Trimalchio's dinner

발행: 1898년

분량: 248페이지


분류: 미분류


Trimalchio 'si in ner a 29

the thought, in themids of his prayers that some absurd proceedin was intended a thecritica moment for I ad stillis livelyrecollectio of the coo who ad orgottento draw the pig. And soci egan to et myglance roVe Ver the ining-room est omeautomaton hould come through the wali; and y suspicion as enhance aster notice one of the laves et a beatin forWrapping u his master' injure arm illi plain hite, ather than illi purpte dyed, Wool. Nor a I very far astray for in place of punishment Trimalchio issued an orde that the oy should immediatet re ceive his Deedom est any one hould afte ward be able o say that so great a man STrimalchio had been injured by a StaVe. We admired his ac of his, and thenbega chaltering on the subjectis the ut bility of human fortune. Meatly, ' said Trimalchio, , must notiet his accident pas without an epigram.


1s, Trimalchio 's in ner

I his epigram o his led us to mention the poets and for sonae time perfectioni poetry was ascribed to Mopsus, the Thracian unti Trimalchio observed: et me, Agamemnon, herein do oufind the hie distinction etween Cicero and the comic riter, Publilius Syrus t For mypar thin that Cicero a more elegantand Publilius more nobie Caninnythingiebelle than these lines t


Trimalchio ' Dinnem a 3I

What are e to suppose, ' aid he, lex to iterature, to e the mos dissiculi

trades I hin the doctor' trade and the

diet os duck's meat. Anii I hin themoney-changer' trade is dissiculi, ecause he


1 si Trimalchio 's in ner

spit, honey, although the genera opinionis that honeycis give them by Iupiter; and


air. I don' owe any one a re cent. I veneve had a summons SerVed on me. Noone has ver hasto a to me in the Forum,


1s Trimalchio's in ner

meat on that account regard y creditas fariette than riches, and Pshould like to


Trimalchio ' Dinnem a 35


1s, Trimalchio ' Din ner