Trimalchio's dinner

발행: 1898년

분량: 248페이지


분류: 미분류


The various metat ali meited down into a single ne and then rom the blende massthe artisans too meta and made dishes, and plates, and statuettes That s the way that Corinthia bronge a frSt produced -


1 Is Trimalchio ' Dinner

a esse of bronge. Then, talain a litile hammer fio his pocket, he straightened thebotile ut illi perfeci ease. He naturallythought that he had made a great hit, Specialty after Caesar asked him,


Trimalchio ' Dinnem a 23

on hicli Cassandra is represente as killinglier sons, and the dea boys are depicte fovividly that ou ould hin the were alive I have also a thousand sacrificialbowis hicli Mummius est o m formero ner, an on hicli is hown Daedalus

liaVe too the batiles o Hermeros and of


12 Trimalchio ' Dinner


Mel done by Jove loeli dones V In fac he would have stood forti, in themidst Dus to give his exhibition had notFortunata aid somethin in his ear, and as imagine, reminde hin that suci, trifling llies id not efit his dignity. He Wasreatly ver inconsistent for at ne momenthe eemed o b in We of Fortunata, and atanother momen to revert to his own natural


126 Trimalchio 'si in ner

suffere crucifixion: haVinii conversationbeen guit ty of lese majeste against our master Gaius On thera resaid da : placed in the Sase, as having been ound impossibi to in Vest, ne hundred thousand sesterces. On

wilis of his angers by hicli Trimalchio received io degacy lut a very eulogistic


Trimalchio ' Dinnem a 27


128 Trimalchio ' Dinner

StaVes ho ere good actor of Greela comedies 'ut I refer o have them talae par in Latin plays, and have ive instructions o my Gree flute-playe to e formini Latin music.''A the moment that he was saying this, the performing o fel fro above and struc Trimalchio on the neck. Both flaves and uest cried out not for the salae of thei absurd host hos nec the would gladi have seen rohen, ut ecause the accident seemedo involve an unfortunate endin to the inne and to malae it necessary for them to lament a death. Aster

Trimalchio himself had roaned deepi andi, ad en himself doubie ver his arm asthough it ad been injured his medicat

attendant rushed in and Fortunata speci-