장음표시 사용
naucl housos, inhabilied by poor miserable looking pensanis, remarks abolittho clisappearance of ali imo ricti agricultural pro lucis that orice represente litie splenilour of Jericho. He attributos this cleplorabie conclition of the placeto the constant attacks of the Beclouin tribos; as weli as tho inclisforonce of the few pensanis in the area. uerin, Samario, i l 53 1 ol. cit.) The revivalos tho mo loria town is no cloubi Connecteri Witti the acquirement of large Cultivabio areas by sonio of the ricti families of Jerusalem at the encl of the
ereri on the ancient rolite to Jerusalem that runs along Wam al-init, adclanother angle to the massive archeological ericlen e abolit ancient Jericho anil lenit support to the literary testimony of the foui Ces rogar ling the k importance of the place. It is therofore uncterstanclablo that various rulers of the city patri attention to iis defensos, anil bulli around it, in Comman lingaroas, Sevorat foris and watChlowers to cles en i iis agricultural areas, and thematia routes lea ling to it. Many of these towers anil sinali Citacleis were also uncovereri in the CXCavations. A famous forti ess Commaniling the large-sCale Herodian project froin the solithwest was calleo Cypros uter the naine ofHeroo's mollier. Is it possibio that the name was preserve i in tho Arabic
The CXCavations in the si te of Hasmonean ancl Herodian Jericho, anil thoclisCovery of the aque luci system whicli supplied the complex of the palaces
Justinian must have been a Companiori by the reconstruction of the aquO lucis system whicli unitet ent, like the si te of the Laura and the monastery perio is os deterioration ano revivat. Froin the accounts of Tristram in l864,
and of Clermon Ganneau and the furvoyors of the PEF in l873 it is cloarthat at tho soconil half of the contury both the monastery and the aque luct Stoin were cleserteo anil cles troyecl Tristram; l882 197). The closcription of the miserable state of the fow inhabitants of Jericho Rilia) and the total lack of any interest of the Ottonian Governinent in contributing anything to the area CXplain this desolation. For in oriter to use the water of the springs arolino Jericho for supporting agriculture, there is nee t for intensive involvoment of cle tormineo aut ority which was lacring in the area throughout the encl of tho Mamluk anil the wholo of the Ottonian perio l. Without changing the miserable state of the inhabitanis in generat anil establishing proper authori ty, even the attempt in 1848 of the governor of Jerusalem to revive tho growing of in ligo in Joricho was cloomeri to festuro. The following woriis of Me timet Pastia cle scribing to Mgr. Mistin the fallure of his project aro inclicative
priso by a local Jerusalomito lanclloro of the influentiai Hus ni family cli l
The inscriptions On the routes to IeruSalem There are two inscriptions in this section, whicli represent the route frona
Tho inscriptions stuclieri bolow refer to the route whicli leo frona Damascus to Jerusalem. In what follows I shali CXamine the Coui se of this route, for whicti the opigraphic materiat is the on complete evidenCC. The I CPertoire os milesiones anci road Construction inscriptions froni the time of
siones in the fame area, it woulit be sile to assume that the other milesiones were also erectori in the Coui se of thOSO twolve yCars, or there ovis, WhCnthe ronos be een Damascus anil the other major Centres of the Empire received particular attention.