De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania: Agricola and Germania;

발행: 1900년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류


STYLI AND RHETORIC. XXXV 6. Adjeciive or participi and case

4 4, senatorii ordini . . . notu 16, 23, Segnior et nulli . . . Experimentis 37, 9, agminibu , . . reSpectanteS 38, 16, palantes

. . . Ploratu.

6, 28, ludos duxit for fecit nolle analog of pompam ducere 16, 9, sumpsere bellum for arma 37, 30 terga Praestare, a ne coin- age tor dare, praebere 46, 28, pro Ddi fortione in Plaee o parte.

a Verstile , 20 Subit 5, 2, non alias 5 23, castrorum rudimenta 6, 29 2 4 43, 12, mediuS, Patiens, SeeurUS, Willi genitive 8. 25, peritus, illi infinitive 0, 13, Se i ingens; 2, 10, axis avelli 13, 29, monstratus fatis Aen. VI. 869 14, 14, rebellibus Cp. Diad 20 4 f., Missitur euin ian ab oratore etiam foeticus




15, 24, exceptum Aen. IX. 27l 18, 26, praesumere a a Pa 8Sive Aein XI. 18h; 26, i, litiae . . . hinc Aen. I. 500h; 20, 6, adfluebat; 20, 7 crusta a Viridi Senectus 37, 32, aliquando etiam victis ira virtusque 39, 16, curis exercitus Aen. V. 779h; 42, 22, famam fatumque 4b, 5, honori. b. Hora e 15, 21, neque . . . neque 18, 26, tarda active ;

c. ortu 5, 19, X facili 21, 25, in olla facitos 31, 22, sumite


sciolis obligation to Livy ior of the parallelisua rodorused in the Notes many are probabindue to thei common indebio in s to Vergil. Tho sp00dhes O Hannibal and ei pio at idinum in particulii and thobatti d0scription do incleed Xhibit numerous structura ann stylistic resemblance to Pa 8Sage in the Myricola but here, too it is doubliuito hat extent the meret represent Stereotype common place Oithe rhetorica Vernacular. g. Curtius The numerous coinciden es et ween ch. 30 38 and Curtius are, agnin maint confinodo his Speeolios, and rere, hero-

h. The remni kahle ' parallelisuas illi Isocrates Euastoras and Xenophon' Agesilaus a re probabi not actua reminiscelices, tor



these Wo realises are irequently cited a stocli modeicio biographica senuomia by ancient rhetoricinus. p. h. 44, 1 and ISOQ. Eita'. 28 ch. 46 and ibid. 1. 75 h. 22 21 and Xen. Ac/es. l, 10; h. 45, 25 .an ibid. 5, 3 ch. 46, 22, and ibid. 1, 4. P. Introd. P. X. i. A numberii reui utive e rossion no hillieri mentioned also contribute thoi Ahar in ivinito his reatis iis noto vortii poeticaland rhetorica coloring many of the metaphors and personiscations hein o a very old character generali coinest y the nullior, or atteas not ound else here, O extremel rare: 1, 4, Virtu Vicit ac SUPergreSSa Stu 9, 24, comitante opinione 10, 29, montibus inseri vehit in suo se mari); 11 16 Segnitia eum otio intravit 14, 15, terga occasioni patefeeit 10, 26, vitiis blandientibus 18, 5 transvecta aestas 20, 2 famam Daci circumdedit 22, 4, intrepida hiems 30,

24, receSSIM . . . Sinticiamne . . . defendit 30 23, a Contactu, etc. 31, 4, Britannia emit . . . a Scit 31, 27, Caledonia . . . VirOSSepoSuerit 33, 1, virtute et auspiciis imperii Romani; 33, 7 iam a. . . Umor . . . tenemUM 33, 2 Vota VirtuSque in aperto 34 27 iuri noeti 34, 6 imponite . . . anni magnum diem; 6, 4, gladii . . . tolerabant 38, 22, illos faelem victoria latius aperuit 38 30 praecesserat terror; 40 9, otium . . . auSit 41, 2 f. in gloriam ipsam praeceps agebatum; 44 9 i. per Piramenta tem Poriam . . . Uno ictu rem publicam exhausit; 45, 22, Suspiria OStra ut Seriberentur;


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vigorous Germans naturali eam to Serve S a Wolcome

lectures on in Germania, though irs delivore more than a genera-


his Dionumental Work, the Deutsch Atterthumer Se est'. P. 11-17. in It is interestin to observe ho the advocates of thi theor neveriail O speak of the tutesman Tacitus, although he was a the time knOWn t fame ni RS an orator, o have se any Videne that Would have sentitised hin to that designation at an Other Doriod in his


THE PURPOSE OF THE GERMANIA. xliii possessest ortis in abundaneo hieli eould hau satisfied this hypothetieat oraving. The allege lipportunenes of th0 publieation of the troatis is uret aeuidental Tacitus, asti totis iis himself, had Writton nothin throughout the reign

his oWn Ord S, sentire quae eli et quae sentias uicere, he


contempla fest.