorium.' Obaeo that majus is hora equivalem to di ilius, o m. joris operae. The dissicultramae stomaho Oircumatanomo hic inga Stolo a ac vi Moh oultivate a concine and dry modo of πε ing, an rejecto ali in Omamenta os oratory. Compam mi.,

xxx. II4 Stoicis, quorum peracuta et artis planum orationis gemus aris tamen eo exile, nec asia populari Maenaloni accommoda


oni introduce into his orationa philosophi diseusaiona o thoas minis in hic the Stoica di no dister very widely stom theraeota. Η himself, hoWever intenda orireat of thei Paradoxes, whio Cato di no do, an Mnc the expression feri etiam aud eius.-Quae via in gymnaatis, Acc. Whic the Stoica prove missi dissiculi in thei achoola ad momenta os laiaure,' t. e. finxit adissiculi mattera prove either in thei public disputationa, o thoir

ura os retirement, hen eate in thei Mudies, an reducinginei thoughtari Writing. udens. As a pleo of amuaement.' Equivalent to ludendi eausa. n eo vinea locos. Into the formos commonplacear i. e. os generia promaitions. Et ais ipsis etiam deo. have inserte ει on the aut ri isone of the ΜSS. The common readincia extremel amkWare. Graevius, Who omita ι, places a perio aster appellantur. Benu eonjectures appinata. d eo in forum. Thes Worda are sua otis Misom editor of in a glana, but mithout an necessi . An alia quadam esset,ino. Whether in languam os in Iearned πω dae rent of ita hin stominat hic me emplo in uris rangue to theseople.' Socratica Compare the emarcos Facciolati Exierunt ex Sehola Socratis, qui in rebua omnibus, non igivisionem. sed veritatem et honestatem sequebantur.


mma rationis a sententia. of thia mode of speising and of the aentimenta here advocated. '- risulitis operibus In artioleaos Corinthian moremanahip. V resereno lario statues, columna,&o , but more particularly to esset o Corinthia bra Coinpare Plin. H. N. xxxiii. 2. -FaMirii. Gompare Q2.-Quae modo Me, modo illuc transferuimur. circumlocution sor commutabilia.

The resero e is to the ludiaria fortuna, allude to in AE, What the Gree philosophicat writera termed τα ἐν κινησει. MetMI and Gem-hard are Wron in supposing that mobilia' are meret meant quo loco auo moveri possunt. -Illud. Compare M t,4 48 Vesuptatem esse summum bonum. he doctrine of the Cyrenaio schoes, a calle sto ita munder Aristippus, a native os Cyrene. The Cyronai doctrine mould appea in have ariae stom a misam plicationis in Socratic Socrate considere happineas i. e. inctenjoment of a ess-ordere mine to aim os allisen and Aristippus, ahingis thia position pronounco pleasure th ohies mod, and pain the tales evit; ut he wishod in miud in preMoon authorit in the midat of ple ure Smith Dici moer. a. v. Quidquamn bonum est, dic Compar Seneca, Epist. 87 Quod bonum est, bono faeis; fortuita bonum non faciunt ergo non uni


turam ad beate visendum se ipsa eas contentam. Nec vero ego, &U.


ste ascendant.

among men.' Suppi demigrandum ait. - Quorum mnia. AllWboae prospecta.''-Quasi eircumscriptus eat. Ia circumachi d. it ere, Withi certain limita. ' on iis, qui omnem, c. Cicero aown conduci in anishment agreed ver illisit thia sentiment. Tua libidines, &c. Equivalenta nam tua libidines, lic.-Quod eat. What ou at present possess,' s. e. Four present Ortune.-Ne non


alWay one and the fame.'

Quod si virtutes, &c. again, is Viriuea, 'o.-Nec bono viro meliorem, o Mand that a man an not e made belle than agood man, Ac. t. e. that there iam belle matthan a good man. Compar Seneca, p. 66 Nihil invenies rectius recto ' o. Noeree moreoVer, that the vir bonus here meant is no the sapiens,


ι - ροι- una est, emper ibi constans, nunquam a ratione di edit.