장음표시 사용
The monastery like other monasteries in the whole region of Jericho, undet Ont CXtensive re Construction in modern times. Callinicos, a Gree k
The monastery anil the valley have been associatori Miti a fow major suinis anil holy ligures. As mentione d above, a cor ling to one tradition it was herethat St. Joachim concoaleo himself anil cloplorori tho barronness of his Mfe, Anne. Here also he had tho vision of the anget who announcocl to him thebii th of his claughtor Mary. His namo appears in the Gree k inscription on the
The lower fragment beneat the picture Ovia
The latior represenis the infant Jesus with the nimbus and the Cross upon
Ρainteo in bo oon sonio of tho Grook inscriptions there is also sonae
mentione i in the report of the S P is the writing whicli I spolied bo oenthe imagos on one of the photographs in the IAA archivos. On the originalphotograph the writing is very smali anil bareb recogniZable. HowCVer, OnCOenlarge i an eigh line inscription appoared. Pl. 22)Except for the hi si line written in black, tho inscription was patiateo in white or other bright colour. A very professiones hanct pro luceo this inscription. The lines are straight, and the line spaCing is consistent. The letters are perfectly balanceo anil it is cloar that an CXperien eri Calligi apher wroto thetoXt. The script is nauehht with a ten lency towariis the cui sive ru ala Part of the writing is clos aceti, anil it is cliniculi to clato tho inscription on the basis of the script alone. It could woli bo the work of Christian Arabs who woro involveo in the lato l9 V contury construction works in the monastery. But it seonas highly improbable that an or linary worker, or even a mastor buticlorcoulit have had such goocl knowloclge of Arabic calligi aphy. It is ovi lent that
In lino 3 I am Minosi suro abolit the worii a mali whicti Coul l also meanthe benefactor. The language seems to be Christian Arabic, especialty such
The urge to leave graffiti by visitors scenis to bo ingratne i in human
than the simple ones containing a nanae ano a stiori stanclaro invocation.
This is most probably an ano dote. The names were inserte i into a framestory or founctation tale, in Which iclentitios coul l bo chango i at Mil. What matters is the frame story, whicli contains the place anil circumstances in whicli gras fili messagos wore inscribocl or writton. Names of Caliptis or other
Case I am almost sui e that the writer, or the commissioner of the inscription was a Christian. Examining the inscription it is easy to seo that it was notclone in haste or on the spur of the moment. On the Contrary, the writer was very Professional. He C Ose the space be een two Mngeo clark figures
The Arabic epigraphic materiai founil in the monastery of St. George an lin K an al-Hat ruran will bo considereo together. They represent Clearnonditerat' eviclen e abolit the major route whicli passecl through Jerichoto Jerusalem, and abolit the buit ling work in the monastery, which took place prior to the renovations of Callinicos in the l9 h centui . ClermonNGannonii, who in December l873 visiteo the monastery he pre- fors 'convent ) 'whicli lios in the wil tost part of the wacli ' closcribe i it justa few years bos ore it unctorwent renovation. Most of the clotails containe lin his repori stili exist. The inspectors of the Britisti Manclatory Departinent of Antiquities now in the IAA filos) natural lescribe the renovateo mon
l3 Luke, 4 l-2), attracteri monks anil anchorites since the early centuriosos Christianity. Pilgrinis malle the area a regular station in their route of