장음표시 사용
Extra numerum. Gut of the proper me ure.' Compare me expIanatio osset I Si in saltando peecam contra leges auationis.' he resereno in numerus amo meret to the malo, butala to the movementa of the ano a consequent themon.-Si versu pro nuntiatus est, c. he actorcia notat exsor an neglia
gent pronunciationis the line, but in line Raelf is hiased, and thiactor a the representative os the poeti ence me have the nominative it the passive Verbono si versum pronuntiavit. --ni gestu moderatior. Μore caresuli regulate than an theatrices mature.' Aptior. More exact.''-n ut in syllia te peccasse di-
427. Omnem aliarum Maanire. Thia ame aurieo in handis in thsTuaevian Disputations iii. 4,s, seqq. Compare μου. Laert. Vii., 24 mrat. Sat. ii. 3, 43 Senec. Benes, ii. 36. -' vero te non stultum, &c Thia Paradox like the aecon one, i meret a fra mentis an oratio against Clodius, though differing rom the other, in havinibes delivere aster Cicero' retur from exile and thoobjectis ita introductio is, a in the forme case, to 3hοπ in What way a pecta applicatio ma be ad os a generat philosophices
c. 7 Quid enim interfui inter Catilinam et eum, cui tu senatus auctoritatem, salutem iritatis, totam rempublieam propin B proemio emdidistis via enim L. Catilinam eonantem eo ut prohibui ea P. Clodium fariemum eonsule adjuverunt.'
atate,' i. e. ita Memarea. - Pervenisse ad me nunquam putavi.
andine also et fit to tho Templa os the Nympha, sonthes mact
uommon Iection, num appellatur inimicus. - - telo Conauit Zumpi. 473. nis aenatum tua sica deprehensa eat Thia reserario
Communes leges. me common IaWa,' i. e. the generat ortu,
sua I. inremo .... nomen extui non perhorreaeias The ans ento thia
Solum apientem Gaa liberum, &c. his Stolo paradocia handisa viso in tho De Finibus, iii. 22, 75. Compare μου. Laert. Uit aen. , Iasci ἀν--μ .... μον- τ ελευθερον ' του δὲ μυλους --λσος. In orde to conoeive in true notionis the Stoica concor ing thei .ia man, it malae early underatood that the di notauppoae auch a man actuallyrio extat, but that the stame in theis imaginatio an imago os persection, toWard Whic every man a via oontinuas aspire. Ad the extraVagant thinga, hic are toto metmith in thei Writingat this subject may be referre in theirae erat principis os the entire suffcienc os virtve to happineaa, and the consequent indifferenceis ad exteravi circumstances.
Laudatur vero his Imperator, o The auriunctivo here indicatea oonoeaaion. - have here a fragmen os an oration in hioli Cicero addreaae the eople, an adviae against the electionis aeertain individual a commander. tria here introduced in aho. in What Way suis a paradox a tho preaent may be applied toturmaeno encomtum orio cenaure. Some coniade the oration in queationa a mere rhetorica exemiae, Without an particula resereno toan existing individual and thia, o doubi, ictho me opinion. Famiolati ho ouer, thinis that it is alme a Sylla Emeati, at Mar Antony and wetMI, a Lucullus.
Ut velis. Asao manstet inclined, 't. e. aa ne aliouia sevi imolined in accordanee, namely, Wit right reaaon. The resereno iato voluntas eum Daieio, hic Manda directi oppone to libido. Compam De Off. i. 20, 70. Ut vult. AS M Wiise , ' s. s. a cordis to hia Wn illo henin heara the voice of Nason.-Cus vivendi via, oec Obaeo that eui here tinea in place of a quo, and consul Mopt,4 419. Eodemque referuntur. Some editiona havo feruntur, ut in commund herocia more in accordanos it thoatyis of Cicero. Conauli relli' note. ortuna ipsa edit Thomis mancia superiora fortune so the gista os fortune are mors extema thinga, hic his no relation to virtve.-Sicut aviana poeta dixit, he. Aa a Miso me has avid, theris mouldo soreae ono by his omnieculiar character,' ' l. e. eac malis the MNifice of hia Wn fortune. o have rete e ea, With relli stomine bracheis of Gernhar an other editora The resereno is tofortuna. Who the sapiens poeta in remain a queation. ore commentatore ho ever, thin that Appiuacia meant, cauae a sentiument ver simila to thmone in the textris quote Domitin is Saulus in the epistire t Caeaar, De ordinanda republiea' namely, Fabrum Me quemquam forruncta V ut e find the me senti
Mese. Mambo dispalched in a se morda.' Qui ita ait assectus. Namely, s acto do nothingon illingi and rom compulaion. Serui igitur omne improbi Thiaria Iessi' re ing the commontexi has Igitur omne improbi, servi rimaeoondiari of the paradox gina hero. ec Me tam re &e. The meanincia, that the paradocis hero more in tho mora than in the ining itaeis in maneipia, quis avri dominorum facia nexu Dis purchaae ones, Whic have
leis of thom at home,sin canio Metiri e lea abroad in mattera appertaining to the stato. The ordinar readin eo ervorum ia
vim honestis vim locum servitutia tenent. priua e vitulis. Asar nuperior readingrio ipsius et inauia a gisen is Bome.
P. Cornelius Cethegua, in stiend os artua, an a manis notortioual ba list. Η retainod hoWevor great poWer an innuenoeaster Sulla' death, Whone par he had eamuae in B.C. 83, after an ning that os Marius an Lucullus di no distat in enusathia concubine in uno her intereat in his favor Whenio a Mehingio obtain the command of the War againa Mithradates. HM.,
M a flavo to)oungmen aditue more talistive than ordinary. V Thealluam is to mun me sano themaelves eloquent, but hoare, in reali , talvative rather inan eloquent, and who eo nomo opportunit os mining thei imagine powera os oratot known byacouaing om great criminat. Uni these the individua referredis in the texi must bend the kne in abjectisubmission, and strivoto propitiat thei favor. - Qui aliquid scire videntur. Who appearto lino any thinc respectinchim , ci e , t botriunto any os hiamiadeeta. udez. Lambinus preser Inder. ut compare De Lee., i , 14 41 Nihil timet nisi testem et judicem;' and alao Parad. ii., 18 Te metus eranimant judiciorum atque legum. L. Crasas copiosa magis deo. The allusion is to the mech of L. Licinius ramus, tho celebrate orator, in savoris the Lex Se vilia B.C. 106ὶ by hic it a proposed in reatore to the equites ih privilege of furnishing judises se publicariata, hic Was theni in hand of the senatoria order. The Mech of Crassu Onthia occasio Was ne os remain Ie pomer an eloquenoe, an e presse tho treno ostia devotion to tho arist rati party; ut Cicero indisauit Withrit, both here and elaeWhere De Orat , i. 62 , asinavin been couche in to sa ning a tono tomarda thm opte, an one calculate in lower the character of the senatoria ordor it me miserand the good.-Eripis nos ex emittite. The passam is quotest more fuli and consecutivel in the De Orat. i. 62. Geallusion in semiruteris to the variou acta os injustice toWard the aematorian orde of hic the equestrian judices ha been Muty, and Whic are compare in the in os a regular ervitude.-Omnia arum debilitati, &c. An hin os apprehensionis the par of a dispuuod, and ael ab ing, and timi in is a much alavery. ' n libertatem vindieari. M Tole et rem sto any yohe .V visi 'vobis universis Unteacto ou collectiVely,V i. e. toto alave intho, lese te no meretrio a iugis orier, amely the equites.