장음표시 사용
bishop of Caesarea, but soon uter his election tio resigneo the office an ireturne i to the monastery where ne illecl somotimo bo oen 520 anil 530. The monastery was in part a Laura, anil in part a Coenobium, that is to sayit haci cavos which wore used by hermits who proferreo to live in seclusion, and tho monastic buit ling whoro othors liveo in a community keoping strictrulos os communal life anil allogianco to the lea ler. In spite os lator adcli-tions to the original buit lings, the main sentures of the monastery are Clearly
Casile bearing the fame name as the route whicti it commanos, as atteste l
the remnants of whicli aro stili visibio. It is an accepteo vlow that cluring the Persian occupation of 6l4 the monastery was 'certain clostroyeil but that St. GCOrge, clue to his a Manceo age, was not harine l. Hoaclo, l984 477: Mei arctus, l965 234: Hirschfeld, 2002 lipli 8). The Porsian invasion of 6l4, particularly the siege of Jerusalem anil iis occupation was a Companie t byterribie massa re. This was followecl by the clostruction of the Church of the Hob Sepulcher, and of many other Christian religiolis institutions-Churches conventa, anil monasteries in the City itself ano iis vicinity. The Truo Cross was carricii off to tho Porsian capital Ctesiphone. Halilon, l990 43) However the tendenCy to make this occupation responsibio for the mass-clestruction of hurches anil monasteries throughout the Couiati' is exaggeratocl note thattho Church of Nativity was not touc ecl. Hoacle, l984 390). It is thoros oro questionable whether this information abolit the Porsian clestruction of the
monastery of St. George is correct Moinardus, l965 234) particularly since Quoen Shii in and the Mng's intimato a Miser Hyclan both Christians, influoncocl the Porsian coiti t. Baras; l 982 335) Thoro is also the testimonyos Antonius in Vita St. Georgii Chozebiatae Analecta Bollandiana VII, 97-l44,
There is no information concerning tho monastery in tho Mi lillo Agos. It was certainb stili occupiect at tho boginning of the 9 h centui . Meinai clus,
information is sui e there is no eviclen e for any activity in the monastery