Trimalchio's dinner

발행: 1898년

분량: 248페이지


분류: 미분류


138 Trimalchio' Din ner


Trimalchio ' Dinnem a 30

away and hadi' an sense Societ' ait ehappy rom the word go, hicli is much more sensibie, and listen to the Homeri actors. V troupe immediatet came in clattering their hield and spears Trimalchio sat Upon his couch, and while the Homeri actorsi a pompous fashion egan a dialogue in Gree verse, he read a book aloud in Latinwith a singson tone of Volce. PreSently, When the est had ecome silent, he aid:


1 , Trimalchio' Din ner

Mo ou know hat play the 're actingi Diomede and Ganymede ere two brothers. Thei sister,as Helen Agamemnon carried her orandiu a deer in her place formiana, and o no Homer explains o the Trojans and the arentine are agin War. Agamemnon, you must know, came offvictor

an gave his aughter Iphigenia to e thewise of Achilles Thereupon 'ax enim ad and presently no wili ho us therinouement As Trimalchio sat this, the Homericacior Set up a hout, and while the laves bufiled about a bolle calf was rought oni an enormous disti and with a helmet placedupon it. The actor ho oo the par of a followed with a drawn word, elliponit a though he were ad and hacking this Way and that he ut up the calf and offered the iis to sin the oint of his Word, to

We had n time to admire these elegant proceedings for at o a sudde the celling


Trimalchio ' Dinnem a I

fectioner and holdin in iis generous bosomapples of eVer Sor an grapes in the sual fashion, a bella the god os ardens. eeagerly snalched at his magnificent display, and suddent renewed ur mirili a disco v ering a nove tricla for at the ahes andali the apples, hen presse the east bit,


1 s Trimalchio ' Dinner


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1 Trimalchio's in ner