장음표시 사용
The adjective gloriosus' is very commonly used in tho liturgi , and in laund in combination ith a great Varieo of nouna. Thua in Lemn. I have noticod it in combination With 27 distorent nou excluding Proper namosin, in Getas. With 18, in Greg. With 5, in Bobis . With II, in Goth.
With 2I. Some of these expressio , αρ. gloriosa passio, consessio, intercessio, Me frequently mPeated. This minos the rari of gloriosa merita,' and ita restriction to, and persistence in, One clam olthe Liturgim the moro romartablo. Tho oesy instancoa which I have found of thia expression B: Richmop.: Sanctorum tuorum non gloriosa merita, ne in poenam Veniamus, ex Mut P. sΜima IV; GOtL: et non solum excollentioribus praomita martyrum tuorum merita glori a P sequeria' p. 290; μα-.: quia dum Mati illius merita gloriosa veneramur P. 318. I find the expremion onoo on. in Moa., in the post nomina' Wayer of the mam of S. SPeratus,as solioWa: Μartyrum tuorum Domine virtutibus congaudentes, per eorum te gloriosa merita Precamur acclives, etc. 405. 56- 58. But Whilat it is cortain that tho Toladan mimia containod a mam of
THE BOOK OF CERNE. However that may bo, it a mn probabio that in tho extraci hom H. xLII cited a vo wo have anothor frace of direct Gallican influoncei. GF Ρr. XLIII, 140. 1 17: Da veniam poccatis mota et libera me M omni a multa. . MVIII, 145. 1 11: libera me inmortalia Deus ab Omnibus malis Praeseritia praesenaribus ετ futuris. Cf. m. XXXV, 135. 1-2: custodias me...et ab omni ma .ὶ The invariabie prvor affer the Loes's Ρrvor in tho Ordor os tho Roman mana UM ., Greg. MonS: Libera nos, quaesumus, Domine, ab omnibua malis praeseritin praesentibus et futuris; in Move, W. P. 242, M. p. 220, and in Bobis . p. 28Ι, thone morda of the Roman Canon aro found in the ningular: ab omni malo, praeterito, etc. -In Mor. the invariabio som of the corresponding prver Mona: Liberati a malo, consormati semper in bono 6. 66 7, 23Ι. 95 of on Good Fri y: uti a malo, utabiliti semper in bono 172. 62 63; but in the inter ting mima votiva omnimoda 441-443: Erue, libora...nos ab operibus malis 443. 29-31 . In the Gallican booka the prvoranor tho Loesh Ρrver in variable. Richenov. ma a malo' p. 1, 19, mina. I, VI; M iam dom
Which reada: dolando nos a malia I 94; tho Moond mina: defendat nos ab omni malo p. 95β.-Τhoonly examplo that I have obseruod of Libera noa a malo' in Roman boota ia Leon. 63. 10, a prverre aled in Gel . III 26. 5Bὶ Pr. xLV, 141. 1 19: Excita potentiam tuam es ueni ut ualuum me facias. Excita, Domino, potentiam tuam et veni' la tho Monning of thmo collecta in Gelag., on in II 80, two in II 84; and of χω collecta in Greg. c. 133, 136, 137, 138. Bobiena. p. 284, and Gaia. p. 333, re at Gelas. II 80.--ἰ . II 80 MA also a colloci Monning : Excita potontiam tuam,only; this iam in roseatod in Boblema. p. 284. Gellua orationum Goth o-ma anua: Excita potentiam tuam et vani ad liberandum nos, Domine P. 4.
GDὶ ri. XLVI, 143. 17-I8: et corde puro ac mundo te in O-nis et aver omnia dilige o
set .: infundo cordibua n tria tui amoris affectum ut to in omnibus ot nuper omnia diligentes, Promissiones tuas...consequamur m 1 cf. I 103: in te habeat omnia quem diligero appetit super omnia ).-Mowe R. p. 228, Μ. p. 197 but inunde ), Bobiena. p. 383, Franc. p. 322, Sus . Greg. c. 167 ro at Getas. IH 1. ΘΟ) ri. XLVII, 144. 3 : μαειε de nuper me dexteram iis e mai taria, ut auxilium tuum es misericordiam mecum habere merear. -.: Ad dolanatonem fidolium Domino quaesumus dexteram tuae maiestatis extende 105. 11-12.-GH . II 77 aa Leon.-Greg. : Quaesumus omnipotens Deus vota humilium respice atque ad defensionem n tram dexteram tuae majeatatis extende c. 34, 39.-Τhia Gregorian colloci is uaed lartho b inning of the prosam os a mam pro vivis et defunctia' in Bobieris. : Vero dign. et justi est, omnipotens Deus. ad vota humilium manum dexterae tuae maj talia extende p. 363.-In Mo- in hand of the interpolator Μ lcaich) in another adamation undor the liue Oratio Gregoriana super euangelium' W. p. 231, Μ. p. 203. - Ρraetendo instein of oxtende ') ia common to the Liturgi : e. g. praetendo misericordiam ' Me p. 259 n. 4 supra); spiritum gratiae' m 60, m 73; arma caeloatia' m 62; gratiam V m 74; seo iam Suppl. Greg. 188, 197, 198. For seriaetende dexteram caelestia auxilii,' See NO. 46, sum. BI ri. XLVII, 144. 5-6: et per in rosancta mysteris corporis et sanguinis Christi filii tui. For sacrosanctus sanguia ' aeo No. 49 supra. The sormula of the rix in tho Ordor of tho Maas of A . ia: Habete osculum dilectionis et pacia ut apti altis sacrosanctia mysteriis Dei vi92, 227. 82 4. I have not observed the expression elaeWhere in μα Leon.: Per hR- -Crinaancta mysteria in totius occlesiae confidim corpore faciendum quod, etc. 20. 26-26; ut...-cr sancta wateria quae frequentamus actu submquamur 43. 18.
The exPremion occum alao Gelaa. m 4; Greg. 23, 75, 244; Bobiena. p. 389 nodictio calicia' etc.); Goth. p. 214 adopted Dom Leon. 43. 18). 274 adoptod Dom sed . II 33 Which reada: Maacro mysterio ); μα-. p. 324 and Suppl. μου. c. 169 as Gel . III 4 . G ri. XLVIII, 144. 15-l7: Multiplica super me miser ordiam tuam in inmatua quod conatastutia metuit et Missas quod Oroetio non μαμ mit. GH .: Eflundo supor nos misericordiam tuam, ut dimittaa quae conscientia motuit, set adicias quod oratio non praesumit m 7.-Moptod in Franc. p. 324, and Suppl. μου. c. 170.-For Μultiplica
Ba ri. XLIX, 145. 1 16: Deus iustifi- ω deprecor, Deus misericordi , Deus inuisibilia, Deus inconprehensibilia, Deua inenarrMilia, aeterno perpetuo benedicte deus. soth. : Doua j titia , Doua mi ricordiae, Doua immortalitatis et vitae, Deus splendoris et gloriae p. 298.-Bobis .: Domine Deus inconprehensibilia et inenarrabilis qui, etc. p. 366. inenarrabilia' Hone) is common in Irish documenta and in Mos. Ba) H. xLIx, I46. 17: Cum in me atu rem mantia. GH .: ne sorto sine hac ordinia ratione vel causa stuporem Vobis in monti a relinquam I 34 Expos. evang. in aurium apertione ad electos ).-This tot ia also found in Gall. p. 342, and in Bobis . p. 311 Which latior, ho evor, omita: vobis in mentibus).- ιL: converte ad te quaerendum stupidas mentes hominum, qui nuptiale convivio vertisti laticea in salamum p. 208.
The correspondi phraso in Leon. s140. 31ὶ runa in the plural and reada Uel ors V instoad of diligore appetit. But tho mord sacrosanotus' Meum in Mos. in Oombination vith many other morda: solennia '79. 71; maoha 130. 99; oommunio 234. 22, 365. 13, 463. 83, 466. 108; munera nostrae salutis 348. M; altario 381. 43.
-Ε BOOK OF CERNE. ΘΔὶ Pr. XLIX, I47. 8: sed omnes ex Maa ad paenitentias locum reuerti. Bobie .: Et locum poenitentiae ac flumina lacrymarum, concessam veniam sic , a te merear accipere p. 357; Tribuas ei, Domine, delictorum suorum veniam in illo ascroto receptaculo ubi jam
non est locus poenitentiae p. 385. Ordor posuitentiam dandam' at ond of ΜS V but nos a part) os Gel .: da huic famulo tuo Illi plenam indulgentiao veniam, et poenitentias loco si exoratua indulge ed. Muratori c. 764, ed. Wilsou p. 314). oct) Pr. XLIX, I47. 9: qui ergo das spatium pasnuendi da mas uitatem et operandi.
Τhia sentenco has a familiar mund; but although instancea of spatium' and possibilitas 'mith the gerund occur in tho early Liturgim I have noWhoro found the particular phram os cime. 1) spatium ' With gerund: Mos., ut concomo nobis penitendi apacio, sic defleamus commiana nctitorum admittamua deflenda 87. 85 7; Goth., ut coorcendo perire non sinas in aeternum et parcendo spatium tribuas corrigondi p. 234 ; Bi ca AS, et quia in inserno. . . t...uullum SPatium corrigendi hic te supplicon rogamus et potimo ut ubi daa spatium supplicandi jubeaa et poccata dimitti p. 155.- 2 possibilit V With gerund: Leori., sicut erudire non omina ita non d in adiuvare ut recto sacienda comoacant et possibilitatem capiant exsequendi 69. 28-70. 2; repeatodin Gel . I 62. BF) Pr. XLIX, 147. 11-Ι2: quam nobis largire pro tua piatαte eet rumigntitate digneris; 148.2-3: id tu pro tua pietate et maiestate et clementis tua mihi largire; 148. 7 : et per maiestatem atque pistatem tuam illud indulge quod soci.
Richen .: auae bonignitatia praestet pietas P. 9 missa Tv; clementia majΘStatis tuae. . .apud inseroa manifestata Perclaruit p. 14, mima V.-Goth. : Suppliciter exoranti pia benignitato respondo p. 204. Stight aa may be considereo the r emblance belWeen tho Lit in and the prvor in thiacam, any echo of Richenov., the pureat of the Gallican booka Wo M yet possem, is Woriny os attoniton, and in no other of the earlier Liturgios hine I mund ao cloae a reaΘmblance to ri. XLIXAa in tho MMagoa cited a ve Pr. XLIX, p. 146. I ld, offere another resemblanco to the Phraa olora os Richem ., Me No. 34 supra). It ia sor thia remon that I add the fossoWing No. 68 taken, it mill bo obsorvod, fram the -- Ρr. XLIX Of λθε. OB ri. XLIX, 148. 4 : et exeunti mihi de hoc tactu te brarum manum porrige. Tho mord chaoa' is os raro occurrenoe in tho Liturgi . Riciam .: Tu chaos confusisquo principiis, etc. p. 18 mima VI.--a.: non tartarem tenebras aut tristo chaos habitationem incurrat 461. 49-50.-MA . Greg. : ncto tegat eum chaos et caligo tenebrarum c. 216 buriat Moico . GD Ρr. LIII, 153. 3-4: et perducaS eam M. animam meam) in locum refrigerii paria es istis. Tho som of tho commemoration of the dead in the Canon os Greg. runa: Memento etiam Domino famulorum famularumque tuarum qui nos praece erunt cum Himo fidoi si dormiunt in somno pacis. Ipsis et omnibus in Christo qui contibus locum rorigerii lucis et paria ut indulgens deprecamur c. 3 . In the mam sor a doceased bishop in the samo Sacramentata c. 270ὶ this commemoration is ontillod 'Super diplicia'; and, after somno pacis,' in this rubric: Ρost lectionem i.e. of the nam of those to be commemoratod; cf. the rubric in Bobieris. p. 281 Commemoratio defunctorum ). Tho texi os the commemoration at c. 270 Ahewa certain varianis of which only
λ Cl. Leon. 23. 15-16: et, ut ad propitiationem tuam pomimus accedere, spiritum Spin Vὶ nobis tribus corrigandi, ' repeated in Gel . m 28 spiritum Vi. Do not Goth. and ths Biasea m pressos tho
genuine randino spatium corrigendi '
Which ovidontly had in mind tho commemoration in Greg. : caris etiam n tria qui non in nomno pacis Praecesserunt perennis aevi beatitudinem et perpetuae lucis gratiam remunerare dignetur . ωλε. contians no som of commemoration of the doad in the Canon. It is not intended heroto inter on the queation Whether the original Getarianum hin, or hin nox any ausi fixod somin that placo; tho inu figation could be underi en Min profit only as pari os a discumion of thotroatmont to which tho texi of the seMaianum man subjected in the aevonin and eighth centurion, and tho Gregorianum in tho nivin. The present discussion in no more than an endemour tonlustrato and explain the impori os the substitution of tho word quietis' in tho ome ver LIII sor the word lucis,' in a clauae the origin os Which is manisostly to bo resereed, immodiatoly or mediatoly, to tho commemoration of the doad in tho Canon os μου. This limitod discumion may alao M viemed an em dying materiai sor one or more chaptera of a dimertationon the te a uaod in the oarly Western Liturgi that is, up to tho date of the Suppl. Greg. inremes to the state of tho satinsul and blemod de . Such a dimertation, On tho method of onquiryand investigation, not oti that os thesis and proos, Would be of intoreat and valuo for the historyos religious bellos distinguished hom dogma. But it mouid demand an octavo volume; Dor doΙ think the investigation could bo puraued With profit, and security an regarda resulta, untii thea ject of the stato, mutuat rolationΗ, and chronology of theae Liturgies has been put, is positive and dotialed troatment, on a different basis Dom that on Which it appeam to reat at prosent. In apito os thia, in spite too of the unaatisfactoo state of some of the texta, I pro se to Mowhethor it M possibio to obtain light on the influoncea Which brought a ut tho particular combination os torma found in the extraci Dom tho Cerne prayer LIII quotod above; and to doso is means os an enqui to tho uno in the Liturgim os the worda quioa, requios,' refrigorium, pax' and lux' in rogard to tho state of tho doad, fidit in tho Gotho-Gallican, and thon in the Roman Moup. Tho Irish eviden gathered in noto I p. 276 , considerod in tholight of tho explanationa oven, telis, I thin ita oWn tale. In Mos. tho principia momber of the Gotho-Gallican gro ), tho invariablo tormination of tho variable post nomina' prvor tho prvor said after ino recites of tho namea os living and doadto bo specialty prvod sor) runa: Quia tu es...requies omnium fidelium 4. 43 5, 226. 45, 261. M. Tho word Requies' sor tho state of tho doad la found in 5s of thoso variablo post nomina prvere, Vig. 55 timea alone, and 4 times in combination as dotailod in tho soMnoto . Quies' is
doubussa originalty intendod an a rubrio; it is so printed by Tommasi, and alter him is Mabillon, in Frane., and thia is also indieated by Dr Maocarthy in his odition of Stowe. Tho inma remarh holdagood lor tha post nomina' in Gall. p. 333. a This is in a post nomina ' Whiis bovina Min the seoond olauso of tho Memento in Greg. Ipsis, '
In tho imo follaming post nomina' prvors in Goth. tho uriter assma alao to havs hin in mina the oommemoration found in Greg.: Tribus etiam. ..oaris nostris qui in Christo dormierunt refrigerium p. 253; ut Oaris nostris qui in Christo dormiunt refrigeria aeterna ooncedas p. 278. ε That is: onos in Oombination With usi indulgentia V 39. 63; onos mith et indulgentia ' ut et illos in paee refrigeres V 280. 90 2; onoe mith Uinia refrigerium Oonsorat V 314. 5 56; onos mith in paee V 265. 22 3.
combination With lux' caria etiam nostris qui nos in somno pacia Pra esserunt, Perennis ReVibeatitudinem et perpetuae lucis gratiam remunerare dignetur p. 224); in one, in the Worda es t commemoration os Greg. locum reisigorii lucis et pacis ut indulgina deprecamur p. 292 . Lux no here occum alone in Goth., and but twico in combination in the pMaagea just cited.-In Gaia.' requies' in the term omployod in two post nomina' prayera p. 334, 36b);' a third 1. 333ὶ givos tho toxt of the commemoration in the Canon os Greg. sar then the characteristic Word expressivo of the stato of the faithful doad in the Goth
Requies': sa variable Wayors, 61. 81, 172. 49, 174. 65, 254. 5, 312. 30, 352. 29, 393. 64, 404. 32, 442. 73. 443. 32, 445. 21, 467. 58, 460. 15, 463. 81, 466. 50, 466. 81, 466. 106, Me also infra p. 276 note 1; hi invariatie prayera, in ths Sanota sanetis si defunctis fidelibus prestetur ad requiem 6. 93, 232. 78, and in the prvor astor tho Pater noster: requism defunctis 6. 72, 231. 108. Quies': 172. 50, 461. 92, 464. 75; also 364. 77 quies is uaed lor tho daath of tho B.V. in a prvor rapeatod in the state 3 Conooption masa 415. 42. Refrigerium' i refrigera V): 226. 54, 458. 22, 458. 4s, 458. 91, 461. 91, 463. 48. ma': 108. 84, 140. 103, 457. 7s, 469. 70, 462. 107, see also infra p. 276 noto 1. Luae ': 460. 2, 461. 91, 466. 55 and 58, 466. 95; με iam infra p. 275 note 1. In the exprossion quem in paee adsumero dignatua os V p. 54ὶ tho mota pax' obvioualy do not deforibe tho state of tho daad.
cum Once, in tho moret' of ἔ 4: Oblation ...quas . . .et pro requio famuli tui illiua episcopi Suin Pliciter immolamua 146. 32 33. ae' occum in f* 3 and 5: ut eam mortalibua nexibus exPedirumluz Reterna Pomideat 146. 21-22; ot animam ...in beatitudinia sempiternae luce constituΘ 147. 7-8 . R frigerium' and pare' aro uot unod in Leon. in refodinco to the dead; but requiso' occum in this connexion a second timo at tho closo of the Velatio nuptialis, tho Nuptial Bleming: et in retorum requiem atque ad caelestia regna perveniat 142. 4 d. Thia has pamod Verbalty into Getas. III 52 and into Greg. col. 246. The only othor instance in Which requies V ia usod in Greg. is in tho ad complendum'
- post comm.') of tho mam of the Vigil of tho Assumption, Whoro it signifies, hoWeVer, not is State uter death, but tho actuat trana sua, tho doath: ut qui sancino Dei genitricis requiem celebramus col. 114β. In addition to tho Momento in tho Canon in locum refrigerii, lucis et Pacia) tho firat of tho tWo masses for tho doad in Greg. that for a doco od bi op) has the Petilion: spiritus...in indulgentiam et refrigerium pervenire morsatur c. 270 ; the second the
common mam : ut animam famuli tui. ..in paria ac lueta regione constitu o. 270 . Requi 'doea not occur in either mam.
THE BOOK OF CERNE.ia usod and mmetimea moro than onco in nix of thono masses Nou. 94, 96, 99, 100, 103, l04 ; quies' occum in III 103, 105 in tho phraso: dona or da ) rsis erit sodom, quietis beatitudinem, luminis claritatem ; this is the oesy instance of tho use of refrigerium ' in tho manaea os Getas. But a question arison: are theno 14 massea a part of tho genuino and original Gelasianum lare they Roman prversi or in thoro reanon for thiniung that thoy Mand they aro Mither insone nor the othori Furthor atili: is thero reason for thiniung that, as thia collection is prefacedis a section III sl in Which bearn on the face of it, Whon it ia Mannod and scrutini R evidon that it in not os Roman workmanship, so tho mamos themaelves afford indicationa a Gothici uence Dom tho other fido of tho Pyrono ' on this latior mini thoro ia no mom sor douM. Elipandus, archbishop os Toledo, in his letter ep. Iv to Alcaen, in oving a series of exuncis Dom tho missat of his own churoh of Toledo Maring on tho Adoptionisi controversy, quotos thesollo ing prver: Item in mi a defunctorum. Domino Jesu Christo qui vera ea vita credentium, tibi pro defunctis fidelibus sacrificium istud offerimus, obsocrantes ut regenerationis sonte PurgMOS et tentationiblia mundi Oxemptos beatorum numero digneris inaerere, et quos secisti adoptionis participes jubeas haereditatis tuae eme consortea Migne, P. L. 96, 875; Mon. Germ. Epp. IV 305 γ.
nes Wholly offoctuat revision to Which that mimal πω subjected as a consoquenoe of the Adoptioniat diaput . But the olom of the post comm.' of Gel . III 95 roada thus: ut quom sociati adoptionis participem jubem haereditatis tuae emo connortom; and tho Hanc igitur' of m 96, thua: eumque regenerationis sonte purgatum et periculia vitae hujus exutum, beatorum numero digneris inserem apirituum. Apari Dom tho faci that theso ma ea M a Wholo, and particular prvera in them, She
105 108. Soe Moa. 16. 25-29: ... omnipotens Deus. . . qui unigeniti tui in assumptions Oamis adventum meonciliationis nostra voluisti asas remodium, ut cum so gratiam reciperemus adoptionis. The foroe of tho eum so V does not aeam studed by Lsalsy's inopi oommoni: huo refert illud Apostoli ad Galatas Oap. 3Verg. 5 et ad Romanos cap. 8 vers. 32'; εVen When reinforoed by hia generat Mauraneos. M oontainod in
his preface g viii, or adopted and expressod by Dom Ferotin. tho re ni editor os Apringius, p. 4 nota 1, that iamias la liturgis mogarabo nya renserint uno formula queloonquo qui psti lavoriser PhlMaio dea Adoptionistas ' and that Elipandus mas simplement' a lalaifier and a fomer. ME. : Suscipe, quaesumus, Domino, hostias plaoationis et laudia quas tibi. Unleas, inde , both Gelas. m 54 and m 95 dorius here inaspendently hom tho post nomina V of tho Missa prima dis sancto PMohas V of Goth. Whioh bovina Sumips q. D. h. pl. st laudis V sp. 2533. Goth., in ita turn, borro a hora fas so onen else heroin hom Leon.: Suscipe, Domino, inorificium plaoationia et laudis 5. 5.
An examination of another Moup of theae mactaea m 102-105 Which Mema on the wholo tobe of Deer, is not quite original composition, tenda to a lino conclusiou. Tho tint of the Hanc igitur' of No. 103, a mam in coemetoriis,' thua deaignatea the hic qui contes' sor Whom theaacrifice is offered: et omnium fidolium catholicorum orthodoxorum . in hae basiliea in Christo qui centium et qui in circuitu huius ecclesiae tuae requiescunt. Theae morda mouid auit Gaul in the MVenth centuo, but not Roma, I conceive, at that dato or at any earlior Pori .-No. 104 giVesan indication of late origin, of anothor End but not losa significant. Greg. containa c. 269-270 tWo masaea sor tho de . The prvors of theso tWo mamos ars entiroly dictorent from those laundin the l* 1-6 of Leon. and in tho laurieen mansos of Gelax m, With a single ex Ption: theaocond colloci os III 104 in tho colloci Inetana Domina aurem tuam of tho common masa of thΘdoad in Greg. Aliotly changod is an alteration hich at tho least minea tho phrasing ungrammaticia; this, apari Dom any other considerationes, leada to tho conclusion that Gelas. III 104 iathe borromer hom, not the contributor to, Greg.; and accordin y amigna the composition of that mam to the Boventh century.-But No. 103 ia closoly connoctod mith 105. Tho second colloci and tho post comm. of 103 contain tho solio ing phraso Which offors the neamat approach to the combination refrigerium, lux, qui in in tho ome prayer LIII: dona da) omnibus quorum hic corpora requiescunt o. h. quiescunt refrigerii aedem, quietis beatitudinem, luminis elaritat L. Thct morda initalios ars also usod in tho thies colloci of 105, but with an incorrecto a os adaptation whichindicat 103 the original. NoWhoro otio havo I boon ablo to find tho nomeWhat unh πὶ Soe I 45, 106. In 24, 49, 53, 64. Tho original Leom. phrasing of the Hanc igitur' of the
nuptial masa is: Pro qua majestatem tuam supplices Oxoramus 141. 4-5; and thia phrasing has bosnmaintainod in tho firat Hano igitur ' os Gel . IH 52. Leon. 147. 3 g 4ὶ si in numerum tibi plaoentium censori saetas sacerdotum; Gel . III 95 ut eam in numero sanctorum tibi plaeentium facias dignanter adscribi; Mor. 458. 38-40 in illa tibi placentium
sacerdotum numerositate adscribas. St Bonediet ussa this phrase of No. 103: expositiones...quae a nominatis ot orthodoxis catholicia patribus factae sunt Res. c. 93. CL also Bobiens. p. 363: et solutia dobito mortis, quorum animas ad memorandum conscripsimus, Idelium eatholieorum reri Maeorum qui tibi placuerunt. Inclina. . .aures tuas ad pro a nostras pro quibus misericordiam tuam supplices exoramus' sor Inclina. ..Rurem tuam ad p. n. quibus m. t. s. doprooam V ot Greg. The Hano igitur' of 104 is
104; 105 oontains tmios ths oxpression sanoti si electi V Aa in Which sse No. s aupra.-No. 102 Mema oonnoetod mith 103; thua: the Hano igitur V ol 103 enda: in tuorum numero redemptorum sorte perpetunoenseantur cf. Leon. 145. 7-8 in tuae redemptionis sorte requiescat; 146. 15: in tua redemptionis parte numeretur ; beati, V justi, electi V sto. are morda os familiar uas in auoh a form ol suppiloation; butΙ havo only obseruod tho mota redompti V in this connexion in tho Hano igitur' of 103 and tho postoomm. of 102 in tuorum sode laetantium Oonstituas redemptorum V . gain tho oolleet of No. 102 snda: ut aia proficiat in aeternum quod in te aperaverunt et erediderunt; thia Oxpression is found alao in the postoomm.' of No. 94: ut aius in quo aperavit et credidit aeternum Molpiat. . . consortium; aes also Misa. Rom. oonset os mass in dis obitus.' For tho Oxpression ol hindrod ido in the Liturgios ase ΝΟ. 25 supra;