장음표시 사용
anil sonae of his successors, the only milesiones that we have untii now from
abolit taking seriousty the stories of the ama i a literary genre aimeri atentertaininent. This element of entertaininent also colours much of thoericlen e supplied by even the 'historical solii cos'-inctu ling Tabari an lBala thur that display a Clear adab guiso, and were Compileo more thanone anil a half to two centurios uter the evenis. HowOvor, it is far more ron sonable to assign the reinstatement of the band system to 'Abii al-Mali theunitior of the empiro, anil the true founiter of iis administrativo, monotary,
tie found one lio cli l not have to go too far to get the other. Later, WhCntho Stonos were removeo again, and partly clostroyed in the process, and thebuit ters restiat eo them for their pui poses, they were also use i in different buit lings, anil in separate sitos. In the Case of the two milesiones fromtho roail to Joricho it is very possibio that the two neighbouring milesiones were never useri together anil that they hao been removeri not too far awayfrom thoir original sitos. These facts must be taken into Consideration whenattempting to figure out the route that Connecteo Damascus Witti Jerusalem. There are three possibilities.
oricho, was used as a ronil post frona ancient times untii the present. M
His conclusion is baseo on the assumption that the two milesiones wCI C
Thoro was, of Coui se, the Roman herilago anil probably remnants of the Roman system os milesiones, but now we know that by the time of the arrival of Isiam, the Roman system was ali ea δε forsaken. Although the Roman namC-n ι-was retaineri for the Arab unit, it hacl a clis forent value, and theres ore, even is sonae memories of the Roman system stili existe i th could not be of much holp. On the other hanci, the rotitos that hari been clolinoateri by the Roman milesiones retaineo their Courses, anil remnine lactive in the subsequent centuries. Most of these ancient Roman OvCn Pro- Roman) tracks romaineo the basis for the ne ork of modern ronos.
t e milesiones mensuring the distance frona Damascus, Clermon Gannenu