장음표시 사용
Arrabati, D r Hanna formeo the rural Center of the La clani rule. It was arulo filioli Mili Joaloiisy, striso, anil constant fami quari eis bet en Lahir an litis sons anil brothers. Variolis members of the family ostablis eri thomsolvos in clis forent places that hari como unctor the rule of Lahir. D r Hanna an l'Arrabati ho ontrustocl to his et lor brothor Safil al- Umar who is responsibio
bCing overthrown.' There are signf whicli inclicato that tho placo was inhabitiori in ancient timos In the mosque I noti eo severat martile Columns, OnCOperhaps belOnging to an ancient Christian Church. A great number of well-cut stones incorporate linto Arab Constructions are certainly the romainsos ol l buit lings, as are the linteis of some of thecloors. On these I observeo rectangular CartouC OS Containing Crosses Chiseleo out by the Mustinis anil in othors thoro aro stili trianglos whicli tho Mustinis allowecl to remain, not unclei stan ling thatit was the symbol of one of the most woncloi fiat mysteries of ChristianiW.'