Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 397페이지


분류: 미분류


I placeo this inscription as an addendum beCauso I am not sure about iis origin. As the work on this Curpus procoe is and conclitions for safo heli ork improve, I hope to be able to pinpoliat the inscription to iis site.


49 in the l9 h centui ) noXt to a copiolis spring heiace tho name) amici a clate

of sainis and angeis in the frescoes were a Companted by Greek inscriptions usualty writton on both sicles of the nimbus encii cling the saint 's hca l. The similarities in the script ano formulae use i in these inscriptions prove thatthey were writton in abolit the fame perio l. The three major monasteries in the Jericho area, therofore, represent one historicat anil archeological conteXt: founctation in the B antino period stea' clevolopinent untii tho


Tho bilinguat inscriptions commemorating the repatios in this monasteryanil in tho monastery St. George in Walli al-init, botray the sanie style. The Gree k inscriptions attachecl to the sainis as weli as the frescoes representingitioni; in D r Haj lati are sonio times inferior to those of D r al-init, buton the w Ole represent the sanae fcaturos. In the SH 3 2l5-2l6) there is a letalleri cle scription of the frescoes in the Chapol

It is ovi lent that tho rosearchors of the S P missed the bilinguat inscription


Commenting on this bilinguat inscription Germer wro te



ruins os a Casue that was Constructori cluring the


al- Umar in tho Galileo. In the early part of his Career, D r Hanna, Mihils fine fortifications bocamo the base of Lahii 's operations in centrat an l